WebLogic Integration

Class AbstractPushEventGenerator

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractPushEventGenerator
extends AbstractEventGenerator
implements IPushListener

The primary responsibilites of this class is to listen for events and call postEvents. The PostEvents method will be implemented in the concrete implementation.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fields inherited from class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void doCleanUpOnQuit()
          Performs any clean-up needed once this object determines that it is time to quit running.
 void performPush(PushEvent e)
          IPushListener implementation.
protected abstract  void postEvents(IEventRouter router, PushEvent event)
          Posts EIS events to the event router.
protected abstract  void removeDeadTypes(java.util.List listOfDeadTypes)
          Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle dead event types; an event type is considered dead if it is no longer in the list of event types known to the router.
protected abstract  void setupNewTypes(java.util.List listOfNewTypes)
          Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle new event types provided by the event router.
 void start()
          Adds this object, as a listener, to any IPushHandlers created.
 void stop()
          Removes this object, as a listener, from all IPushHandler objects
Methods inherited from class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
assertValidLicense, checkLicense, createSetOfEventTypes, doInit, getEventDefinition, getEventTypes, getInitializationParms, getLogContext, getLogger, getRouter, getSleepCount, handlePostEventException, init, isEventTypeKnownToRouter, isInitialized, logDeadTypes, logEventTypes, logNewTypes, logPostEventException, refresh
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractPushEventGenerator()
Method Detail


protected abstract void postEvents(IEventRouter router,
                                   PushEvent event)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Posts EIS events to the event router. Adapter developer's should call isEventTypeKnownToRouter before processing an event because this worker should not waste computing cycles on generating events that the router does not care about. This method is invoked in a block of code that is synchronized around the set of event types maintained by this instance. Thus, any concurrent calls to the refresh from another thread will need to wait until this method returns.
 Iterator i = getEventTypes();
 while (i.hasNext())
   String strEventType = (String)i.next();
   IEventDefinition eventDef = new EventDefinition();
   IEvent event =
     new Event("<" + strEventType + ">bogus");

   catch (Exception exc)
     handlePostEventException(event, exc);
   } // end try/catch
 } // end while


public void performPush(PushEvent e)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
IPushListener implementation. Used to log and route events to the concrete implementation.
Specified by:
performPush in interface IPushListener

PushEvent - Event received by the PushHandler


protected void doCleanUpOnQuit()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Performs any clean-up needed once this object determines that it is time to quit running. Adapter developers should override this method to free any resources held by this instance.

java.lang.Exception - - an exceptional condition was encountered while attempting to clean-up resources used by this instance.
doCleanUpOnQuit in class AbstractEventGenerator


public void start()
           throws java.lang.Exception
Adds this object, as a listener, to any IPushHandlers created.

start in class AbstractEventGenerator


public void stop()
          throws java.lang.Exception
Removes this object, as a listener, from all IPushHandler objects

stop in class AbstractEventGenerator


protected abstract void setupNewTypes(java.util.List listOfNewTypes)
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle new event types provided by the event router.

listOfNewTypes - - a list of new types (IEventDefinition objects)that were not in the set of event types maintained by this instance prior to the refresh.
setupNewTypes in class AbstractEventGenerator


protected abstract void removeDeadTypes(java.util.List listOfDeadTypes)
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle dead event types; an event type is considered dead if it is no longer in the list of event types known to the router.

listOfDeadTypes - - a list of event types (IEventDefinition objects) that were not in the list of event types provided by the router and were in the set maintained by this instance prior to the refresh.
removeDeadTypes in class AbstractEventGenerator

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)