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udfk-description file for form user-defined function keys

mio -u file 
export UDFK=file
do_form("formname", NULL)


Predefined character sequences constitute mio's function key set. This same set of sequences is used by do_form(3). These sequences can be changed by listing their replacements in the udfk file, and passing the udfk filename to mio in the -u option, or setting the UDFK environment variable for do_form(3).

The format of the udfk file is described and demonstrated below. Blank lines and lines beginning with an asterisk in column one are comments, and are ignored. All other lines consist of two white space separated sequences, optionally followed by a comment. The first sequence or string should be a special keyword describing the command key. The keywords are listed below. The second sequence should consist of a string containing the new character sequence for the command key. Unprintable characters may be represented using an escape sequence. The escape sequence consists of a backslash followed by exactly two hexadecimal digits.

The table below lists the keyword names and their defaults. It is in proper description file format.

HP  \01  help
PP \02 previous page
IC \03 insert character
QT \04 quit
NP \06 Next page
BS \08 backspace
FF \09 forward field
DL \0a down line
UL \0b up line
FS \0c forward space
CR \0d carriage return
EM \0e print error message
BF \0f back field
RF \10 repaint form
HC \14 home cursor
DC \15 delete character
F11 \16 leave key
DD \17 display defaults
CL \18 clear
PR \19 print
ES \1b! shell escape
CF \1b$ delete from cursor to end of field
DF \1b@ delete all characters from field
F0 \1b0 leave key
F1 \1b1 leave key
F2 \1b2 leave key
F3 \1b3 leave key
F4 \1b4 leave key
F5 \1b5 leave key
F6 \1b6 leave key
F7 \1b7 leave key
F8 \1b8 leave key
F9 \1b9 leave key

When the description file contains only a partial list of keywords, keywords not appearing in the file keep their previous values.


mio and do_form() perform the first command that matches the user input. Hence, when the character sequence for one command is a leading substring of the sequence for another command, the latter is never performed.

See Also

mio(1), udfk_test(1), do_form(3), BEA Tuxedo Administrator's Guide