
Interface Summary
TaskAdminEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskAssignEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskClaimEvent Represents a claim on a task.
TaskCreateEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskExpireEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskReactivateEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskReturnEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskSetCurrentStepEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskStepActionEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskStepChangeEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskStepExpireEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskUpdatePropertyEvent BEA Systems, Inc.
TaskUpdateSystemPropertyEvent BEA Systems, Inc.

Class Summary
TaskUpdatePropertyEvent.ChangedProperty Class representing a single property that got changed.
TaskUpdateSystemPropertyEvent.ChangedProperty Class representing a single property that got changed.

Enum Summary
TaskEvent.Type Enumeration for different types of events.