WebLogic Integration

Interface PluginAction

public interface PluginAction
extends PluginObject

The interface that a plugin must implement to define a new action.

WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0
Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 int execute(ActionContext actionContext, ExecutionContext execContext)
          Execute the plugin action.
 void fixup(com.bea.wlpi.evaluator.ExpressionParser parser)
          The framework calls this method after parsing the template definition.
 void response(ActionContext actionContext, ExecutionContext execContext, java.lang.Object data)
          Process an asynchronous response directed to this action.
 void startedWorkflowDone(ActionContext actionContext, ExecutionContext context, VariableInfo[] output)
          Notify the plugin action that a sub-workflow it started is now complete.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginObject
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping

Method Detail


public int execute(ActionContext actionContext,
                   ExecutionContext execContext)
            throws WorkflowException
Execute the plugin action. The plugin action performs its business logic during this call.

actionContext - This object provides action-level services such as execution of sub-actions and sub-workflow instantiation.
execContext - The execution context. This object provides access to the runtime context, including the template ID, template definition ID, workflow instance ID, event data, and various services related to workflow enactment.
Indicates whether (and how) to continue subsequent processing: ExecutionContext.CONTINUE, ExecutionContext.STOP, ExecutionContext.EXIT_ROLLBACK, ExecutionContext.EXIT_CONTINUE, or ExecutionContext.EXIT_RETRY
WorkflowException - if an error occurred during action execution.


public void fixup(com.bea.wlpi.evaluator.ExpressionParser parser)
           throws WorkflowException
The framework calls this method after parsing the template definition. This provides the plugin action with an opportunity to compile any expressions it has.

parser - The expression parser to use. N.B. This object is not thread-safe: plug-ins must not keep a reference to it. This parameter is provided for backwards compatibility only. Plug-ins should use the factory method Expression.getExpression(String) or one of its overloads to compile their expressions.


public void response(ActionContext actionContext,
                     ExecutionContext execContext,
                     java.lang.Object data)
              throws WorkflowException
Process an asynchronous response directed to this action. The response is typically to an external request that the action raised in a prior call to its execute(com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.ActionContext, com.bea.wlpi.server.common.ExecutionContext) method. Plugin actions can use this callback to effect such responses as asynchronous execution of a sub-action list. The framework ultimately calls this method when it receives a call to Worklist.response(String, String, String, Object) or one of the other overloads.

actionContext - This object provides action-level services such as the execution of sub-actions and sub-workflow instantiation.
execContext - The execution context. This object provides access to the runtime context, including the template ID, template definition ID, workflow instance ID, event data, and various services related to workflow enactment.
data - Data object which the plugin casts to a known type in order to extract required information.


public void startedWorkflowDone(ActionContext actionContext,
                                ExecutionContext context,
                                VariableInfo[] output)
                         throws WorkflowException
Notify the plugin action that a sub-workflow it started is now complete.

actionContext - This object provides action-level services such as the execution of sub-actions and sub-workflow instantiation.
execContext - The execution context. This object provides access to the runtime context, including the template ID, template definition ID, workflow instance ID, event data, and various services related to workflow enactment.
output - The output variables of the called workflow.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)