Annotation Type MQSeries.ConnectionRetrySettings

public static @interface MQSeries.ConnectionRetrySettings

Specifies the retry settings for the connection to the MQSeries queue manager.

Required Element Summary
 int retryCount
          The retry count should be a positive integer value representing the number of times the MQSeries control attempts to establish a connection to the MQSeries queue manager.
 long retryWaitTimeInMilliseconds
          The interval, in milliseconds, that the MQSeries control waits between each attempt to establish a connection to the MQSeries queue manager.

Element Detail


public abstract int retryCount
The retry count should be a positive integer value representing the number of times the MQSeries control attempts to establish a connection to the MQSeries queue manager.


public abstract long retryWaitTimeInMilliseconds
The interval, in milliseconds, that the MQSeries control waits between each attempt to establish a connection to the MQSeries queue manager.