WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use ValidationResult
com.bea.adapter.event The com.bea.adapter.event package contains classes that provide a basic event generator. 

All J2EE Connector Architecture-compliant resource adapters must provide an implementation for the interfaces in the javax.resource.spi package. 


Uses of ValidationResult in com.bea.adapter.event

Methods in com.bea.adapter.event that return ValidationResult
protected  ValidationResult AbstractEventGenerator.checkLicense()
          Returns true if the adapter can locate a valid license in the runtime environment.
protected  ValidationResult AbstractBEAPushEventGenerator.checkLicense()
          Returns true if the adapter can locate a valid BEA license in the runtime environment; looks for license.bea on the classpath.
protected  ValidationResult AbstractBEAPullEventGenerator.checkLicense()
          Returns true if the adapter can locate a valid BEA license in the runtime environment; looks for license.bea on the classpath.

Uses of ValidationResult in com.bea.adapter.spi

Fields in com.bea.adapter.spi declared as ValidationResult
static ValidationResult ValidationResult.VALID
          Indicates a valid result; no additional information available.
static ValidationResult ValidationResult.INVALID
          Indicates an invalid result; no additional information available.

Methods in com.bea.adapter.spi that return ValidationResult
protected  ValidationResult AbstractManagedConnectionFactory.checkLicense()
          Returns true if the adapter can locate a valid license in the runtime environment.
protected  ValidationResult AbstractBEAManagedConnectionFactory.checkLicense()
          Returns true if the adapter can locate a valid BEA license in the runtime environment; looks for license.bea on the classpath.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)