JNDI 1.1.1

Class ReferralException


public abstract class ReferralException
extends NamingException

This abstract class is used to represent a referral exception, which is generated in response to a referral such as that returned by LDAP v3 servers.

A service provider provides a subclass of ReferralException by providing implementations for getReferralInfo() and getReferralContext() (and appropriate constructors and/or corresponding "set" methods).

The following code sample shows how ReferralException can be used.

	while (true) {
	    try {
		bindings = ctx.listBindings(name);
		while (bindings.hasMore()) {
		    b = bindings.next();
	    } catch (ReferralException e) {
		ctx = e.getReferralContext();

ReferralException is an abstract class. Concrete implementations of it determine its synchronization and serialization properties.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class javax.naming.NamingException
remainingName, resolvedName, resolvedObj, rootException
Constructor Summary
protected ReferralException()
          Constructs a new instance of ReferralException.
protected ReferralException(java.lang.String explanation)
          Constructs a new instance of ReferralException using the explanation supplied.
Method Summary
abstract  Context getReferralContext()
          Retrieves the context at which to continue the method.
abstract  java.lang.Object getReferralInfo()
          Retrieves information (such as URLs) related to this referral.
abstract  boolean skipReferral()
          Discards the referral about to be processed.
Methods inherited from class javax.naming.NamingException
appendRemainingComponent, appendRemainingName, getExplanation, getRemainingName, getResolvedName, getResolvedObj, getRootCause, setRemainingName, setResolvedName, setResolvedObj, setRootCause, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ReferralException(java.lang.String explanation)
Constructs a new instance of ReferralException using the explanation supplied. All other fields are set to null.
explanation - Additional detail about this exception. Can be null.
See Also:


protected ReferralException()
Constructs a new instance of ReferralException. All fields are set to null.
Method Detail


public abstract java.lang.Object getReferralInfo()
Retrieves information (such as URLs) related to this referral. The program may examine or display this information to the user to determine whether to continue with the referral, or to determine additional information needs to be supplied in order to continue with the referral.
Non-null referral information related to this referral.


public abstract Context getReferralContext()
                                    throws NamingException
Retrieves the context at which to continue the method. Regardless of whether a referral is encountered directly during a context operation, or indirectly, for example, during a search enumeration, the referral exception should provide a context at which to continue the operation. To continue the operation, the client program should re-invoke the method using the same arguments as the original invocation.
The context at which to continue the method.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered.


public abstract boolean skipReferral()
Discards the referral about to be processed. A call to this method should be followed by a call to getReferralContext to allow the processing of other referrals to continue. The following code fragment shows a typical usage pattern.

	} catch (ReferralException e) {
	    if (!shallIFollow(e.getReferralInfo())) {
		if (!e.skipReferral()) {
	    ctx = e.getReferralContext();
true If more referral processing is pending; false otherwise.

JNDI 1.1.1

For more information on JNDI, please see http://java.sun.com/products/jndi