WebLogic Integration

Interface IEventGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IEventGenerator

Interface that defines an object that can generate events from an EIS. This interface is used by instances of IEventRouter. Event generators should ask their parent IEventRouter for a list of event types that should be generated, and only generate events for the requested types.

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Method Summary
 void init(IEventRouter router, java.util.Map props)
          Initialize this event generator given its parent IEventRouter, and a Map of properties.
 void refresh()
          Refresh the list of requested event types by talking to the parent IEventRouter.
 void start()
          Start generating events as they are detected in the EIS.
 void stop()
          Stop generating events from the EIS.

Method Detail


public void init(IEventRouter router,
                 java.util.Map props)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Initialize this event generator given its parent IEventRouter, and a Map of properties. These properties may be specific to the needs of the given event generator, and are provided by startup information given to the servlet engine being used to host the event router.


public void start()
           throws java.lang.Exception
Start generating events as they are detected in the EIS.

java.lang.Exception - If any error occurs while starting up.


public void refresh()
             throws java.lang.Exception
Refresh the list of requested event types by talking to the parent IEventRouter. From this call onward, the event generator should only generate events that have been requested in the new list.

java.lang.Exception - If any error occurs while starting up.


public void stop()
          throws java.lang.Exception
Stop generating events from the EIS.

java.lang.Exception - If any error occurs while stopping.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)