Tutorial: Designing Your First Business Process

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Step 12: Run RequestQuote Business Process

You can run and test the business process by using the browser-based interface of WorkSpace Studio. The interface lets you play the role of the client, invoking the methods on the business process and viewing the responses.

  1. If WebLogic Server is not already running, from the BEA Workshop menu, choose Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers, and click OK.
  2. A Server view is displayed in which the server and its state are shown.

  3. In the Package Explorer view, right-click on requestquote.java, click Run As, and click Run On Server.
  4. The Run On Server wizard is displayed.

  5. Select Choose an existing server (or Manually define a server if there is no server defined), and click Next.
  6. Note: If you select Manually define a server, the Run On Server wizard lets you specify the WebLogic Server and domain.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. The server is started, and the RequestQuote application is deployed on it. The Status indicator in the Server view changes to Started.

    After the application is deployed, the test browser is displayed.

  9. Select the Test Form tab.
  10. Click the Browse button adjacent to the xml requestXML (file value) field and select the QuoteRequest.xml file from the following folder:
  11. Tutorial_Process_Application_Web\src\testxml\
  12. Click quoteRequest to start the business process.
  13. Figure 13-1 Test Form
    Note: The label of the button reflects the name of the start method in the business process.

    The Message Log area of the Test Form displays the status of the process.

    Figure 13-2 Message Log

    Message Log

  14. Click Refresh to refresh the entries in the log until this instance of the business process is completed.
  15. Entries in the Message Log correspond to the methods in your business process, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 13-3 Message Log - Refreshed

    Message Log - Refreshed

    • The quoteRequest method that starts the business process.
    • A call from your business process to the taxCalculation process control: taxCalculation.requestTaxRate
    • A response from the service to your business process: taxCalculation.returnTaxRate
    • Instance ID: The ID generated when the quoteRequest method in your business process was called.
    • You can view the details of a specific call, by clicking on the corresponding methods in the Message Log.

      For example, you can view the response from the taxCalculation service by clicking taxCalculation.returnTaxRate, as shown in the following figure.

      Figure 13-4 Message Log with Details

      Message Log with Details

      In this case, the tax rate was calculated based on the input value (NJ) for the state element in the test XML.

You have now designed and tested a business process that performs the following activities:

  1. Receives a request for quote message from a client (Client Request node).
  2. Decides whether sales tax calculation is required (Decision node).
  3. Requests another business process for the tax rate (Control Send node).
  4. Receives the tax rate (Control Receive node).
  5. Performs the following activities for each item in the Request for Quote (For Each and Parallel nodes).
    • Requests external resources for the price and availability information (Control Send node).
    • Receives price and availability information from the external resources (Control Receive node).
  6. Creates an untyped XML list of the prices for all the items (Control Send with Return node).
  7. Creates an untyped XML list of the availability information for all the items (Control Send with Return node).
  8. Converts the price and availability information lists to typed XML documents (Control Send with Return node).
  9. Combines the price and availability information in a single quote document (Control Send with Return node).
  10. Writes the quote document to a file (Control Send with Return node).
  11. Sends the quote to the client that invoked the business process (Client Response node).

Additional Functionality in Test Browser

The following additional links are available from the Test Form page in the test browser:

Monitoring Processes in WLI Administration Console

You can monitor instances of your business process by using the WLI Administration Console. You can view process instances statistics, and view summary or detailed status for selected process instances. You can also suspend, resume, and terminate selected process instances.

  1. Launch the WLI Administration Console in one of the following ways:
    • Click Monitor on the Message Log in the test browser’s Test Form page.
    • Enter http://localhost:7001/wliconsole in a web browser:
    • The default user name and password for the sample integration server are weblogic.

  2. Select Process Instance Monitoring in the left navigation pane.
  3. If you invoked the Process Instance Monitoring page after running the RequestQuote process, the RequestQuote and TaxCalcProcess processes are displayed in the Process Instance Statistics page.

  4. Click the name of any business process in the Display Name column to go to a page that displays more information about that process.
  5. For example, to learn more about the instance of the TaxCalcProcess business process:

    1. Click TaxCalcProcess in the Display Name column.
    2. A Process Instance Summary page is displayed.

    3. This page lists all the instances of the TaxCalcProcess business process that ran or are running.
    4. To view more details about any instance, click the instance ID in the ID column.
  6. On the Process Instance Details page, click Graphical View to view a graphical representation of this instance of the TaxCalcProcess business process.
  7. In the graphical view, to see more information about a specific node, click the node.

For more information, see “Process Instance Monitoring” in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

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