BPEL Import and Export User Guide

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Using the BPEL Export Tool

This section describes how to use the BPEL Export tool in BEA Workspace Studio, to export BPEL 1.1 and 2.0 compliant code from a JPD file.


Topics Included in This Section

BPEL Export Tool

Provides an overview on how the BPEL Import tool works.

Exporting a BPEL File to JPD

Describes how to export a BPEL file using BEA Workspace Studio.

Known Limitations and Issues

Provides information on the export tool that will enable you to use is more effectively and efficiently.


BPEL Export Tool

You can use the BPEL Export tool to export the semantics of a JPD file into BPEL where it can be used in a BPEL design environment. BPEL code that is exported using the BPEL Export tool is BPEL 1.1 and 2.0 compliant and can be used in design environments compliant with BPEL 1.1 and 2.0. While the main orchestration logic of the JPD is exported to BPEL, it is not expected that the exported BPEL will be immediately executable in the target environment.

This is due to the fact that some executable call-outs from the JPDs will be opaque to the exported BPEL code. These executable units generally include controls, code written in perform nodes, and XQuery transformations. The BPEL Export tool copies the Java code and the XQuery code as extension nodes in BPEL. As a result, you must re-implement the logic in the target BPEL environment, as JPD provides a superset of the functionality provided by BPEL.

One Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file defines the WSDL interface of the business process and defines a partner-link type for the interface. The other file defines the WSDL interface and partner-link types of the partners. Partners are the artifacts interacting with the business process. These artifacts are either consumers or providers of services to the business process.

These WSDL files are not the same as the WSDL that BEA Workspace studio would generate for the corresponding JPD or JCX files. The differences are described in detail in Known Limitations and Issues on page 2-7.

The relevant XSD schema files (which must be located in a schema folder in the WebLogic Integration application) are needed in the target environment, along with the WSDL and BPEL files.


Exporting a BPEL File to JPD

  1. In BEA WorkSpace Studio, right click on a JPD file in the Package Explorer pane. For example, right click on Process.java Export.
  2. The Export dialog box is displayed. From the Select an export destination pane, expand Other, and select BPEL Process from JPD as shown in Figure 2-1 and click Next to proceed.
  3. Figure 2-1 Export Option

    Export Option

  4. Choose the destination directory where the BPEL Export tool will create BPEL and WSDL files as shown in Figure 2-2.
  5. Figure 2-2 BPEL Export Pane

    BPEL Export Pane

  6. Select Finish to complete the export process. You can view the progress of the export as shown in Figure 2-3.
  7. Figure 2-3 Progress of BPEL Export

    Progress of BPEL Export

  8. When the export is complete, the BPEL Export log displays the message Done! as shown in the lower right hand corner of Figure 2-4.
  9. Figure 2-4 Generated Files
  10. You can view the log containing the complete details of the export as shown in Figure 2-5. This log also tells you if the export was successful or not. The logs are located in %workspace%/.metadata where workspace refers to where the WebLogic Process application resides.
  11. Figure 2-5 Export log

    Export log


Known Limitations and Issues

This section provides some notes on the export process and details some known limitations of the BPEL Export tool.

Notes: The section details information that you should remember when using the BPEL Export tool.

Table 2-1 details how various JPD file attributes, nodes, and so on are converted to a BPEL file.

Table 2-1 JPD File to BPEL File Conversion
In the JPD file
converted to in a BPEL file
clientRequest and controlReceive nodes
receive activity
clientCallback and controlSend nodes
invoke activity
synchronous returnMethod attribute
reply activity
onMessage paths
onMessage event handlers
onTimeout paths
onAlarm event handlers
eventChoice node
pick activity
Parallel node
flow activity
onException blocks
perform node
empty activity with the java code from the perform method copied into the body of a JPD namespace javaCode element
control flow nodes:
  • decision
  • switch
  • forEach
  • doWhile
  • whileDo
to the equivalent BPEL activities.

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