Application Development Guide

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Using and Creating HTTP Publish-Subscribe Adapters

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Overview of HTTP Publish-Subscribe Functionality in Oracle CEP

An HTTP Publish-Subscribe Server (for simplicity, also called pub-sub server in this document) is a mechanism whereby Web clients, such as browser-based clients, subscribe to channels, receive messages as they become available, and publish messages to these channels, all using asynchronous messages over HTTP. A channel is similar to a JMS topic. For additional general information about HTTP Publish-Subscribe Servers, see Using the HTTP Publish-Subscribe Server.

Every instance of Oracle CEP includes a pub-sub server that programmers can use to implement HTTP publish-subscribe functionality in their applications. The pub-sub server is configured in the config.xml file along with other server services such as Jetty and JDBC datasources. The pub-sub server is based on the Bayeux protocol proposed by the cometd project. The Bayeux protocol defines a contract between the client and the server for communicating with asynchronous messages over HTTP.

In Oracle CEP, programmers access HTTP publish-subscribe functionality by using three built-in HTTP publish-subscribe adapters (called pub-sub adapters for short): two for local and remote publishing and one for subscribing to a channel. Oracle CEP also provides a pub-sub API for programmers to create their own custom pub-sub adapters for publishing and subscribing to a channel, if the built-in pub-sub adapters are not adequate. For example, programmers might want to filter incoming messages from a subscribed channel, dynamically create or destroy local channels, and so on. The built-in pub-sub adapters do not provide this functionality, which is why programmers must implement their own custom pub-sub adapters in this case.

The three built-in pub-sub adapters work like any other adapter: they are stages in the event processing network, they are defined in the EPN assembly file, and they are configured with the standard component configuration files. Typical configuration options include specifying channels, specifying the local of the local or remote pub-sub server, and user authentication.

The following sections provide additional conceptual information about these built-in pub-sub adapters:

The pub-sub server can communicate with any client that can understand the Bayeux protocol. Programmers developer their Web clients using one of the following frameworks:

Overview of the Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter for Local Publishing

The following graphic shows how the built-in pub-sub adapter for local publishing fits into a simple event processing network. The arbitrary adapter and processor are not required, they are just an example of possible components in your application in addition to the pub-sub adapter.

Figure 5-1 Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter For Local Publishing

Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter For Local Publishing

In the preceding graphic:

Overview of the Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter for Remote Publishing

The following graphic shows how the built-in pub-sub adapter for remote publishing fits into a simple event processing network.

Figure 5-2 Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter For Remote Publishing

Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter For Remote Publishing

In the preceding graphic:

Overview of the Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter for Subscribing

The following graphic shows how the built-in pub-sub adapter for subscribing fits into a simple event processing network. The arbitrary processor and business POJO are not required, they are just an example of possible components in your application in addition to the pub-sub adapter.

Figure 5-3 Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter For Subscribing

Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter For Subscribing

In the preceding graphic:


Using the Built-In HTTP Pub-Sub Adapters in an Application: Typical Steps

The following procedure describes typical steps for using the built-in pub-sub adapters in your Oracle CEP application.

Note: It assumed in this section that you have already created an Oracle CEP application, along with its EPN assembly file and component configuration files, and that you want to update the application to use the built-in pub-sub adapters. If this is not true, refer to Overview of Creating Oracle Complex Event Processing Applications for general information about creating an Oracle CEP application.
  1. If you are going to use the local HTTP pub-sub server associated with the Oracle CEP instance for local publishing, use Visualizer, the Oracle CEP Administration Tool, to add new channels with the channel pattern required by your application.
  2. For details, see Configuring the HTTP Publish-Subscribe Server in the Visualizer Online Help.

  3. Configure the built-in pub-sub adapters you are going to add to you application by updating the component configuration files.
  4. See Configuring the HTTP Pub-Sub Adapters.

  5. Update the EPN assembly file, adding declarations for each built-in pub-sub adapter you are adding to your application.
  6. See Updating the EPN Assembly File.

Configuring the HTTP Pub-Sub Adapters

You configure the built-in pub-sub adapters in their respective configuration files, similar to how you configure other components in the event processing network, such as processors or streams. For general information about these configuration files, see Component Configuration Files.

The following configuration file shows a complete example of configuring each of the three built-in pub-sub adapters; the procedure following the example uses the example to show how to create your own file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" wlevs_application_config.xsd"

The following procedure describes the main steps to configure the built-in pub-sub adapters for your application. For simplicity, it is assumed in the procedure that you are going to configure all components of an application in a single configuration XML file and that you have already created this file for your application.

See XSD Schema Reference for Component Configuration Files for the complete XSD Schema that describes the configuration of the built-in pub-sub adapters.

  1. Open the configuration XML file using your favorite XML editor.
  2. For each built-in pub-sub adapter you ant to configure, add a <http-pub-sub-adapter> child element of the <config> root element; use the <name> child element to uniquely identify it. This name value will be used later as the id attribute of the <wlevs:adapter> tag in the EPN assembly file that defines the event processing network of your application. This is how Oracle CEP knows to which particular adapter in the EPN assembly file this adapter configuration applies.
  3. For example, assume your configuration file already contains a processor (contents removed for simplicity) and you want to configure instances of each of the three built-in pub-sub adapters; then the updated file might look like the following; details of the adapter configuration will be added in later steps:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation=" wlevs_application_config.xsd"
  4. For each remote pub-sub adapter (for both publishing and subscribing), add a <server-url> child element of <http-pub-sub-adapter> to specify the URL of the remote HTTP pub-sub server to which the Oracle CEP application will publish or subscribe, respectively. The remote pub-sub server could be another instance of Oracle CEP, or a WebLogic Server instance, or it could be any third-party HTTP pub-sub server. For example:
  5.     <http-pub-sub-adapter>

    In the example, the URL of the remote HTTP pub-sub server to which the remotePublisher adapter will publish events is

  6. For each local pub-sub adapter for publishing, add a <server-context-path> element to specify the path of the local HTTP pub-sub server associated with the Oracle CEP instance hosting the current Oracle CEP application.
  7. By default, each Oracle CEP server is configured with an HTTP pub-sub server with path /pubsub; if, however, you have created a new local HTTP pub-sub server, or changed the default configuration, then specify the value of the <path> child element of the <http-pubsub> element in the server’s config.xml file. For example:

  8. For all the pub-sub adapters, whether they are local or remote or for publishing or subscribing, add a <channel> child element to specify the channel that the pub-sub adapter publishes or subscribes to, whichever is appropriate. For example:
  9.     <http-pub-sub-adapter>

    In the example, the localPublisher pub-sub adapter publishes to a local channel with pattern /channel2.

  10. For all pub-sub adapters for subscribing, add an <event-type> element that specifies the JavaBean to which incoming messages are mapped. You are required to specify this for all subscribing adapters. At runtime, Oracle CEP uses the incoming key-value pairs in the message to map the message data to the specified event type.
  11. You can also optionally use the <event-type> element in a pub-sub adapter for publishing if you want to limit the types of events that are published to just those specified by the <event-type> elements. Otherwise, all events sent to the pub-sub adapter are published. For example:


    Be sure this event type has been registered in the EPN assembly file by specifying it as a child element of the <wlevs:event-type-repository> element.

  12. Finally, if the HTTP pub-sub server to which the Oracle CEP application is publishing requires user authentication, add <user> and <password> (or <encrypted-password>) elements to specify the username and password or encrypted password. For example:
  13.     <http-pub-sub-adapter>

Updating the EPN Assembly File

For each pub-sub adapter in your event processing network, you must add a corresponding <wlevs:adapter> tag to the EPN assembly file that describes the network; use the provider attribute to specify whether the adapter is for publishing or subscribing. Follow these guidelines:

As with any other stage in the EPN, add listeners and sources to the <wlevs:adapter> tag to integrate the pub-sub adapter into the event processing network. Typically, a pub-sub adapter for subscribing is the first stage in an EPN (because it receives messages) and a pub-sub adapter for publishing would be in a later stage (because it sends messages). However, the requirements of your own Oracle CEP application define where in the network the pub-sub adapters fit in.

Also be sure that the event types used by the pub-sub adapters have been registered in the event type repository using the <wlevs:event-type-repository> tag.

The following sample EPN file shows an event processing network with two built-in pub-sub adapters for publishing (both both local and remote publishing); see the text after the example for an explanation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<wlevs:event-type type-name="com.mycompany.httppubsub.PubsubEvent">
    <wlevs:adapter id="receiveFromFeed"
    <wlevs:processor id="pubsubProcessor" />
    <wlevs:adapter id="remotePublisher" provider="httppub"/>
    <wlevs:adapter id="localPublisher" provider="httppub"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="feed2processor">
<wlevs:source ref="receiveFromFeed"/>
<wlevs:listener ref="pubsubProcessor"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="pubsubStream">
<wlevs:listener ref="remotePublisher"/>
<wlevs:listener ref="localPublisher"/>
<wlevs:source ref="pubsubProcessor"/>

In the preceding example:

The following sample EPN file shows an event processing network with one built-in pub-sub adapter for subscribing; see the text after the example for an explanation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<wlevs:event-type type-name="com.mycompany.httppubsub.PubsubEvent">
    <wlevs:adapter id="remoteSubscriber" provider="httpsub">
<wlevs:listener ref="pubsubCounterBean"/>
    <bean id="pubsubCounterBean"
<property name="expectedEvents" value="12"/>
    <wlevs:stream id="pubsubStream" manageable="true">
<bean id="mySink"
<wlevs:source ref="pubsubCounterBean"/>

In the preceding example:

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