Release Notes

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Problems Fixed in 10.2 MP1

The following table lists selected problems fixed in BEA WebLogic Integration 10.2 MP1, including a Change Request (CR) number for each problem.

For more information about the known limitations in WebLogic Integration 10.2 MP1, see Known Limitations.

Table 3-1 Problems Fixed in BEA WebLogic Integration 10.2 MP1
Change Request Number
Service Broker Control did not work. This problem was observed after creating a process that used signature validation of an XML file. The process control worked. However, the Service Broker Control using the same XML document did not work.
This problem has been resolved.
When a custom control has the same method name as in the JMS Control but a different number of arguments, java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException used to be returned. This problem occurred because the control container was retrieving the number of arguments from the base control method and not the extended method.
This problem has been resolved.
Worklist Tasks could not be created when the Admin Server was shut down. This problem occurred because, to post the task event to any listener, the JMX used to retrieve the Worklist event JMS destination from the Admin Server instead of using the MBeans of the local managed server.
This problem has been resolved.
The query for completed 8.1.x compatible tasks was incorrectly looking for a current Step Name of completed, instead of the Administrative State of Completed.
This problem has been resolved.
Annotation overriding was not working for the control target endpoint of the web service.
This problem has been resolved.
Events from custom controls were not received by the parent JPD.
This problem has been resolved.
When transactions failed, the process instance used to go to defunct state instead of frozen state even if freezeOnFailure was true.
This problem has been resolved.
java.lang.NullPointerException used to be returned when upgrading inflight domain from 9.2 MP2 to 9.2 MP3.
This problem has been resolved.
User-defined prefix for SOAP encoding used to modified during marshaling with preset SOAP-ENC except for anyType values which were stored as xmlstreams.
This problem has been resolved.
While using a multi-threaded client to create tasks, a NullPointerException used to be returned. This issue used to occur initially after system startup.
This problem has been resolved.
A call made to an method belonging to the inactive version of the JPD used to result in MethodNotFoundException.
This problem has been resolved.
Completed tasks were not purged based on setting of terminal-task-retention-time.
This problem has been resolved.
All the channels were not listed in the WebLogic Integration console for a clustered domain that had one or more nodes which were not running on the same host as the Admin Server.
This problem has been resolved.
When a JMS client program sent a message to the queue, the message was received by the new process version of JPD and used to fail with an error message, even though the message had the correlation ID as the process instance ID of the older process version.
This problem has been resolved.
The exception 'java.lang.RuntimeException: Protocol 'http-soap' not available on this operation' used to be returned when a JPD was called. This used to occur in a setup with a JPD and a web service control calling the web services method.
This problem has been resolved.
WebLogic Server EJB client was attempting to retrieve Task data using the Worklist API, the getTask(<taskid>, <boolean (true)>) method used to fail with unmarshall exception.
This problem has been resolved.
The xsi:type declarations used to be ignored when XML-Beans changed prefix names, therefore validation used to fail and the WebService called by the Control used to receive an invalid request.
This problem has been resolved.
Freezing or unfreezing a long running Stateful Business Process used to cause loss of data. After few cycles of freeze and unfreeze, the Business Process used to stop processing any new data.
This problem has been resolved.
WLI Console did not list all the channels in case of a cluster which had one or more nodes that were not running on the same host as the Admin server.
This problem has been resolved.
After installing the patch for CR340743, only the latest version used to be added to wli-subscriptions.xml for dynamic subscriptions.
This problem has been resolved.
When Workshop-generated ANT scripts are used to compile the MFL files, the MFL compiler used an incorrect URI for the target namespace of the schema elements in the MFL document. This used to cause the compilation to fail.
This problem has been resolved.
Transformation converting XMLBeans to Java object fail with TransformException: The element "paging" is not recognized by the mapping.
This problem has been resolved.
After creating a task and setting custom properties and the worklist task properties for tasks of type: /Worklist/Compatibility 8.1.x in worklist backward compatibility enabled domain were not being retrieved.
This problem has been resolved.
After creating a new JMS Connection Factory and a Timer EG from the WLI Console, if the Timer EG is suspended and resumed, the setting of the Timer EG still showed the default Connection Factory.
This problem has been resolved.
When creating new tasks by using the worklist portal or the RemoteWorklistTaskAdminBean from a Java client, the task creation was not using the default settings for Description, Owner, Task Time Estimate and Task Completion Due Date specified in the Task Plan.
This problem has been resolved.
A JMS Event Generator in a WLI cluster failed to resume after it had been suspended.
This problem has been resolved.
Timer EG used to show default connection factory and not the JMS connection factory selected during Timer EG creation.
This problem has been resolved.
When an XML complex type containing sequence of elements was mapped to a Java primitive Array using XQuery mapper design view, the resultant transformation did not fetch the data of all child XML elements from the complex type. Instead, the data from the first element in the complex type was produced.
This problem has been resolved.
After importing an MFL transfomation into WLI 9.2 MP2, the ciwMessage.getCIWMessage() was null although ciwMessage.xmlText() displayed the expected XML document.
This problem has been resolved.
Archiving and Worklist Administration used to return exceptions in a WLI cluster Domain with managed servers.
This problem has been resolved.
WLS server EJB client retrieving Task data using the worklist API used to return unmarshall exception.
This problem has been resolved.
Message Read Column on RDBMS Event Generator page was not getting updated in cluster environment.
This problem has been resolved.
repeatField value of "0" used to result in an MFL Exception - 'Missing non optional data'.
This problem has been resolved.
MBean lookup in the event generator section of the WLI Console was always using 'localhost' for the server address.
This problem has been resolved.
Calling user-defined function in xquery used to fail. Java object transformation containing recursive element was not transformed properly.
This problem has been resolved.
Inline attachments in e-mail messages were not getting saved to the archive folder by the Email Event Generator because they were not assigned a file name.
This problem has been resolved.
Email control did not support using a parameter to set the content type of the e-mail message in the Send method.
This problem has been resolved.
When dynamic transformation control was wrapped in a transaction, and same instance was used again in another transaction, NullPointerException used to be returned because _xqVersion transient was not initialized.
This problem has been resolved.
The deployment descriptor for MDB generated by the JMS Event Generator for a foreign destination was being incorrectly generated and this prevented the MDB from connecting to the foreign destination.
This problem has been resolved.
HttpControl method setTimeout (timeInMilis) was not working.
This problem has been resolved.
Unmarshall process was failing when worklist class TaskData was invoked from a non WLI client.
This problem has been resolved.
The FTP control did not handle command replies that contained multiple lines.
This problem has been resolved.
TASK_EXPIRE event was not being generated at Task Completion Due Date.
This problem has been resolved.
The context_onInitialMessageFailure method was not being invoked when a stateless JPD was invoked using process control by another JPD.
This problem has been resolved.
Custom control callbacks was not supported in JPD container.
This problem has been resolved.
SyncAsyncServlet was not working properly in a cluster environment. In a cluster, relying on server affinity for sending the message to the queue was not always working, as sometimes the message was not being sent to the local queue and was instead going to a server which was remote.
This problem has been resolved.
Internal EG events were not properly load balanced depending on the settings of the queueconnectionfactory used.
This problem has been resolved.
Event Choice node was not working if one of the branches had an exception handler attached to it.
This problem has been resolved.
The creation, configuration and deployment of a MQ Series Event Generator through a WLST script was not supported.
This problem has been resolved.
Generation of dispatch-policy element into the WLI EJB deployment descriptors was not supported by WLI BPM Compiler.
This problem has been resolved.
JMS-EventGenerator was not polling MQ-Queue as the provider URL was missing in deployment descriptor.
This problem has been resolved.
If the remote trading partner for ebXML Control was unavailable, JPD instance did not receive any exception.
This problem has been resolved.

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