WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.logging

The logging toolkit provided by the ADK allows adapter developers to log internationalized messages to multiple output destinations.


Interface Summary
ILogger The public interface to the logging framework.
INestedDiagnosticContext The public interface to the Nested Diagnostic Context object of the ADK Logging Framework

Class Summary
HierarchyDOMConfigurator Extension of DOMConfigurator that allows the configuration of a specific hierarchy of categories.
LogCategory Class LogCategory is the Logging Framework's base Class for logging.
LogCategory.LogCategoryFactory A factory for LogCategoryinstances.
LogContext A class that encapsulates information to help determine its logging configuration in the logging framework.
LogManager A factory for ILogger instances.
LogPriority Class LogPriority extends org.apache.log4j.Priority for the purpose of wrapping the underlying implementation, and adding the value AUDIT to the default set of priorities
WeblogicAppender The WeblogicAppender is an appender for writing to the WebLogic log services.

Package com.bea.logging Description

The logging toolkit provided by the ADK allows adapter developers to log internationalized messages to multiple output destinations. The logging toolkit leverages the work of the open source project Apache Log4j. The log4j package is distributed under the Apache Public License, a full-fledged open source license certified by the open source initiative. The latest Log4j version, including full-source code, class files and documentation can be found at the Apache Log4j Web site. The logging toolkit wraps the salient classes within log4j to provide added functionality for developers who are building J2EE Connector Architecture resource adapters. For the WLAI product, the log toolkit is provided in the logtoolkit.jar file under: <WLAI_ROOT>/lib. This JAR file depends on DOM, XERCES, and Log4j 1.1. The XERCES dependency is satisfied by weblogic.jar and xmlx.jar provided in the WebLogic 6.0 distribution (<WL_HOME>/lib). The WLAI distribution includes the required version of Log4j in (<WLAI_HOME>/resources/log4j).

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WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)