Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions

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Accessing Process Graphs from HTTP Clients

The interactive process graph, and the associated process type or process instance data, which can be viewed from within the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, can also be accessed from other HTTP clients. For more information about process graphs, see Viewing an Interactive or Printable Process Type Graph in Using WebLogic Integration Administration Console. This section describes the how to access the process graph. The following topics are provided:


Supported Clients

The following types of clients are supported:


The HTTP Request URL

The WebLogic Integration Administration Console Web application accepts HTTP requests (containing Service URI and Instance ID) from a client and returns an SVG document. The client fetches related JavaScript and image files via subsequent requests to the Web application. Both web browser clients (using an SVG plug-in) and Java client applications (using SVG tools) are supported.

The primary command has the following form:


For example:


If you omit &instanceid=InstanceID, the SVG document for the process type is returned.

The SVG document that is initially retrieved from the Web application references additional resources on the server such as images and JavaScript files. These additional resources are retrieved automatically by most browser plug-ins by processing the xlink:href attributes in the SVG document.

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