WebLogic Integration

Class FloatWord


public class FloatWord
extends Word
implements java.io.Serializable

Determines if a value is a valid Java float between a specified range. By default, any Java float is valid.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  IValidationResult checkAdditional(java.lang.Float value, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
          This method is called by the validate method after the lower and upper bounds have been validated.
protected  IValidationResult checkLowerBound(java.lang.Float value, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
          Checks value against the lower bound, minInclusive or minExclusive.
protected  IValidationResult checkUpperBound(java.lang.Float value, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
          Checks value against the upper bound, maxInclusive or maxExclusive.
 java.lang.Float getMaxExclusive()
 java.lang.Float getMaxInclusive()
 java.lang.Float getMinExclusive()
 java.lang.Float getMinInclusive()
 void setMaxExclusive(java.lang.String strMaxExclusive)
          Sets the value for the maximum exclusive constraining facet.
 void setMaxInclusive(java.lang.String strMaxInclusive)
          Sets the value for the maximum inclusive constraining facet.
 void setMinExclusive(java.lang.String strMinExclusive)
          Sets the value for the minimum exclusive constraining facet.
 void setMinInclusive(java.lang.String strMinInclusive)
          Sets the value for the minimum inclusive constraining facet.
 IValidationResult validate(java.lang.String strValue, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
Methods inherited from class com.bea.web.validation.Word
formatMessage, formatMessage, getKey, getPattern, getResource, isRequired, matchesPattern, setKey, setPattern, setRequired, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FloatWord()
Method Detail


public IValidationResult validate(java.lang.String strValue,
                                  java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)

validate in class Word


protected IValidationResult checkLowerBound(java.lang.Float value,
                                            java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
Checks value against the lower bound, minInclusive or minExclusive.

value - - the Float value to compare against the lower bound
IValidationResult - null if value satifies the lower bound. If return value is not null, then value does not satisfy the lower bound.


protected IValidationResult checkUpperBound(java.lang.Float value,
                                            java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
Checks value against the upper bound, maxInclusive or maxExclusive.

value - - the Float value to compare against the upper bound
IValidationResult - null if value satifies the upper bound. If return value is not null, then value does not satisfy the upper bound.


protected IValidationResult checkAdditional(java.lang.Float value,
                                            java.util.ResourceBundle bundle)
This method is called by the validate method after the lower and upper bounds have been validated. This method returns null. Sub-classes can override this method to supply additional validation on the Float value and still benefit from the parse and lower/upper bounds checking provided by the current implementation of validate method.


public final void setMinInclusive(java.lang.String strMinInclusive)
                           throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
Sets the value for the minimum inclusive constraining facet. To satisfy this constraining facet, the value must be numerically greater than or equal to strMinInclusive. It is an error for both minInclusive and minExclusive to be specified on the same object.

strMinInclusive - - the inclusive lower bound, must be able to be parsed into a Java float.
java.lang.NumberFormatException - - the argument strMinInclusive cannot be parsed into a Java float.


public final java.lang.Float getMinInclusive()


public final void setMaxInclusive(java.lang.String strMaxInclusive)
                           throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
Sets the value for the maximum inclusive constraining facet. To satisfy this constraining facet, the value must be numerically less than or equal to strMaxInclusive. It is an error for both maxInclusive and maxExclusive to be specified on the same object.

strMaxInclusive - - the inclusive upper bound, must be able to be parsed into a Java float.
java.lang.NumberFormatException - - the argument strMaxInclusive cannot be parsed into a Java float.


public final java.lang.Float getMaxInclusive()


public final void setMinExclusive(java.lang.String strMinExclusive)
                           throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
Sets the value for the minimum exclusive constraining facet. To satisfy this constraining facet, the value must be numerically greater than strMinExclusive. It is an error for both minInclusive and minExclusive to be specified on the same object.

strMinExclusive - - the exclusive lower bound, must be able to be parsed into a Java Float.
java.lang.NumberFormatException - - the argument strMinExclusive cannot be parsed into a Java Float.


public final java.lang.Float getMinExclusive()


public final void setMaxExclusive(java.lang.String strMaxExclusive)
                           throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
Sets the value for the maximum exclusive constraining facet. To satisfy this constraining facet, the value must be numerically less than strMaxExclusive. It is an error for both maxInclusive and maxExclusive to be specified on the same object.

strMaxExclusive - - the exclusive upper bound, must be able to be parsed into a Java Float.
java.lang.NumberFormatException - - the argument strMaxExclusive cannot be parsed into a Java Float.


public final java.lang.Float getMaxExclusive()

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)