JNDI 1.1.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DirContext
javax.naming.directory Extends the core javax.naming package to provide functionality for accessing directories in addition to naming services. 
javax.naming.spi Contains the classes and interfaces that allow various naming and directory service providers to be dynamically plugged in beneath the JNDI API

Uses of DirContext in javax.naming.directory

Classes in javax.naming.directory that implement DirContext
 class InitialDirContext
          This class is the starting context for performing directory operations.

Methods in javax.naming.directory that return DirContext
 DirContext DirContext.createSubcontext(Name name, Attributes attrs)
          Creates a new context with given attributes, and binds it in the target context.
 DirContext DirContext.createSubcontext(java.lang.String name, Attributes attrs)
          Creates a new context with given attributes, and binds it in the target context.
 DirContext DirContext.getSchema(Name name)
          Retrieves the schema associated with the named object.
 DirContext DirContext.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the schema associated with the string-named object.
 DirContext DirContext.getSchemaClassDefinition(Name name)
          Retrieves the schema object class definition for the named object.
 DirContext DirContext.getSchemaClassDefinition(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the schema object class definition associated with the (string-) named object.
 DirContext Attribute.getAttributeSyntaxDefinition()
          Retrieves the syntax definition associated with the attribute.
 DirContext Attribute.getAttributeDefinition()
          Retrieves the attribute's schema definition.
 DirContext InitialDirContext.createSubcontext(java.lang.String name, Attributes attrs)
          Creates a new subcontext with the given name resolved relative to the initial context, and associates the attributes 'attrs' with the named object.
 DirContext InitialDirContext.createSubcontext(Name name, Attributes attrs)
          Creates a new subcontext with the given name resolved relative to the initial context, and associates the attributes 'attrs' with the named object.
 DirContext InitialDirContext.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the schema associated with this initial DirContext.
 DirContext InitialDirContext.getSchema(Name name)
          Retrieves the schema associated with this initial DirContext.
 DirContext InitialDirContext.getSchemaClassDefinition(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the schema class definition associated with this initial context.
 DirContext InitialDirContext.getSchemaClassDefinition(Name name)
          Retrieves the schema class definition associated with this initial context.
 DirContext BasicAttribute.getAttributeSyntaxDefinition()
          Retrieves the syntax definition associated with this attribute.
 DirContext BasicAttribute.getAttributeDefinition()
          Retrieves this attribute's schema definition.

Uses of DirContext in javax.naming.spi

Methods in javax.naming.spi that return DirContext
static DirContext DirectoryManager.getContinuationDirContext(CannotProceedException cpe)
          Creates a context in which to continue a DirContext operation.

JNDI 1.1.1

For more information on JNDI, please see http://java.sun.com/products/jndi