Interface JpdProxySession

public interface JpdProxySession

Jpd proxies implement this interface. Clients can type-cast proxies returned by JpdProxy.create() to JpdProxySession to set/get the conversation id used in jpd invocations.

Method Summary
 String getConversationID()
          Returns the current conversation id in use by the proxy.
 void reset()
          Resets the conversation id back to null.
 void setConversationID(String conversationID)
          Sets the conversation id for future invocations.

Method Detail


void setConversationID(String conversationID)
Sets the conversation id for future invocations. If the conversation Id has not been set, or if it is set to null, the server will assign a unique conversation id to the jpd and will return it to the client. The proxy will then use this id in all sub-sequent calls until it is explicitly set again.

conversationID - the jpd conversation id


String getConversationID()
Returns the current conversation id in use by the proxy.

a conversation id


void reset()
Resets the conversation id back to null.