JNDI 1.1.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Attribute
javax.naming.directory Extends the core javax.naming package to provide functionality for accessing directories in addition to naming services. 

Uses of Attribute in javax.naming.directory

Classes in javax.naming.directory that implement Attribute
 class BasicAttribute
          This class provides a basic implementation of the Attribute interface.

Methods in javax.naming.directory that return Attribute
 Attribute Attributes.get(java.lang.String attrID)
          Retrieves the attribute with the given attribute id from the attribute set.
 Attribute Attributes.put(java.lang.String attrID, java.lang.Object val)
          Adds a new attribute to the attribute set.
 Attribute Attributes.put(Attribute attr)
          Adds a new attribute to the attribute set.
 Attribute Attributes.remove(java.lang.String attrID)
          Removes the attribute with the attribute id 'attrID' from the attribute set.
 Attribute BasicAttributes.get(java.lang.String attrID)
          Retrieves the attribute with the given attribute id from this set.
 Attribute BasicAttributes.put(java.lang.String attrID, java.lang.Object val)
          Adds a new attribute to this attribute set.
 Attribute BasicAttributes.put(Attribute attr)
          Adds a new attribute to this attribute set.
 Attribute BasicAttributes.remove(java.lang.String attrID)
          Removes the attribute with the attribute id 'attrID' from this attribute set.
 Attribute ModificationItem.getAttribute()
          Retrieves the attribute associated with this modification item.

Methods in javax.naming.directory with parameters of type Attribute
 Attribute Attributes.put(Attribute attr)
          Adds a new attribute to the attribute set.
 Attribute BasicAttributes.put(Attribute attr)
          Adds a new attribute to this attribute set.

Constructors in javax.naming.directory with parameters of type Attribute
ModificationItem.ModificationItem(int mod_op, Attribute attr)
          Creates a new instance of ModificationItem.

JNDI 1.1.1

For more information on JNDI, please see http://java.sun.com/products/jndi