WebLogic Integration

Class UserPermissionInfo


public final class UserPermissionInfo
extends PermissionInfo

Holds permisssion infomation about a WLPI user.

Objects of this class holds various permissions defined by EnumPermission for a particular WLPI user. These are the Serializable objects that will be transmitting across the application server boundary.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
UserPermissionInfo(java.lang.String userId)
          Create a new UserPermissionInfo object.
UserPermissionInfo(java.lang.String userId, java.util.List roles)
          Create a new UserPermissionInfo object.
Method Summary
 java.util.List getRoles()
          Return a List of RoleInfos in which the user has a membership.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.PermissionInfo
getPermissions, getPrincipalId, hasPermission, setPermission
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UserPermissionInfo(java.lang.String userId)
Create a new UserPermissionInfo object.

userId - The WLPI user ID.


public UserPermissionInfo(java.lang.String userId,
                          java.util.List roles)
Create a new UserPermissionInfo object.

userId - The WLPI user ID.
roles - A List of RoleInfos in which the user has a membership. If it is empty or null, then the user is considered as having no membership in any roles.
Method Detail


public final java.util.List getRoles()
Return a List of RoleInfos in which the user has a membership.

The role IDs. If it is empty or null, then the user is considered as having no membership

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)