WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use SOMElement
com.bea.schema Objects/interfaces for BEA Schema support. 

Uses of SOMElement in com.bea.schema

Methods in com.bea.schema that return SOMElement
 SOMElement SOMGroupType.addElement(java.lang.String name)
 SOMElement SOMGroupType.addElement(java.lang.String name, SOMType type)
 SOMElement SOMGroupType.add(SOMElement newChild)
 SOMElement DefaultDocumentOptions.getRootElement()
          Get the SOMElement that will act as the root element for the new document.
 SOMElement SOMGroup.add(SOMElement p_element)
          An <element> is an illegal child element for <group>.
 SOMElement SOMSchema.addElement(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a SOMElement object with the given name and adds the <element> to the root level of this schema.
 SOMElement SOMSchema.addElement(SOMElement child)
          Adds a previously created <element> object to the root of the schema object model.
 SOMElement SOMSchema.getElement(java.lang.String locationString)
          Lookup an element within this schema.
 SOMElement SOMSchema.removeElement(java.lang.String name)
          remove an element from the root level of this schema
 SOMElement SOMSchema.lookupElement(java.lang.String registeredName)
          Returns a reference to an SOMElement previously added to this schema object.
 SOMElement SOMElement.getElement(java.lang.String locationString)
          Lookup an element within this element.
protected  SOMElement SOMElement.getElement(java.util.StringTokenizer parsedLocation)
          Lookup an element within this element using tokenized virtual path.

Methods in com.bea.schema with parameters of type SOMElement
 SOMElement SOMGroupType.add(SOMElement newChild)
 void DefaultDocumentOptions.setRootElement(SOMElement rootElem)
          Specify a SOMElement that will act as the root element for the new document.
 SOMElement SOMGroup.add(SOMElement p_element)
          An <element> is an illegal child element for <group>.
 SOMElement SOMSchema.addElement(SOMElement child)
          Adds a previously created <element> object to the root of the schema object model.

Constructors in com.bea.schema with parameters of type SOMElement
SOMElement.SOMElement(SOMElement ref)
          Construct an <element>

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)