Package samples.j2ee.ejb.basic.statefulSession

Interface Summary
Trader The methods in this interface are the public face of TraderBean.
TraderHome This interface is the home interface for the, which in WebLogic is implemented by the code-generated container class TraderBeanC.

Class Summary
Client This class illustrates using a stateful SessionBean: It creates a trader, and perform repeated buying and selling of shares Persistence of state between calls to the SessionBean; the client does not do anything to maintain state between calls How to search the JNDI tree for an appropriate container Application-defined exceptions
MultiClient This class demonstrates calling an statefulsession EJBean using multiple colocated clients: Each thread is a trader, and perform repeated buying and selling of shares Persistence of state between calls to the SessionBean; the client does not do anything to maintain state between calls How to search the JNDI tree for an appropriate container Application-defined exceptions
TraderBean TraderBean is a stateful SessionBean.
TradeResult This class reflects the results of a buy/sell transaction.

Exception Summary
ProcessingErrorException This class is used with the samples.j2ee.ejb.statefulSession package.