WebLogic Integration

Interface PluginManagerCfg

public interface PluginManagerCfg
extends PluginManager

Configures WebLogic Process Integrator plug-ins. The plug-in configuration manager is responsible for maintaining plug-in configurations, and managing the plug-in framework's cluster-wide state transitions. It also maintains lists of the plug-ins that have registered for various system event notifications.

WebLogic Process Integrator version 2.0
Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:

Method Summary
 void deletePluginConfiguration(java.lang.String pluginName, VersionInfo version)
          Delete a plug-in's configuration data.
 void loadPlugin(java.lang.String pluginName, VersionInfo version)
          Load and initialize the specified plug-in.
 void onPluginDeployed(Plugin plugin)
          Notify the plug-in manager that a plug-in has been hot-deployed.
 void refresh()
          Flush cached plug-in capabilities information.
 void setPluginConfiguration(java.lang.String pluginName, VersionInfo version, int startMode, java.lang.String config)
          Set a plug-in's configuration data.
 void unloadPlugin(java.lang.String pluginName, VersionInfo version)
          Unload and deinitialize specified plug-in.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
addInstanceListener, addTaskListener, addTemplateDefinitionListener, addTemplateListener, classForName, getActionInfo, getDoneInfo, getEventHandlerInfo, getEventInfo, getFieldInfo, getFrameworkVersion, getFunctionInfo, getHelpSetInfo, getInfoObject, getPlugin, getPluginConfiguration, getPluginObject, getPluginObject, getPluginObject, getPlugins, getStartInfo, getTemplateDefinitionInfo, getTemplateInfo, getVariableTypeInfo, isLoaded, onEvent, removeInstanceListener, removeTaskListener, removeTemplateDefinitionListener, removeTemplateListener
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Method Detail


public void onPluginDeployed(Plugin plugin)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Notify the plug-in manager that a plug-in has been hot-deployed. The implementation initializes and loads the plug-in (unless the plug-in was previously configured as disabled or manually started). This method is idempotent.

plugin - The plug-in that was deployed.


public void refresh()
             throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Flush cached plug-in capabilities information. Plug-ins can call this method if their capabilities are dynamically configured. Calling this method causes the plug-in managers to re-query all loaded plug-ins and to rebuild their internal plug-in capabilities caches. This is a relatively expensive call to make, so its use should be kept to a minimum. This method is idempotent.


public void loadPlugin(java.lang.String pluginName,
                       VersionInfo version)
                throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Load and initialize the specified plug-in. The plug-in manager merges the capabilities of the plug-in with those of the currently loaded plug-ins. This method is idempotent.

pluginName - The reverse-DNS plug-in name.
version - The plug-in version required.


public void unloadPlugin(java.lang.String pluginName,
                         VersionInfo version)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Unload and deinitialize specified plug-in. This method is idempotent.

pluginName - The reverse-DNS plug-in name.
version - The plug-in version required.


public void setPluginConfiguration(java.lang.String pluginName,
                                   VersionInfo version,
                                   int startMode,
                                   java.lang.String config)
                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Set a plug-in's configuration data. This method is idempotent.

pluginName - The reverse-DNS plug-in name.
version - The plug-in version required.
startMode - Whether and when the plug-in manager starts the plug-in. One of: PluginConstants.MODE_DISABLED, PluginConstants.MODE_AUTOMATIC, PluginConstants.MODE_MANUAL.
config - The plug-in configuration data as an XML document.
See Also:
PluginManager.getPluginConfiguration(java.lang.String, com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo)


public void deletePluginConfiguration(java.lang.String pluginName,
                                      VersionInfo version)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Delete a plug-in's configuration data. This method is idempotent.

pluginName - The reverse-DNS plug-in name.
version - The plug-in version required.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)