WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation

Used for working with conversations.


Interface Summary
State The State interface represents the state of a conversation in the WebLogic Collaborate system.

Class Summary
ConversationType The ConversationType class represents a conversation definition for a trading partner who has subscribed to a role.

Exception Summary
Coordinator.DelistException A DelistException is thrown if an error occurs when delisting a trading partner in a conversation.
Coordinator.LeaveCSpaceException A LeaveCSpaceException is thrown if an error occurs when a collaborator leaves a c-space.
Coordinator.ShutdownException A ShutdownException is thrown if an error occurs when shutting down a c-space.
Coordinator.TerminateException A TerminateException is thrown if an error occurs when terminating a conversation.

Package com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation Description

Used for working with conversations.

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WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)