WebLogic Integration

Class AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler


public abstract class AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
extends RequestHandler
implements java.io.Serializable

Provides an implementation for common actions in a design time Web application for deploying application views and connection factories.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CONNECTION_PROPERTY
static int iDEPLOYED
static int iINITIALIZED
static int iREADY_TO_ADD
static int iREADY_TO_DEPLOY
          These static final ints are used to indicate the state of an application view descriptor.
protected  javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory m_connectionFactory
protected  javax.resource.cci.Connection m_proxy
static java.lang.String QUALIFIED_APP_VIEW_NAME
protected  javax.resource.cci.Connection t_connection
protected  DesignTimeHelper t_dtHelper
protected  javax.naming.InitialContext t_initialContext
Constructor Summary
          Initializes an initial context to ensure we are running in a valid environment.
Method Summary
 ActionResult addevent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Adds an event to the application view.
 void addEventSchemaToRepository(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd, IEventDescriptor ed, IDocumentDefinition eventDef)
          Adds the schema for an event to the repository.
 void addEventSchemaToRepository(IEventDescriptor ed, IDocumentDefinition eventDef)
          Adds the schema for an event to the repository.
protected  IDocumentDescriptor addOrUpdateSchema(SchemaManager schemaManager, QualifiedName schemaQName, IDocumentDefinition def)
 QualifiedName addSchemaToRepository(java.lang.String strKey, SOMSchema schema)
          Deprecated. This method should not be used going forward as it does not take into account updating existing schemas or adding both request and response schemas to the repository in one logical unit of work. The preferred approach is to use the addServiceSchemasToRepository or addEventSchemaToRepository methods directly.
 ActionResult addservc(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Adds a service to the application view...This method corresponds to a JSP page named addservc.
 void addServiceSchemasToRepository(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd, IServiceDescriptor sd, IDocumentDefinition requestDef, IDocumentDefinition responseDef)
          Adds the request and response schemas for a service to the WLI repository.
 void addServiceSchemasToRepository(IServiceDescriptor sd, IDocumentDefinition requestDef, IDocumentDefinition responseDef)
          Adds the request and response schemas for a service to the WLI repository.
 ActionResult appvwadmin(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is used if the 'save' button is clicked on the appvwadmin.jsp.
 ActionResult chmod(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Adds security to an application view.
protected  void closeConnection()
          This method safely (i.e.
 ActionResult confconn(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Configures a connection to the underlying EIS.
protected  javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory configureManagedConnectionFactory()
          Instantiates and configures an instance of an adapter specific class that implements the javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory interface.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor createApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String appViewName)
          This convenience method gets an application view descriptor from the deployManager for a given application view.
protected  IConnectionFactoryDescriptor createConnectionFactoryDescriptor(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String logicalName)
          This protected method creates a connection factory descriptor object that implements the IConnectionFactoryDescriptor interface.
protected  void debugDocument(java.lang.String strMessage, ILogger logger, IDocument doc)
 ActionResult depappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Deploys a new application view onto the WLAI server; this method performs the processing of the "depappvw" action.
 void editEventDescriptor(ActionResult result, IEventDescriptor event, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is called by the edtservc response method.
 void editServiceDescriptor(ActionResult result, IServiceDescriptor service, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is called by the edtservc response method.
 ActionResult edtappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method handles the edit application view action.
 ActionResult edtevent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Edits an Event.
 ActionResult edtservc(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Edits a service.
 void finalize()
          This method is used to assure that the EIS connection (a javax.resource.cci.Connection) is closed properly.
protected abstract  java.lang.String getAdapterLogicalName()
          An abstract method which must be implemented by the adapter developer to return the AdapterLogicalName of their adapter
 ApplicationView getApplicationView(java.lang.String strFullyQualifiedName)
          This method is the accessor for the current application view.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor getApplicationViewDescriptor()
          This method returns the application view descriptor member of the current app view.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor getApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String strName)
 int getApplicationViewDescriptorState()
          Returns the current state of the application view descriptor; used by the classes in the ADK Designtime Framework needing the state for conditional display logic.
 ApplicationViewManager getApplicationViewManager()
          This is the accessor method for the ApplicationViewManager, an external interface to the ApplicationViewManager EJB
protected  QualifiedName getAppViewName(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 javax.resource.cci.Connection getConnection()
          This method returns the javax.resource.cci.Connection object that is a member variable of this class.
 javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
          This method returns the javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory object that is a member variable of this class.
protected  java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryDeploymentName(QualifiedName appViewName)
protected  java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryJNDIName(QualifiedName qualifiedAppViewName)
          This method retrieves the JNDI name for the connection factory.
 ConnectionFactoryManager getConnectionFactoryManager()
protected  java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryObjectName(QualifiedName appViewName)
 javax.resource.cci.Connection getConnectionFromAppView(ApplicationView av)
          This method is the accessor for a cci.Connection object of the application view argument.
 DeployManager getDeployManager()
 java.lang.String getEventSchemaName(IEventDescriptor ed)
          Convenience method to retrieve the event schema's name.
protected  javax.naming.InitialContext getInitialContext()
          Provides an initial JNDI context
 javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec getInteractionSpecForService(ApplicationView av, java.lang.String strService)
          Deprecated. - this method should not be used because binding the InteractionSpec into JNDI can lead to class loading issues. Instead, you should get the IServiceDescriptor from the IApplicationViewDescriptor to get properties for a service.
protected abstract  java.lang.Class getManagedConnectionFactoryClass()
          An abstract method which must be implemented by the adapter developer to return the ManagedConnectionFactory class of their adapter.
 NamespaceManager getNamespaceManager()
          This is the accessor method for the NamespaceManager, an external interface to the NamespaceManager EJB
protected  java.lang.String getNextAction(java.lang.String strAction)
          A no-op method (returns null by default) that adapter developers can override to alter the screen flow.
 QualifiedName getQualifiedName(java.lang.String strQualifiedName)
 java.lang.String getRequestSchemaName(IServiceDescriptor sd)
          Convenience method to retrieve the service request schema's name.
 java.lang.String getResponseSchemaName(IServiceDescriptor sd)
          Convenience method to retrieve the service response schema's name.
 SchemaManager getSchemaManager()
          This is the accessor method for the SchemaManager, an external interface to the SchemaManager EJB
protected abstract  void initEventDescriptor(ActionResult result, IEventDescriptor ed, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Initializes an event descriptor.
protected abstract  void initServiceDescriptor(ActionResult result, IServiceDescriptor sd, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Initializes a service descriptor which involves creating the request and response schemas for the service.
 void loadEventDescriptorProperties(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Maps properties to fields on the html page.
 void loadServiceDescriptorProperties(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Maps properties to fields on the html page.
 ActionResult redepappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Re-deploy a previously deployed application view directly from the appvwsum page.
 ActionResult remappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is used to DELETE an application view from the repository.
 ActionResult removeprincipal(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is used to remove a principle from a security list.
 int resetApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String strQualifiedAppViewName)
          Resets our internal representation of an application view to arg if needed
protected  void savePropertiesFromFactory(javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory factory)
          This method uses java reflection to save the appropriate properties from the ManagedConnectionFactory.
 void setApplicationViewDescriptor(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd)
          This method allows you to set the member variable m_avd by passing in an IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 void setLogContextName(java.lang.String strLogContextName)
          Overrides parent's method to append .DesignTime onto the log context.
 boolean supportsEditableEvents()
          Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports editing of events.
 boolean supportsEditableServices()
          Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports editing of services.
 boolean supportsEvents()
          Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports events.
 boolean supportsEventTest()
          Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports the testing of events.
 boolean supportsServices()
          Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports services.
 boolean supportsServiceTest()
          Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports the testing of services.
 ActionResult undepappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is used to undeploy an application view from the server, yet leave it in the repository for future editing or deployment.
 void updateSchemaInRepository(java.lang.String strSchemaName, SOMSchema schema)
          Deprecated. This method should not be used going forward. The preferred approach is to use the addServiceSchemasToRepository or addEventSchemaToRepository methods directly.
protected  javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory validateConnectionParameters()
          Verifies that the user supplied connection paramters are sufficient to configure an SPI ManagedConnectionFactory instance to open a connection to the underlying EIS.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
clear, containsField, debug, get, getAdditionalExceptionMessages, getContent, getContent, getContent, getFormFieldPair, getLogConfigFile, getLogContext, getLogger, getMessageBundleBase, getResourceBundle, getUserAgent, getUserName, init, read, remove, set, setLocale, setLogConfigFile, setMessageBundleBase, setUserAgent, setUserName, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String QUALIFIED_APP_VIEW_NAME


public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_PROPERTY


public static final int iUNINITIALIZED
These static final ints are used to indicate the state of an application view descriptor. They are returned by the public method getApplicationViewDescriptorState()


public static final int iINITIALIZED


public static final int iREADY_TO_ADD


public static final int iREADY_TO_DEPLOY


public static final int iDEPLOYED


protected transient javax.resource.cci.Connection m_proxy


protected transient javax.resource.cci.Connection t_connection


protected javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory m_connectionFactory


protected transient DesignTimeHelper t_dtHelper


protected transient javax.naming.InitialContext t_initialContext
Constructor Detail


public AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler()
                                 throws javax.naming.NamingException
Initializes an initial context to ensure we are running in a valid environment.
Method Detail


public void setLogContextName(java.lang.String strLogContextName)
Overrides parent's method to append .DesignTime onto the log context.

setLogContextName in class RequestHandler


protected javax.naming.InitialContext getInitialContext()
                                                 throws javax.naming.NamingException
Provides an initial JNDI context


public ApplicationViewManager getApplicationViewManager()
                                                 throws javax.naming.NamingException,
This is the accessor method for the ApplicationViewManager, an external interface to the ApplicationViewManager EJB



public ConnectionFactoryManager getConnectionFactoryManager()
                                                     throws javax.naming.NamingException,


public NamespaceManager getNamespaceManager()
                                     throws javax.naming.NamingException,
This is the accessor method for the NamespaceManager, an external interface to the NamespaceManager EJB



public SchemaManager getSchemaManager()
                               throws javax.naming.NamingException,
This is the accessor method for the SchemaManager, an external interface to the SchemaManager EJB



public DeployManager getDeployManager()
                               throws javax.naming.NamingException,

the deploy manager for this server


public ApplicationView getApplicationView(java.lang.String strFullyQualifiedName)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
This method is the accessor for the current application view.

strFullyQualifiedName - is the qualified name of the application view.


public javax.resource.cci.Connection getConnectionFromAppView(ApplicationView av)
                                                       throws java.lang.Exception
This method is the accessor for a cci.Connection object of the application view argument. (This method uses the connection factory associated with this application view to get the connection object.)

av - is an ApplicationView
a javax.resource.cci.Connection


public javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec getInteractionSpecForService(ApplicationView av,
                                                                       java.lang.String strService)
                                                                throws java.lang.Exception
Deprecated. - this method should not be used because binding the InteractionSpec into JNDI can lead to class loading issues. Instead, you should get the IServiceDescriptor from the IApplicationViewDescriptor to get properties for a service.
This method retrieves the InteractionSpec for the given application view/ service. It uses the two arguments to create a JNDI name for lookup.

av - is the ApplicationView object
strService - is the String service name


protected abstract java.lang.String getAdapterLogicalName()
An abstract method which must be implemented by the adapter developer to return the AdapterLogicalName of their adapter

String adapter's logical name. For example, the sample DBMS Adapter's logical name is BEA_WLS_DBMS_ADK, and the sample Email Adapter's logical name is BEA_WLS_EMAIL_ADK.


protected abstract java.lang.Class getManagedConnectionFactoryClass()
An abstract method which must be implemented by the adapter developer to return the ManagedConnectionFactory class of their adapter.

Class (specific to each adapter - the implementatin class for your adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory.


public javax.resource.cci.Connection getConnection()
                                            throws java.lang.Exception
This method returns the javax.resource.cci.Connection object that is a member variable of this class.

java.lang.Exception - if the connection cannot be obtained.


public javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
                                                          throws java.lang.Exception
This method returns the javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory object that is a member variable of this class.

java.lang.Exception - if the connection cannot be obtained.


protected void closeConnection()
This method safely (i.e. exceptions generated during close are logged as warnings, but not thrown) closes the connection handle to the EIS.


public IApplicationViewDescriptor createApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String appViewName)
This convenience method gets an application view descriptor from the deployManager for a given application view. If it fails, it returns null to the calling jsp.

appViewName - is the String name of the application view


public IApplicationViewDescriptor getApplicationViewDescriptor()
This method returns the application view descriptor member of the current app view. This member may be null (after deployment for example.) For that reason, clients should call the createApplicationViewDescriptor method to retrieve the avd of a particular app view.



public IApplicationViewDescriptor getApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String strName)
                                                        throws ApplicationViewException,


public void setApplicationViewDescriptor(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd)
This method allows you to set the member variable m_avd by passing in an IApplicationViewDescriptor.

avd - is an IApplicationViewDescriptor


public int resetApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String strQualifiedAppViewName)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Resets our internal representation of an application view to arg if needed

the state of our application view descriptor


public QualifiedName addSchemaToRepository(java.lang.String strKey,
                                           SOMSchema schema)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Deprecated. This method should not be used going forward as it does not take into account updating existing schemas or adding both request and response schemas to the repository in one logical unit of work. The preferred approach is to use the addServiceSchemasToRepository or addEventSchemaToRepository methods directly.
Add a schema to the WLAI schema repository.

strKey - - the key for the schema in the repository
schema - - the schema object to add to the repository
java.lang.Exception - - An exceptional condition was encountered while trying to add the schema to the repository.


public void updateSchemaInRepository(java.lang.String strSchemaName,
                                     SOMSchema schema)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Deprecated. This method should not be used going forward. The preferred approach is to use the addServiceSchemasToRepository or addEventSchemaToRepository methods directly.
Update a schema in the WLAI schema repository.

schemaName - - the key for the schema in the repository
schema - - the schema object to update in the repository
java.lang.Exception - - An exceptional condition was encountered while trying to update the schema in the repository.


public void addServiceSchemasToRepository(IServiceDescriptor sd,
                                          IDocumentDefinition requestDef,
                                          IDocumentDefinition responseDef)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Adds the request and response schemas for a service to the WLI repository. The schemas are added in such a way to prevent the request from being in the repository and not the response, i.e. all or nothing. In addition, this method checks to see if the schema is already in the repository, and if it is, it is updated. This prevents us from getting a primary key constraint exception. In short, it is safe to call this method when either adding or editing a service, it takes care of the details. If all is well the IServiceDescriptor is updated to reflect the names of the schemas for the service.


public void addEventSchemaToRepository(IEventDescriptor ed,
                                       IDocumentDefinition eventDef)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Adds the schema for an event to the repository. This method checks to see if the schema is already in the repository and if it is, the schema is updated. In short, it is safe to call this method when either adding or editing an event, it takes care of the details.


public void addServiceSchemasToRepository(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd,
                                          IServiceDescriptor sd,
                                          IDocumentDefinition requestDef,
                                          IDocumentDefinition responseDef)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Adds the request and response schemas for a service to the WLI repository. The schemas are added in such a way to prevent the request from being in the repository and not the response, i.e. all or nothing. In addition, this method checks to see if the schema is already in the repository, and if it is, it is updated. This prevents us from getting a primary key constraint exception. In short, it is safe to call this method when either adding or editing a service, it takes care of the details. If all is well the IServiceDescriptor is updated to reflect the names of the schemas for the service.


public void addEventSchemaToRepository(IApplicationViewDescriptor avd,
                                       IEventDescriptor ed,
                                       IDocumentDefinition eventDef)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Adds the schema for an event to the repository. This method checks to see if the schema is already in the repository and if it is, the schema is updated. In short, it is safe to call this method when either adding or editing an event, it takes care of the details.


protected IDocumentDescriptor addOrUpdateSchema(SchemaManager schemaManager,
                                                QualifiedName schemaQName,
                                                IDocumentDefinition def)
                                         throws java.lang.Exception

an IDocumentDescriptor that describes a schema in the repository.


public QualifiedName getQualifiedName(java.lang.String strQualifiedName)
                               throws javax.naming.NamingException,


public void finalize()
This method is used to assure that the EIS connection (a javax.resource.cci.Connection) is closed properly.

finalize in class java.lang.Object


public int getApplicationViewDescriptorState()
Returns the current state of the application view descriptor; used by the classes in the ADK Designtime Framework needing the state for conditional display logic. You can call setApplicationViewDescriptor() before calling this method to initialize the m_avd member.

int indicating the state of the application view descriptor. The method uses static final ints initialized in this class.


protected java.lang.String getNextAction(java.lang.String strAction)
A no-op method (returns null by default) that adapter developers can override to alter the screen flow. Return the next action for strAction.

strAction - is the action for which we want to get the next action (jsp screen) in our screen flow. The code elsewhere in this class that calls this method always checks for null before moving forward.
String name of the next action or jsp screen (action = jsp)


public ActionResult confconn(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Configures a connection to the underlying EIS.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object that describes the outcome of this action.


protected QualifiedName getAppViewName(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                                throws java.lang.Exception


public ActionResult redepappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Re-deploy a previously deployed application view directly from the appvwsum page.


public ActionResult depappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Deploys a new application view onto the WLAI server; this method performs the processing of the "depappvw" action. The algorithm is: 1. determine if we're saving, but not deploying the av by checking the request parameter 'save' and assign to bSave boolean 2. get our cfd and set the deployment parameters on it 3. if (!bSave) i.e., we're deploying & saving a. deploy the cfd and the avd b. set our nextAction variable, and create our return object (ActionResult) 4. Now save both the cfd and the avd (needed if we're "saving" or "deploying") because deploying an av should save as well. 5. if (bSave) set the nextAction variable, and create our return object to use it (clicking the save button causes the same page to reload, whereas clicking the "continue" button moves the interface to the next logical screen.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object that describes the outcome of this action.


public ActionResult appvwadmin(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
This method is used if the 'save' button is clicked on the appvwadmin.jsp. It saves the connection Factory descriptor and the application view descriptor, and redisplays the appvwadmin page.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object that describes the outcome of this action.


public ActionResult chmod(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Adds security to an application view. Handles the submit of the jsp with the same name.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object that describes the outcome of this action.


public ActionResult removeprincipal(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
This method is used to remove a principle from a security list.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object that describes the outcome of this action.


public ActionResult edtappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
This method handles the edit application view action.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object describing the result of this action


public ActionResult undepappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
This method is used to undeploy an application view from the server, yet leave it in the repository for future editing or deployment.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object describing the result of this action


public ActionResult remappvw(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
This method is used to DELETE an application view from the repository. You should call undepappvw to UNDEPLOY and application view from the server.

request - is the HttpServletRequest
an object describing the result of this action


public java.lang.String getEventSchemaName(IEventDescriptor ed)
Convenience method to retrieve the event schema's name.

ed - is an IEventDescriptor
String name of the schema


public java.lang.String getRequestSchemaName(IServiceDescriptor sd)
Convenience method to retrieve the service request schema's name.

sd - is an IServiceDescriptor
String name of the schema


public java.lang.String getResponseSchemaName(IServiceDescriptor sd)
Convenience method to retrieve the service response schema's name.

sd - is an IServiceDescriptor
String name of the schema


protected javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory validateConnectionParameters()
                                                                            throws java.lang.Exception
Verifies that the user supplied connection paramters are sufficient to configure an SPI ManagedConnectionFactory instance to open a connection to the underlying EIS.

a ManagedConnectionFactory
java.lang.Exception - if the connection object is null.


protected javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory configureManagedConnectionFactory()
                                                                                 throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,
Instantiates and configures an instance of an adapter specific class that implements the javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory interface. This method uses the Java reflection API to invoke all setter methods on the instance that have a corresponding entry in the mapOfConnectionParameters argument.

strManagedConnectionFactoryClassName - - the fully qualified class name of the javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class for the adapter.


protected java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryObjectName(QualifiedName appViewName)

the object name to use for this connection factory within its parent namespace.


protected java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryDeploymentName(QualifiedName appViewName)

the name to use when deploying/undeploying this connection factory.


protected java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryJNDIName(QualifiedName qualifiedAppViewName)
This method retrieves the JNDI name for the connection factory.

qualifiedAppViewName - is a QualifiedName object for the app view.
String the JNDI name for a connection factory descriptor.


protected void savePropertiesFromFactory(javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory factory)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
This method uses java reflection to save the appropriate properties from the ManagedConnectionFactory.

factory - is the ManagedConnectionFactory whose properties need saving.


public boolean supportsEvents()
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports events. Returns true by default. This should be overridden by the adapter developer if the adapter does not support events.


public boolean supportsServices()
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports services. Returns true by default. This should be overridden by the adapter developer if the adapter does not support services.


public boolean supportsServiceTest()
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports the testing of services. Returns false by default. This should be overridden by the adapter developer if the adapter supports the testing of services.


public boolean supportsEventTest()
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports the testing of events. Returns false by default. This should be overridden by the adapter developer if the adapter supports the testing of events.


public boolean supportsEditableEvents()
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports editing of events. Returns false by default. This should be overridden by the adapter developer if the adapter supports the editing of events.


public boolean supportsEditableServices()
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports editing of services. Returns false by default. This should be overridden by the adapter developer if the adapter supports the editing of services.


public ActionResult addservc(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Adds a service to the application view...This method corresponds to a JSP page named addservc. When the user submits the form on the addservc page, this method gets invoked by the controller servlet. An additional feature of the design time framework provided by the ADK is that every form field that uses an ADK tag has already passed coarse-grained validation prior to this method getting invoked. If your addservc form does not use ADK tags, you will need to get the field from the request parameter. This method provides the common logic required for adding a service to an application view. It relies on an abstract method initServiceDescriptor to supply the EIS specific aspects of adding a service.

an object that describes the outcome of this action.


public ActionResult edtservc(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Edits a service. This method corresponds to a JSP page named edtservc. When the user submits the form on the edtservc page, this method gets invoked by the controller servlet. An additional feature of the design time framework provided by the ADK is that every form field that uses an ADK tag has already passed coarse-grained validation prior to this method getting invoked. If your edtservc form does not use ADK tags, you will need to get the field from the request parameter. This method provides the common logic required for saving fields on the service page. It relies on an abstract method editServiceDescriptor to supply the EIS specific aspects of adding a service.

an object that describes the outcome of this action.


protected abstract void initServiceDescriptor(ActionResult result,
                                              IServiceDescriptor sd,
                                              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Initializes a service descriptor which involves creating the request and response schemas for the service. A typical approach is to execute an Interaction against the EIS to retrieve metadata and transform it into an XML schema. Consequently, we use the CCI interface provided by the adapter. Subclasses must provide an implementation of this method. If the adapter does not support services, then the method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

result - - indicates the success or failure of the action; when the object is passed in, it is configured for success. If an error condition occurs in this method, the result can be changed.
sd - - an object that describes a service for an application view.
request - - the HTTP request to access any parameters that are not validated by the controller servlet prior to invoking the addservc method.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs while attempting to create the request and/or response schemas via a call to the EIS.


public void loadServiceDescriptorProperties(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Maps properties to fields on the html page. This method is used to populate an html page for edit.

request - - the HTTP request to access any parameters that are not validated by the controller servlet prior to invoking the addevent method.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs while initializing the event descriptor


public void editServiceDescriptor(ActionResult result,
                                  IServiceDescriptor service,
                                  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
This method is called by the edtservc response method. Its purpose is to extract information from a form and populate the service descriptor.

result - - indicates the success or failure of the action; when the object is passed in, it is configured for success. If an error condition occurs in this method, the result can be changed.
sd - - an object that describes a service for an application view.
request - - the HTTP request to access any parameters that are not validated by the controller servlet prior to invoking the addservc method.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs while initializing the event descriptor


public ActionResult addevent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Adds an event to the application view. This method provides the common logic required for adding an event to an application view. It relies on an abstract method initEventDescriptor to supply the EIS specific aspects of adding an event.

an object that describes the outcome of this action.


public ActionResult edtevent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Edits an Event. This method corresponds to a JSP page named edtevent. When the user submits the form on the edtevent page, this method gets invoked by the controller servlet. An additional feature of the design time framework provided by the ADK is that every form field that uses an ADK tag has already passed coarse-grained validation prior to this method getting invoked. If your edtevent form does not use ADK tags, you will need to get the field from the request parameter. This method provides the common logic required for saving fields on the event page. It relies on an abstract method editEventDescriptor to supply the EIS specific aspects for adding an event.

an object that describes the outcome of this action.


protected abstract void initEventDescriptor(ActionResult result,
                                            IEventDescriptor ed,
                                            javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Initializes an event descriptor. The event descriptor provides information about an event on an application view. Subclasses will need to supply an implementation of this method. If events are not supported, then the implementation should throw an UnsupportedOperationException. This method will not be called until the event name and definition have been validated and the event does not already exist for the application view.

result - - indicates the success or failure of the action; when the object is passed in, it is configured for success. If an error condition occurs in this method, the result can be changed.
ed - - provides information about an event for an application view; schema name, etc.
request - - the HTTP request to access any parameters that are not validated by the controller servlet prior to invoking the addevent method.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs while initializing the event descriptor


public void loadEventDescriptorProperties(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Maps properties to fields on the html page. This method is used to populate an html page for edit.

request - - the HTTP request to access any parameters that are not validated by the controller servlet prior to invoking the addevent method.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs while initializing the event descriptor


public void editEventDescriptor(ActionResult result,
                                IEventDescriptor event,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
This method is called by the edtservc response method. Its purpose is to extract information from a form and populate the event descriptor.

result - - indicates the success or failure of the action; when the object is passed in, it is configured for success. If an error condition occurs in this method, the result can be changed.
sd - - an object that describes a service for an application view.
request - - the HTTP request to access any parameters that are not validated by the controller servlet prior to invoking the addservc method.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs while initializing the event descriptor


protected void debugDocument(java.lang.String strMessage,
                             ILogger logger,
                             IDocument doc)


protected IConnectionFactoryDescriptor createConnectionFactoryDescriptor(QualifiedName appViewName,
                                                                         java.lang.String logicalName)
                                                                  throws java.lang.Exception
This protected method creates a connection factory descriptor object that implements the IConnectionFactoryDescriptor interface.


WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)