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This glossary defines terms that are used in the documentation for BEA WebLogic Integration. Terms displayed in blue, other than URLs, are defined in this glossary.

See also: WebLogic Integration Platform glossary

— A —

active version

The version of the business process that at run time will be accessed by external clients through the public URI.

See business process, versioning, and public URI.

ACID properties

Essential characteristics of transaction processing systems:

See transaction.

activation time

For non-versioned business processes, the date and time the process became, or is to become, active.

See business process.


Software component that provides an interface between an enterprise information system and an integration server. An application adapter represents a system-level interface to the functionality in the application.

administration console

Browser-based interface used by a system administrator to perform configuration and monitoring tasks.

See WebLogic Integration Administration Console and WebLogic Server Administration Console.

application view

An application view is configured for a single business purpose, and contains only services related to that business purpose. Additionally, an application view represents both events and services that support a business purpose, allowing the business user to interact with the application view for all communication with an application.

archive directory

A directory in which files are archived.


In worklist administration, a comma separated list that designates who should perform a task. A task can be assigned to one or more users or groups. Once assigned, the task can be claimed by any user included in the list of assignees or a member of any group included in the list of assignees.


Characteristic of events that occur at different times such that the relationship between the times when those events occur is unpredictable. In distributed application architectures such as web services, clients invoke methods (or send messages to) servers and servers respond. If a client is blocked from performing other work while waiting for a server to respond, the interaction is described as synchronous because the client is synchronized with the server. If an interaction is designed such that a client can continue performing other work while the server prepares its response, and the server can notify the client when the response is ready, the interaction is described as asynchronous. An asynchronous architecture is useful in event-driven scenarios, in which an event can arrive at any time and the receiver can handle it whenever it arrives.

asynchronous business process

A business process that is invoked by an asynchronous method as the Starting Event. This includes business processes that are invoked via a Client Request node, a Subscription node, or one of several Client Request or Subscription nodes (for example, an Event Choice node).

See business process.

asynchronous web service

A web service that provides asynchronous functionality, either by using asynchronous methods or by using synchronous methods and callbacks in an asynchronous manner. Interactions in asynchronous web services are designed to allow the client to continue performing other work while the server prepares its response. The server notifies the client when the response is ready. An asynchronous architecture is useful in event-driven scenarios where the receiver handles the event whenever it arrives.

See synchronous web service.


Process whereby the identity of users or system processes are proved or verified. Authentication also involves remembering, transporting, and making identity information available to various components of a system when that information is needed. Authentication typically involves username/password combinations, but can also be done using tokens.

See authentication type.

authentication mode

The type of process whereby the identity of users or system processes are proved or verified. See authentication, authentication type.

authentication type

The type of process whereby the identity of users or system processes are proved or verified. Authentication types include: Basic, One-Way, One-Way with Basic, Mutual.

See authentication.


Process whereby the interactions between users and resources are limited to ensure integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Authorization controls access to resources based on user identity or other information. In the WebLogic Server environment, a process whereby a user's access to a WebLogic resource is permitted or denied based on the user's security role and the security policy assigned to the requested WebLogic resource.

See authorization provider, security policy, uniform resource locator (URL), and WebLogic resource.

authorization provider

In the WebLogic Server environment, a security provider that controls access to WebLogic resources based on the user's security role and the security policy assigned to the requested WebLogic resource.

See security provider, user, and WebLogic resource.


— B —

basic authentication

A type of authentication.

See authentication and authentication type.

BEA WebLogic Integration

See WebLogic Integration.

BEA WebLogic Server

See WebLogic Server.

binding name

The name used to identify the binding within the system. The name must be unique within the trading partner profile.


See business process management (BPM).


A resource you can add to a method of your web service. A buffer ensures that your method returns to the client immediately, so that the client need not wait for the server to process other requests. Incoming calls to a buffered method are queued so that the server is not overwhelmed with requests.


Practice of adding a buffer to a method of your service to ensure that the service returns to the client immediately. This mechanism eliminates the need for the client to wait for the server to process other requests. Incoming calls to a buffered method are queued so that the server is not overwhelmed with requests.

bulk loader

The Bulk Loader is a command line tool that you can use to import, export, and delete trading partner management (TPM) data. This data includes trading partner profiles, certificates from keystores, service definitions, and service profiles. The Bulk Loader imports an XML representation of TPM data and it exports an XML file. Validation of the XML input documents is performed using the XSD schemas. The Bulk Loader uses an XML configuration file to obtain parameters for connecting to the database and certificate keystores. If the Bulk Loader detects any errors during this procedure, it creates an error log.

bulk loader configuration file

The Bulk Loader uses a configuration file (blconfig.xml) to get parameters for connecting to the database and certificate keystores. Before using the Bulk Loader, you must modify this file to match your database installation.

See bulk loader.

Business Calendar Configuration module

This module enables you to: create and update business calendars; export and import business calendars; map calendars to users.

business calendars

Business calendars represent the operating hours of a business. A business calendar specifies a time zone and a set of time period rules. The time period rules determine the days, dates, and hours that are free (available for business activities) and busy (unavailable for business activities).

business ID

Identifier for a trading partner. The value is used to identify the partner in message exchanges.

business ID type

The type or naming convention for the Business ID. For example, if the value entered for Business ID is a D-U-N-S number, enter DUNS for the Business ID Type.

business logic

Principles and instructions that perform a function specific to your business, such as order processing.

business message

Basic unit of communication between trading partners in a conversation. A multipart MIME message that consists of business documents, and attachments.

business operation

Method of adding user-defined operations in WebLogic Integration by invoking EJBs or calling Java classes.

business process

A set of related business operations, such as order processing, that is automated in whole or in part. When a business process is executed, information is passed to a particular participant at a particular time, according to a set of intelligent business rules that enable computers to perform most of the work, leaving humans to deal only with exceptions.

business process management (BPM)

A set of tools and technologies that enables the integration of diverse applications and human participants, as well as the coordinated exchange of information between trading partners outside of the enterprise. Business processes allow you to orchestrate the execution of business logic and the exchange of business documents among back-end systems, users and trading partners (systems and users) in a loosely coupled fashion.

business protocol

Set of rules that governs the electronic exchange of business information between enterprises across a network. A business protocol specifies the structure of business messages, the method for processing the messages, and the method for routing them to the appropriate recipients. WebLogic Integration trading partners can use the business protocol to send and receive business messages.

business protocol definition

Set of logic plug-ins that implements a business protocol.

See business protocol.

business service

Interface to a conversation definition. A trading partner offers a business service to other trading partners who may want to interact with it.

business service name

The business service name as defined for a process.

business time

Business time is the time interval between business events that place, such as a message being sent or a particular task instance becoming overdue. You can express time intervals in business time by associating the interval with a business calendar.

See business calendars.

business transaction protocol (BTP)

Standard that provides an open and well-defined method for managing long-running, complex transactions common in B2B e-commerce. BTP is an XML-based vocabulary protocol for representing and seamlessly managing complex, multi-step B2B transactions over the Internet. BTP enables trading partners to manage complex XML message exchanges as long-running, loosely-coupled conversations.


— C —

callback authorization policy

The roles authorized to invoke the process callback. If the callback authorization policy is not defined, everyone is authorized.


See digital certificate.

certificate authentication

Method of providing a confident identification of a client by a server through the use of digital certificates. Certificate authentication is generally preferred over password authentication because it is based on what the user has (a private key), as well as what the user knows (a password that protects the private key).

See authentication and digital certificate.

certificate based authentication

A type of authentication.

See authentication.

channel count

For HTTP event generators, the number of channel rules defined for the generator.

See channel rules.

channel files

Define the channels available in a deployed application. To restrict the messages routed to static or dynamic subscribers, XQuery filters can be applied against message metadata (if the metadata is typed XML) or message body (if the body is string or typed XML). All subscribers registered to receive a message on a channel receive the message, subject to any filters they have set up.

See XQuery.

channel name

The name of the Message Broker channel to which messages matching the configured criteria are published.

channel rules

In event generation, rules that you can define for channels in generator types such as File event generators, Email event generators, JMS event generators, Timer event generators, MQ event generators, and HTTP event generators.

channel summary list

Displays the channel name, type (xml, rawData, string, or none), number of subscribers, message count, and dead letter count for each channel.

child instance

The process invoked when a process instance calls another process via the process control.

See process control.

child process

The process invoked when a process instance calls another process via the process control.

See process control.


In cryptography, a coding system used to create encrypted messages.


In worklist administration, if a task has been claimed, the user that claimed the task. Claiming a task indicates a user's intent to complete the task.


Program that performs the following steps:

  1. Collects requests for services from users through a user interface.

  2. Transmits those requests to servers.

  3. Receives the servers' responses and passes them to the users.

If a client is located on a machine that belongs to the domain to which the target servers also belong, then the client is called a native client. If the client is located on a machine outside that domain, then the client is called a remote client or a Workstation client.

client callback properties

The properties used to dynamically configure the callback to a client.

client certificate

A statement that associates a particular client with a name or other attributes that are used to identify the client. It allows the confident identification of a client by a server. The statement is digitally signed by a certificate authority. Therefore, by trusting the certificate authority to sign only true statements, you can trust that the client is the entity named in the certificate.

See digital certificate, certificate authentication.

client certificate alias

In process configuration, the name always used for a particular client certificate in certificate-based authentication.

See client certificate, digital certificate, certificate authentication.

client certificate password alias

In process configuration, the password always used for a particular client certificate in certificate-based authentication.

See client certificate, digital certificate, certificate authentication.

Client Request node

A business process node that provides a means for a client to make a request to a business process.

See business process.

Client Request with Return node

A node that starts a business process as the result of receiving a synchronous request from a client. Any nodes added between the receive and send nodes inside the Client Request with Return group are executed within the scope of the synchronous operation. This node is only available as the starting event of a business process.

See business process.

Client Response node

A business process node that provides a way for a business process to send messages to clients.

See business process.


Group of WebLogic server instances that work together to provide an application platform that is more powerful and reliable than a single server. A cluster appears to its clients as a single server but it is, in fact, a group of servers acting as one. If properly designed and configured, a cluster can provide both availability and scalability. New processes and machines can be added to a cluster, dynamically, to handle increased load without shutting down the cluster. Individual servers can be removed from the cluster periodically so that maintenance can be done without affecting cluster performance.


Clustering allows WebLogic Integration to run on a group of servers that can be managed as a single unit. In a clustered environment, multiple machines share the processing load. WebLogic Integration provides load balancing so that resource requests are distributed proportionately across all machines. A WebLogic Integration deployment can use clustering and load balancing to improve scalability by distributing the workload across nodes. Clustering provides a deployment platform that is more scalable than a single server.


To complete a transaction so that changes are recorded and stable. Protected resources are released. Declaration or process of making a transaction's updates and messages visible to other transactions. When a transaction commits, all its effects become public and durable. After commitment, the effects of a transaction cannot be reversed automatically.

See transaction.

Common Client Interface (CCI)

Defines a standard client API for application components and enables application components and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) frameworks to drive EIS using a common client API. The J2EE Connector Architecture defines a CCI for EIS access.


In worklist administration, the due date for task completion.

complex type

An XML element that can contain other elements or attributes. The definition for a complex type appears as <complexType> in an XML schema document.


  1. Set of hardware, hardware options, software, and software setup on a computer or on a network.

  2. In the trading partner management module, this allows administrators to configure the resources required and to set system defaults.

connection type

For MQ event generators, the connection mode to be used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

content filter class

For MQ event generators, the fully qualified name of the class implementing the event content filtering logic.


Component used in a Web service so that a service can communicate with other kinds of applications and components. For example, a database control enables a Web service to request data from a database. A service control makes it easy for one Web service to call another.

control (CTRL) file

A file that defines a control. Controls with the CTRL extension were created in an earlier version of WebLogic Workshop but continue to be supported.

control author

Someone who builds Java controls to encapsulate reusable functionality. A control author writes a control class, then (as needed) adds nested controls, implements methods and callbacks, and defines properties.

control class

Implements the control interface containing methods exposed by a Java business control. The class name is the same as the control interface name, but ends with "Impl". A control class file has a .jcs extension.

control factories

Allows a single application to manage multiple instances of the same control. File, Email, WLI JMS, Application View, TPM, and Worklist controls can be implemented as control factories.

control interface

A Java interface that defines the methods exposed by a Java business control. A control interface always extends the com.bea.control.Control interface or an interface derived from it.

control nodes

Represent points in your business process at which you design interactions with resources via controls.

Control Receive node

Control receive nodes represent points in business processes at which the process receives asynchronous messages from resources (via controls). A business process waits at a Control Receive node until it receives a message from the specified control. Control nodes are mutable or morphable; you can change them into another type of control by dragging and dropping a control method of a different type.

See business process.

Control Send node

Represents points in business processes at which asynchronous messages are sent to resources (via controls). Control nodes are mutable or morphable; you can change them into another type of control by dragging and dropping a control method of a different type.

See business process.

Control Send with Return node

Handles synchronous exchange of messages between business processes and resources (via controls). Control nodes are mutable or morphable; you can change them into another type of control by dragging and dropping a control method of a different type.

See business process.


A series of message exchanges between trading partners. A conversation is defined by a collaboration agreement. The choreography of message exchanges is determined by the conversation definition, which is part of a collaboration agreement between the trading partners.

CTRL file

See control (CTRL) file.

custom extension

Augments the default properties associated with a trading partner, to support application-specific requirements. A custom extension is modeled in the repository so that defined properties can be retrieved as subtrees within an XML document. The properties can be retrieved using the TPM control. The extension is composed of a user-defined root element that contains well-formed XML elements and attributes that define the required properties.


— D —

data transformation

The mapping and conversion of data from one format to another.

database administrators

Database administrators provide in-depth technical and operational knowledge about database systems deployed in an organization. They have experience in the following areas:

deactivation time

For non-versioned processes, the date and time the process is to become inactive.

dead letter count

Reflects the number of messages sent to dead letter channels since the count was last reset. When the Message Broker is unable to determine the URI to send a message to (that is, no subscribers are found), the message is sent to the appropriate deadletter channel.

Decision node

A business process node that allows you to incorporate true or false decisions into a process. A decision node consists of one condition, a path below the condition, which represents the path of execution followed when the decision evaluates to true, and a path to the right of the condition, which represents the path of execution followed when the condition evaluates to false (the default path). A decision node can contain additional conditions, in which case if the first condition evaluates to false, the second condition is evaluated. If the second condition evaluates to false, the next condition is evaluated, and so on. The default path is executed if none of the conditions are met.

See business process.

default reporting data policy

A system property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. You can set the system default reporting data policy to On or Off.

default tracking level

A system property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. It sets the system default tracking level.


Sequence of bytes that denotes the end of a field or group of data.

delivery semantics

The reliable message service behavior: Best effort; Once and only once reliable messaging; At least once reliable messaging; or At most once reliable messaging.


Process of placing an application in a distributed environment and making it available for use. This process may include tasks such as the installation, configuration, and administration of various parts of the application.

deployment specialist

A role that is needed to deploy an integrated solution successfully. Deployment specialists coordinate the deployment effort. They are knowledgeable about the features of the WebLogic Integration product. They provide expertise in designing the deployment topology for an integration solution, based on their knowledge of how to configure various WebLogic Integration features on one or more servers. Deployment specialists have experience in the following areas:

digital certificate

Digital certificates are electronic documents used to identify principals and objects as unique entities over networks such as the Internet. A digital certificate securely binds the identity of a user or object, as verified by a trusted third party known as a certificate authority, to a particular public key. The combination of the public key and the private key provides a unique identity for the owner of the digital certificate.

See digital signature, and public key.

digital signature

String of bits used to protect the security of data being exchanged by two entities by verifying the identities of those entities. Specifically, this string is used to verify that the data came from the sending entity of record and was not modified in transit. A digital signature is computed from an entity's signed data and private key. It can be trusted only to the extent that the public key used to verify it can be trusted.

Dispatch As

The user under which messages are dispatched to subscribers. If no user is specified, messages are dispatched as Anonymous.

Do While node

A business process node which provides Do While loop capabilities in a process. For Do While groups, business process activities are added before the condition in the loop. At run time, the activities defined in a Do While loop are performed, after which the condition is evaluated. Therefore, the activities inside a Do While group are performed one or many times, depending on the results of the evaluation of the condition.

document definition

Schema, such as a Document Type Definition (DTD), that specifies the prerequisites for a valid document. WebLogic Integration document definitions are provided in XML DTDs. Each document definition includes two attributes: System ID (a DTD system identifier); and URL, which specifies the location of the document definition.

document exchange

Definition of the method through which a document is exchanged. A document exchange defines a business protocol and some run-time parameters.

See business process.

Document Type Definition (DTD)

File that defines the format (grammar and syntax) to be used for associated messages or files written in either XML or SGML. Specifically, a DTD file defines how the markup tags in an XML or SGML document should be interpreted by the application that is presenting that document, so that the document is displayed or printed as intended. The definition conforms to the rules of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). DTDs are part of the W3C XML specification.

See schema.


A server domain includes one or more instances of WebLogic Server and may include WebLogic Server clusters.

See WebLogic Server domain.

Domain Configuration Wizard

An interactive, graphical user interface (GUI) that facilitates the creation of a new WebLogic Server domain. The wizard can create WebLogic Server domain configurations for stand-alone servers, Administration Servers with Node Managers and Managed Servers, and clustered servers. You can use it to create the appropriate directory structure for your WebLogic Server domain, a basic config.xml file, and scripts that you can use to start the servers in your domain.

See WebLogic Server domain.

dynamic binding

The process of setting control attributes through a combination of look-up rules and look-up values. In dynamic binding, the process developer specifies look-up rules, and the administrator defines the look-up values. This design pattern allows control attributes to be reconfigured for a running application, without redeployment.

dynamic client callback properties

These properties allow you to to define the selector values and properties required to dynamically configure a callback to a client.

dynamic controls

Dynamic controls provide the means to dynamically set control attributes through a combination of look-up rules and look-up values. This process is known as dynamic binding. In dynamic binding, the process developer specifies look-up rules, and the administrator defines the look-up values. This design pattern allows control attributes to be reconfigured for a running application, without redeployment.

dynamic properties

For certain controls, you can use dynamic properties to override class-level annotations of the control.

dynamic selector

Some control attributes can be selected and dynamically set at run time, rather than entering specific values at design time. You use dynamic selectors in the Property Editor to specify these values.


— E —

EAR file

See Enterprise Application Archive (EAR).

effective time

For timer event generators, the date and time the first event is to be generated.

See event generators.


See Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).

elapsed time

In process instance monitoring, a process instance statistic that reports the time elapsed since the instance started. The units reported depend on the duration of the instance:

electronic business XML (ebXML)

Set of specifications for a modular framework supporting the electronic exchange of business data. Developed for global usage through a joint initiative of the United Nations (UN/CEFACT) and OASIS.


A unit of XML data. An element can enclose other elements.

email control

Enables WebLogic Integration business processes to send e-mail to a specific destination.

email event generator

Polls for messages in email accounts and publishes the contents to Message Broker channels. Handling criteria are specified in the channel rules defined for the event generator.


Component that transforms a message, as necessary, to support the required business protocol, and then forwards the message to the transport service.


Process of algorithmically scrambling data to prevent (or hinder) unauthorized disclosure, while still preserving access to the original data by authorized users. To read an encrypted file, a recipient must have access to a secret key or password that enables the recipient to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plaintext; encrypted data is referred to as ciphertext.

encryption certificate

An encryption certificate is used to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Enterprise Application Archive (EAR)

A single-file archive that consists of Web application components, EJB components, and resource adapters. The META-INF\application.xml deployment descriptor contains an element for each Web application, EJB, and connector component, as well as additional elements to describe security roles and application resources such as databases. WebLogic Workshop applications are exploded EAR files that can be deployed to a WebLogic Server instance running in production mode.

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

Java API that defines a component architecture for multitier client/server systems. Specifically, the EJB specifies an architecture for the development and deployment of object-oriented, distributed, enterprise-level applications. Applications written using the EJB architecture are scalable, transactional, and secure.


Something that exists independently as a particular and discrete unit. Persons, corporations, and objects are examples of entities.

entity bean

Enterprise JavaBean that represents a database record and includes methods that can be invoked on data in that record.

error count

For HTTP event generators, the number of errors since the error counter was last reset or the server was last restarted. The number is the total across all channel rules (an error directory is configured for each channel rule).

error directory

The file system directory to which you a write a file if there is a problem reading it or publishing its contents to the Message Broker channel.

error reset time

For HTTP event generators, the time the error counter was last reset.

Event Choice node

An Event Choice node group represents a point in a business process at which the business process waits to receive one of a possible number of events. Once it receives one of the possible events, the flow of the business process continues. You design other nodes within an Event Choice node group to handle the incoming events. The first node on each branch of an Event Choice node group handles the receipt of one event. The flow of execution proceeds along one branch in an Event Choice node; the branch containing the event that happens first.

See business process.

Event Generator Module

This module enables you to: create and deploy new event generators; add channel rules to existing event generators; reset the read and error counters; and suspend and resume deployed event generators. When you create a new event generator, it is packaged and deployed as an EJB (JMS, File, Email, Timer, and MQ event generators) or Web application module (HTTP event generator) on a single managed server. Once the event generator has been created and deployed, you can suspend, resume, or add additional channel rules as required.

event generators

  1. Event generators are typically used to start a business process based on events, such as the receipt of email or a new file appearing in a directory. WebLogic Integration provides native event generators, including JMS, Email, File, and Timer event generators. It also works with Application View event generators, which work with J2EE-CA connectors.

  2. Event generators publish messages to Message Broker channels in response to system events (for example, files arriving in a directory, or messages arriving in an email account or JMS queue).


A field that displays the exception content for an aborted or frozen instance.

execution policy

  1. Condition, often an error, that causes a program or microprocessor to branch to a different routine to handle the error. Java method for handling run-time errors.

  2. Controls the identify used to access external or backend resources. It allows the administrator to specify whether a process accesses an external system as the invoking application or as an application that called into the process later. The execution policy specifies whether the operations in a process are run as the start user or the caller's ID. If start user is specified, each operation assumes the identity of the user that started the process. If caller's ID is specified, the operation after the call in assumes the identity of that interrupting call.

exception path

The definition of how exceptions are handled within a business process or a portion of a business process. Exception paths can be associated with individual nodes, a group of nodes, or with the entire business process (global). When an exception is thrown, an exception handler associated with the node on which the exception occurs is executed first. If no exception path exists for the node, or if the exception path for the node throws an exception, the exception is caught by an exception handler on a group in which the node is contained. If an exception path on a group does not catch or handle the exception, it is caught by the global exception handler. An exception path associated with a Start node defines the global exception handler for a process.

execution thread pool

The execution thread pool controls the number of threads that can execute concurrently on WebLogic Server. A setting that is too low results in sequential processing and possible deadlocks. A setting that is too high results in excessive memory consumption and may cause thrashing. Set the execution thread pool high enough so that all candidate threads run, but not so high that performance is hampered due to excessive context switching in the system. The number of execute threads also determines the number of threads that read incoming socket messages (socket-reader threads). This number is, by default, one-third of the number of execute threads. A number that is too low can result in contention for threads for reading sockets and can sometimes lead to a deadlock.

explicit transaction

Transactions within a business process whose boundaries are declared. You create explicit transaction boundaries by selecting contiguous nodes and declaring them to be in a transaction separate from those created implicitly by the application. Resources accessed with a process may also be part of the transaction depending on the nature of the resource and the control that provides access.

See business process and implicit transaction.

explicit transaction boundaries

See transaction boundaries and explicit transaction.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

Metalanguage (a language for describing languages) that you can use to define customized markup languages. It is composed of a subset of standardized general markup language (SGML). XML facilitates the development of user-defined document types and the creation of programs that can use data from documents of such types. It is rapidly becoming a universal standard for defining, validating, and sharing data formats and documents. Because XML is text-based (that is, it is not written in binary format), and it uses syntax rather than binary markers to organize data, it can be deployed across heterogeneous and potentially incompatible systems and platforms.

eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

Language for specifying the format of an XML document.

eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)

XML language designed for transforming one XML document into another. An XSLT document, or stylesheet, describes data transformations that are to be performed on nodes of an XML document. Using XSLT, an XML document can be transformed into a variety of text formats, such as XML, HTML, and PDF.


— F —

file control

Enables you to read, write, or append to a file in a file system through a business process.

file event generator

Polls for files in file systems (local directory or FTP server) and publishes the contents (or a reference to an archived location) to Message Broker channels as XML or binary objects. File pattern matching, as well as other handling criteria, are specified in the channel rules for the event generator.

filter value

For subscriptions with filters, the filter value that must match the results of applying the filter to the message. For static subscriptions, if a filter is set but the filter value is null, the subscriber only requires that the filter be satisfied and does not care about the specific results of evaluating the filter. For dynamic subscriptions, if a filter is set, but the filter value is null, the filter value is not specified as part of the subscription, but rather may be specified with each instance.

Finish node

When you create a business process, it contains by default a Start node and a Finish node. You can specify additional (optional) endpoints of your business process by adding Finish nodes to those locations where you want the business process to cease execution. A Finish node is always the last node in a business process. You can place a Finish node at the end of the main flow or on any branch of a business process.

See business process.


Software that monitors traffic between an internal network and the Internet, and that regulates the type of network traffic that can enter and leave the internal network. A firewall can be connected to the Internet or set up within a company's network to prevent unauthorized access to the network. Firewalls protect information on computers and information that is being carried over the network. Firewalls use various types of filters to prevent access, including limiting the types of protocols allowed and restricting access from network nodes by IP addresses and DNS node names.

For Each node

A business process node that provides For Each loop capabilities in a process. For Each nodes represent points in a business process at which a set of activities is performed repeatedly, once for each item in a list. For Each nodes includes an iterator node (on which a list of items is specified) and a loop (in which the activities to be performed for each item in the list are defined). An XML document (or a section of an XML document) is passed into the For Each loop in a business process variable. An iteration variable holds the current element being processed in the For Each loop, for the life of the loop.

See business process.

freeze on failure

A Business Process Start node property that describes error handling behavior. When a business process fails and there is no exception handler configured to handle the exception thrown, the business process is placed into an aborted state and no recovery is possible. However, if the business process is configured to freeze on failure, the business process rolls back to the last commit point and the state is persisted if it fails. The process can then be restarted from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

See on sync failure.


— G —

global events

Events such as start process, end process, suspend, and resume.

global transaction

Transaction managed by an external transaction manager (such as WebLogic Server) that can include multiple servers or multiple resources as participants. The transaction is coordinated as an atomic unit of work: All participants either commit or rollback the entire transaction.

See active version.


  1. A logical collection of nodes within a business process. You can create a group from one or more nodes or other groups. Groups allow you to simplify the display of your business process and provide an extra level of exception handling logic. See business process.

  2. In a WebLogic Server environment, set of users that share some characteristics. Groups are a static identity that a server administrator assigns. Groups are associated with security roles. Giving permission to a group is the same as giving the permission to each user who is a member of the group. See user.


— H —

hash function

A message digest algorithm used for the acknowledgement message.

high availability

High availability is one of the goals when deploying WebLogic Integration solutions. A deployment must be sufficiently available and accessible, with provisions for failover in the event of hardware or network failures.

highest average elapsed time

A system health statistic that displays the process name and average elapsed time for processes with the highest average elapsed time. The data displayed is divided into the following categories: Since Last Purge, Last 24 Hours, and Active instances.


The mail server to poll.

HTTP control

Provides outgoing HTTP access to WebLogic Workshop clients through a business process.

HTTP event generator

The HTTP event generator is a servlet, which takes HTTP requests, checks for the content type, and then publishes the messages to Message Broker channels.


— I —


Set of unique security attributes assigned to a principal. No two identities of principals may be identical. Principals may have several different kinds of identities, each of which must be unique.

identity keystore

A type of keystore that stores private keys for local trading partners and certificates for both the local trading partner and remote trading partners. Certificates are of the following types: client, server, signature, and encryption certificates. WebLogic Integration retrieves private keys and certificates from this keystore to use for SSL, message encryption, and digital signatures.

IMAP Move Folder

For event generators, if the Post Read Action field is set to Move, the IMAP Move Folder specifies the folder to which the message is moved.

implicit transaction

Transactions whose behavior is automatically determined (or implied) by business process logic and are not explicitly visible in a process diagram. When you build a business process, implicit transaction boundaries are formed based on where in the process you place blocking elements. The transaction boundaries within a business process change as you add process nodes to the business process.

See business process and explicit transaction.

implicit transaction boundaries

See transaction boundaries and implicit transaction.


A software component in an active state. For example, a Java object is an instance of a Java class. Similarly, a WebLogic Server instance is the active state of a WebLogic Server configuration.

instance ID

A unique identifier for a process instance.


Ability of applications to share information or to process independently by requesting services and satisfying service requests. In a well-integrated system, each part has a purpose, and the parts combine effectively to achieve the purpose of the overall system.

integration control

Component used in a business process so that the process can communicate with other kinds of applications and components. Integration controls are available in WebLogic Workshop only if you are licensed to use WebLogic Integration.


The default WebLogic Integration administrator role. This role has full privileges to all servers in the cluster. This role can create additional roles using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.


The default WebLogic Integration administrator group. This group is assigned to the role IntegrationAdmin and all members inherit the that role.


The default WebLogic Integration monitor role. This role has read-only access to the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.


The default WebLogic Integration monitor group. This group is assigned to the role IntegrationMonitor and all members inherit that role.


The default WebLogic Integration operator role. This role has nearly all the privileges of the IntegrationAdministrator role. For example, a user in the IntegrationOperator role cannot configure certain security properties, but can otherwise modify resources.


The default WebLogic Integration operator group. This group is assigned to the role IntegrationOperator and all members inherit that role.


The default WebLogic Integration user role. When first created, all users are assigned to the IntegrationUser role.


The default WebLogic Integration user group. This group is assigned to the role IntegrationUser and all members inherit the that role.

interactive or printable process type graph

An interactive or printable graph of the deployed process type. The graphical view represents your business process and its interactions with clients and resources, such as databases, JMS queues, file systems.

Is Enabled

For non-versioned processes, indicates whether the process is enabled (true) or disabled (false). For versioned processes, see the Version Group section.


— J —

Java control (JCX)

A reusable software component designed to add functionality to a containing application such as a web service, JSP file, business process, and so on. A JCX file extends a control interface that is defined in a JCS file.

Java control extension (JCX)

A control that extends an existing Java control interface.

Java control model

The model on which a control author builds controls. The Java control model makes it possible to extend JCS files as JCX files. See Java control implementation (JCS) and Java control extension (JCX).

Java database connectivity (JDBC)

JavaSoft specification for Java access to relational databases, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Java Message Service (JMS)

Standard API for accessing enterprise messaging systems. An enterprise messaging system, also referred to as Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM), provides a reliable, flexible service for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events throughout an enterprise. JMS adds a common API and provider framework for developing portable, message-based applications in the Java programming language. Messaging systems are often used in enterprise applications to communicate with legacy systems, or for communication between business components running in different environments or on different hosts.

Java Transaction API (JTA)

  1. In a WebLogic Integration environment--API that enables applications and J2EE servers to access transactions.

  2. In a WebLogic Server environment--High-level application transaction interface and a Java mapping to XA. Enables an application to control the boundaries of a user transaction.

The XA interface enables an external transaction manager to control the transaction boundaries for operations performed by multiple resource managers using the two-phase commit X/Open XA protocol.

The JTA is defined in the javax.transaction and javax.transaction.XA packages.

See transaction.


See Java control extension (JCX).


See Java control (JCX).

JDBC Connection Pools

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) enables Java applications to access data stored in SQL databases. To reduce the overhead associated with establishing database connections, WebLogic JDBC provides connection pools that offer ready-to-use pools of connections to a DBMS. JDBC connection pools are used to optimize DBMS connections. You can tune WebLogic Integration performance by configuring the size of JDBC connection pools. A setting that is too low results in delays while WebLogic Integration waits for connections to become available. A setting that is too high results in slower DBMS performance.


See Java Message Service (JMS).

JMS event generator

Polls for messages on JMS queues or topics and publishes the messages to Message Broker channels. Filters (message selectors) can be defined to control which messages are picked up from the JMS queue or topic. Property name and value matching, as well as other handling criteria specified in the channel rules, control which messages are published.

join conditions

Parallel nodes specify two join conditions: AND and OR. The AND condition specifies that the activities on all branches must complete before the flow of execution proceeds to the node following the parallel node. The OR join condition specifies that the activities on one branch complete the execution of activities on all other branches terminates, and the flow of execution proceeds to the node following the Parallel node.


See Java Tranaction API (JTA).


— K —


An in-memory collection of private key and trusted certificate pairs. The information is protected by a passphrase, such as a password, a credit card number, Personal Identification Number, or some other form of personal identification information.

keystore location

In process configuration, the location of a keystore.

See keystore.

keystore password alias

In process configuration, the password alias for a keystore.

See keystore.

keystore type

In process configuration, the type of keystore.

See keystore.


— L —

last reset time

For HTTP event generators, the time the read counter was last reset.

log file

File containing descriptions of the events that occur during an operation. Log files are updated frequently during an operation and are useful for reviewing system operations and errors.

log message

Notification of a particular occurrence that is recorded in a local log. BEA products generate four types of log messages, based on the level of severity of the occurrence being reported: fatal, error, warning, and info. Each log message is accompanied by a timestamp.

loosely coupled

A Business Process Start node property that describes how to invoke subprocesses when different versions of the parent process exists. For loosely-coupled processes, the subprocess version is set at the time that the subprocess is invoked. In other words, if an instance of your business process is currently running but has not yet reached the state of invoking the subprocess for which you have created a new version, the new version of the subprocess is used when the process invokes the subprocess.

See versioning and tightly coupled.

lowest success rate

A system health statistic that displays the process name and rate for processes with the lowest success rate. Both the percentage of instances that failed, and a ratio of the instances that failed to the total number of instances, are displayed in the rate column. The data displayed is divided into the following categories: Since Last Purge, and Last 24 Hours.


— M —

managed bean (MBean)

  1. An MBean is a concrete Java class that is developed per JMX specifications. It can provide getter and setter operations for each management attribute within a managed resource along with additional management operations that the resource makes available. MBeans that expose the configuration data of a managed resource are called Configuration MBeans, while MBeans that provide performance metrics and other information about the runtime state of a managed resource are called Runtime MBeans.

  2. A Java object that provides a management interface for an underlying resource. An MBean is part of Java Management Extensions (JMX).

  3. In WebLogic Integration, MBean classes are used to monitor run-time information. MBeans are registered with the MBean server that runs inside WebLogic Integration. When MBeans are created, their attributes are populated from the repository. At run time WebLogic Integration updates MBean attributes to reflect the state of the running system. MBeans are implemented as Standard MBeans; that is, each class implements its own MBean interface.

  4. In WebLogic Server, MBeans provide information about a resource's configuration as well as its runtime state.

See security provider and MBean.

managed servers

In a domain, server instances other than the Administration Server are referred to as Managed Servers. Managed Servers host the components and associated resources that constitute your applications—for example, JSPs and EJBs. When a Managed Server starts up, it connects to the domain's Administration Server to obtain configuration and deployment settings.

Managed Server Independence (MSI) mode

A Managed Server runs in Managed Server Independence (MSI) mode if it cannot connect to the Administration Server during startup. The mode enables it to retrieve its configuration by reading configuration and security files directly.

management data

Management data consists of trading partner profiles, service definitions, and service profiles.


See managed bean (MBean).


Formula used by WebLogic Server to send data across applications. Messages may contain statistical or status information about application processes or instructions for the recipient. Each message consists of two parts:

Message Broker

A component of WebLogic Integration that provides typed channels to which messages can be published and to which services can subscribe to receive messages. You can design a business process to subscribe to specific channels, using XML Beans for type-safe methods. See Message Broker channels.

Message Broker channels

A Message Broker channel has similar properties to a Java Message Service (JMS) topic, but is optimized for use with WebLogic Integration processes, controls, and event generators. Within a WebLogic Integration application:

Message Broker controls

Provides a publish and subscribe message-based communication model for WebLogic Integration business processes, and includes message filtering capability.

Message Broker module

This module enables you to: view a list of channels, with the number of subscribers and processed messages for each; view channel properties and set channel security policies; view the subscribers to a channel and quickly access a list of the subscriber process instances; view channel summary statistics (number of active channels, subscribed channels, and dead letter count; and reset the message counter.

Message Broker Publish control

Control used to publish messages to Message Broker channels.

Message Broker Subscribe control

Control used to dynamically subscribe to channels and receive messages.

message count

The number of messages delivered to a channel.

message-driven beans

Message-driven beans consume messages from distributed destinations. A number of message-driven beans are deployed on each WebLogic Integration destination. They are bound to the physical destination in the server on which they are deployed (server affinity). The pool size of these message-driven beans can be increased as needed to support customer environments that experience high message volume.

Message Format Language (MFL)

MFL documents contain the schema that describes and constrains the content of non-XML data. For example, data coming from COBOL copybooks and C structure definitions. (MFL files are created using the Format Builder and end in the .mfl extension.)

message path

The definition of how messages are handled within a business process or a portion of a business process. Message paths can be associated with individual nodes, a group of nodes, or with the entire process (global). An On Message path can contain a Client Request or Control Receive node at which it receives the message. For the case in which an On Message path is specified for the process (that is, specified at the Start node), the first node on the path can be a Client Request with Return node.

See business process.

message per poll

For MQ event generators, the number of messages to be retrieved by each event generator thread in each polling cycle. Specify -1 to retrieve all the messages available on the queue in each polling cycle.

message tracking

In the trading partner management module, this allows administrators to set the message tracking criteria and view summary and message content for the messages tracked.

Message Tracking module

This module enables you to monitor the exchange of business messages. The message data available is dependent on the message tracking level set for each service profile in the system, and the purge schedule for the system. From this module, you can view a list of the business messages exchanged, filter the list, and view message detail, including header or part content, for selected messages.


Data used to indicate the purpose, meaning, or location of other data. Provides a means to query and match content with users by allowing a system such as the content management system to retrieve content, based on the metadata that describes the content.

method authorization policy

The role(s) authorized to invoke process methods (client requests). All methods inherit the role(s) specified in the process authorization policy. Additional roles can be added to the authorization policy for the method.


See Message Format Language (MFL).

MQ event generator

Polls for messages on a WebSphere MQ queue and publishes the messages (MQMD headers as metadata along with the message payload) to Message Broker channels. Content filtering, as well as other handling criteria, are specified in the channel rules for the event generator.

MQSeries control

The MQSeries control enables WebLogic Integration business processes to work with the MQSeries middleware product from IBM. It is used for sending and receiving messages, to and from MQSeries queues. Binary, XML, and String messages are supported.

MQSeries Error Queue Name

For MQ event generators, the name of the queue for messages that cannot be processed due to an error condition.

MQSeries Queue Manager

For MQ event generators, the name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager to connect to.

MQSeries Queue Manager Channel Name

For MQ event generators, the name of the server connection channel used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

MQSeries Queue Manager Port Number

For MQ event generators, the TCP/IP port number used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

MQSeries Queue Manager CCSID

For MQ event generators, the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) supported by WebSphere MQ.

MQSeries Queue Name

For MQ event generators, the name of the WebSphere MQ queue to monitor for messages.

MQSeries Server Host Address

For MQ event generators, the IP address or host name for the WebSphere MQ server.

MQSeries User Name

For MQ event generators, the WebSphere MQ user name used to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

MQSeries User Password

For MQ event generators, the WebSphere MQ user password used to connect to the Web sphere MQ queue manager.


Ability of an operating system to execute different parts of an application, called threads, at the same time, allowing the application to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.


— N —


Provide a way to distinguish between duplicate XML element and attribute names in XML documents and XML Schemas.

native client

A client that is located on a machine that belongs to the domain to which the target servers also belong.

See client.

native method

Java mechanism for calling methods or functions in a language other than Java.

no dynamic authentication

A type of authentication.

See authentication.


In WebLogic Integration, icons that represents the components of a business process. Nodes represent actions, decisions, or the exchange of information.

node manager

A Java utility that runs as separate process from WebLogic Server and allows you to perform common operations tasks for a Managed Server, regardless of its location with respect to its Administration Server. While use of Node Manager is optional, it provides valuable benefits if your WebLogic Server environment hosts applications with high availability requirements.

If you run Node Manager on a machine that hosts Managed Servers, you can start and stop the Managed Servers remotely using the Administration Console or from the command line. The Node Manager can also automatically restart a Managed Server after an unexpected failure.

node transitions

Events generated by each node (a start node event and an end or abort node event).


— O —

on sync failure

A Business Process Start node property that specifies error-handling behavior. This property only applies to the process when it is configured to be a synchronous subprocess; it is ignored for any other business processes. If a synchronous subprocess fails, the default behavior is to mark it as rollback only, which causes both the subprocess and the parent process to rollback. However, if the on sync failure property is set to rethrow, only the subprocess will rollback.

See freeze on failure.


In worklist administration, a user or group that owns a task. This is typically the stakeholder interested in getting the task completed. Use of the owner is application specific, but notification of task status (for example, task complete or overdue) is often sent to the owner.


— P —

parallel node

Represents a point in a business process at which a number of activities are executed in parallel. By default, parallel nodes contain an AND join condition. In this case, the activities on all branches must complete before the flow of execution proceeds to the node following the parallel node. You can change the join condition to OR. In this case, when the activities on one branch complete, the execution of activities on all other branches terminates, and the flow of execution proceeds to the node following the parallel node.

See business process.

parallel paths of execution

Parallel branches of execution in a business process are logically parallel; physically the branches are executed serially by the business process engine. Business Processes benefit from this logical parallelism when communication with external systems can involve waiting for responses from those external systems. While one branch of execution is waiting for a response, another branch of execution in the parallel flow can progress.

Parallel branches are synchronized only at their termination points. A join condition is defined at the termination of multiple branches. It specifies how the termination of branches terminates the overall parallel activity.

parent instance

A business process instance that calls another process via the process control.

See business process.

partner profile import/export

In the trading partner management module, this allows administrators to import or export trading partner management data (trading partners and services).

password store

The password store provides for the secure storage of the passwords used by controls, event generators, and other WebLogic Integration components. Each required password is defined in the password store and associated with a password alias.

Perform node

Provide a means for visually representing custom code within a process diagram. When you add a Perform node to your business process, a method is created in the JPD file. You subsequently customize the method signature in Source View.

See business process.


Performance is one of the goals when deploying WebLogic Integration solutions. A deployment must deliver sufficient performance at peak and off-peak loads.

persist duration

Specifies the duration for which messages have to be stored persistently for the purpose of duplicate elimination.


Process that saves information or state in a resource, such as a file or database, that would otherwise be transient. You can set the persistence level of the start node to always, never, or on overflow.

persistent object

Object that exists independently of the process within which its object reference is created.

polling interval

How often to poll a specified directory, in terms of days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds.

port number

The mail server port number.

post read action

Specifies what the event generator does with a message after it has been read. The default is Delete.


An entity that requires access to the WebLogic Integration system. Principals include trading partners, human users, and B2B integration.

See authentication, group, and user.


In worklist administration, the priority assigned to a task.

private key

Encryption/decryption key known only to the party or parties that exchange secure messages. It is called private because it must be kept secret from everyone but the owner.

See public key.

process authorization policy

The role(s) authorized to invoke process methods (client requests). All methods in the process inherit the role(s) specified in the process authorization policy. If the process authorization policy is not defined, everyone is authorized.

Process Configuration Module

This module allows you to view process type information and locate specific processes for configuration; view or update process type properties, such as the display name, tracking level, and reporting data policy; view or update the security policies for a process; activate or deactivate a non-versioned process; configure the activation time for a newly deployed process version, or rollback to a previous version; view an interactive or printable process type graph; and view or update the selectors used to dynamically set control attributes for a Process or Service Broker control.

process control

The process control allows messages to be sent directly from one process to another, either through RMI or through JMS using an optimized data format. Normal WebLogic Server load balancing rules apply when using RMI or JMS.

process control selector

See dynamic selector.

process graph

Part of the Test Browser. It is an interactive instance graph that provides a fully expanded view of the business process provided in the Design View. The interactive process graph requires Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0.

process instance details

Process instance properties, including variable values for the running instance, worklist tasks created by or associated with the process, and business messages associated with the process.

Process Instance Monitoring Module

This module enables you to view summary statistics that reflect system health; view the summary or detailed status for selected instances; view an interactive or printable process instance graph; and terminate or suspend instances, resume previously suspended instances, or unfreeze frozen instances.

process instance statistics

For each process type, the system displays statistics such as the average elapsed time and a count of the number of instances in each state (running, suspended, aborted, frozen, terminated, completed, and above SLA). The counts are based on tracking data stored in the runtime database and do not include process data that has been purged.

process instance summary

For each process type, the system displays a list of process instances. Instance ID, display name, process label, start time, elapse time, and status (running, completed, frozen, aborted, suspended) are displayed.

process label

Label for the process instance. The label is generated for each instance and typically reflects a value specific to the instance. For example, an order number, customer number, DUNS number, or some other value of use in auditing.

process property summary

A page that you use to view a list of process types. It displays the display name, public URI, state (stateful or stateless), tracking level, reporting data policy, and SLA.

process status

The current status of a process. A process can be running, completed, suspended, terminated, aborted, or frozen.

process timeout

Specifies the amount of time a PIP can be active without completion before timing out. The default is 0.

process tracking data

Each process instance generates events that contain information about process execution such as information about the node that is executing, timings, and associated data.

process tracking levels

Administrators can set the tracking level for processes to optimally tune their system to meet their reporting needs and performances requirements. The tracking levels are:

process type details

Process properties such as identifying information (service URI and application name), configurable properties (display name, tracking level, reporting data policy, SLA), dynamic client callback properties, execution and authorization policies, variables, and active version are displayed.

process versions

When developers need to modify a deployed process, they must create a new process version and then release it into production along with older versions. When multiple versions are deployed, the system determines which version to use when creating new instances. The administrator controls the release of a process version by enabling or disabling a version, or setting the activation time for a version.

profile management

In the trading partner management module, this allows administrators to configure the local and remote trading partners that conduct business transactions. The required basic information, security certificates, protocol bindings, and any custom properties required for the transactions are configured.

property name

For a JMS event generator, the field that displays the name of a required JMS property.

property value

For a JMS event generator, the field that displays the value of a required JMS property.


  1. Set of rules that govern the format and timing of messages sent and received over a communication link. TCP/IP is an example of a network protocol.

  2. Set of rules that are followed by two systems for the purpose of communicating and exchanging information.

proxy server

  1. Server that sends requests to another server for processing. WebLogic Server supports proxying of HTTP requests with its HTTPProxyServlet. You can proxy to an instance of WebLogic Server from Netscape and Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) through WebLogic Server's Netscape Server Application Programming Interface (NSAPI) and Internet Server API (ISAPI) plug-ins. The use of a proxy server is invisible to the end user.

  2. Server that allows trading partners to communicate across intranets or the Internet without compromising security.

public key

Value provided by a certificate authority as an encryption key that, combined with a private key, can be used to effectively encrypt messages and digital signatures. The key is called public because it can be made available to anyone. Public key cryptography is also called asymmetric cryptography because different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt the data.

public URI

This is the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), corresponding to an instance, by which external clients access the active version of your business process. The default value is the public instance by which clients accessed the original version of the business process.

See business process and versioning.

publish as

The Publish As property allows the email event generator to publish its messages as a specific user. Setting this property enables messages to be delivered to a secured message broker channel. If Publish As is not specified, messages are published as Anonymous.

publish roles

The roles authorized to publish to this channel. If no roles are defined, everyone is authorized.

purge delay

A system property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. It sets the amount of time after completion or termination before the instance data is subject to purge by the purge process.

purge schedule

A system property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. It enables or disables the purge process and sets the regular intervals at which the process runs to purge the data from the runtime database.


— Q —

(No terms begin with the letter "Q.")


— R —


See Resource Adapter Archive (RAR).

RAR file

The resource adapter (RAR) file.

read limit

The maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Valid values are 0 or greater.

remote client

A client that is located on a machine outside the domain. Also called a Workstation client.

See client.

remote method invocation (RMI)

Method that enables an application to invoke methods on objects stored in any remote JVM as if those objects resided on a local system. WebLogic RMI is an implementation of the JavaSoft specification.

reporting data policy

A process property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. It sets or verifies the reporting data policy for each process:

reporting data stream

A system property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. It enables or disables the reporting data stream. If the reporting data stream is enabled, the specified reporting database is populated by a near real-time data stream.


A database in which the following types of information are stored: trading partners, conversations, document definitions, XML schemas, and XSLT mappings. The primary store is a relational database accessed through JDBC. The repository can be configured and accessed through an HTML interface, the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

resource adapter

System-level software driver used by either an application server (such as WebLogic Server) or an application client to connect to an enterprise information system (EIS). A resource adapter serves as a J2EE connector. Resource adapters contain the Java components and, if necessary, the native components required to interact with the EIS.

Resource Adapter Archive (RAR)

Compressed file (in .zip format) used to load classes and other files required to run a resource adapter.

See resource adapter.

retry count

The number of times a message should be retried in case of failure. The default is 0.

retry interval

The time interval before a message is resent following a timeout waiting for a message acknowledgement.


See remote method invocation (RMI).


  1. In a WebLogic Integration environment, defines activities associated with either B2B integration or business process management (BPM) functionality:

  2. In B2B integration functionality, defines set of activities associated with activities, such as buying and selling, that can be performed by a trading partner during a conversation. A role is defined in terms of the documents that can be sent or received by a trading partner in the conversation. Each conversation has two or more roles, and each role is defined by a business process.

  3. In business process management (BPM) functionality, an area of responsibility, ability, or authorization level that is shared by a group of users. A user can belong to one or more roles.

role-based authorization

Authorization involves granting an entity permissions and rights to perform certain actions on a resource. In role-based authorization, security policies define the roles that are authorized to access the resource. In addition to the built-in roles that are associated with certain administrative and monitoring privileges, security policies that control access to the following resources can be configured from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console. You can configure policies that define the role required to invoke process operations, policies that define the roles required to subscribe and publish to a given channel, and policies define the roles required to execute services and subscribe for events on an application view. Once the roles required for access are set, the administrator can map users or groups to the roles as required.

roll back

To terminate a transaction in such a way that all resources updated within a transaction revert to their original state.


Event that ends a transaction and nullifies or undoes all changes to resources that were specified during that transaction.

root certificate authority

Trusted third-party organization or company that is willing to vouch for the identities of those to whom it issues digital certificates and public keys. Verisign and Baltimore are examples of CAs.


— S —


  1. An application's ability to satisfy a range of demands. A scalable application can continue to meet availability and performance requirements as client demand increases. A WebLogic Server cluster increases the scalability of the applications it hosts with features such as load-balancing and failover.

  2. Scalability is one of the goals when deploying WebLogic Integration solutions. A deployment must be capable of handling anticipated increases in loads simply by using additional hardware resources, rather than requiring code changes.


Defines the structure and content of data. For example, a database schema defines the tables and other elements of a database instance while an XML Schema defines the structure and content of an XML document.


  1. Set of mechanisms available to prevent corruption or theft of data.

  2. Security is one of the goals when deploying WebLogic Integration solutions. A deployment must sufficiently protect data from unauthorized access or tampering.

security policy

  1. Definition of the type of protection that must be provided for a given system. Many types of security policies, such as access control and auditing, are available.

  2. Set of rights or permissions granted to a principal based on the context of a request.

  3. In a WebLogic Server environment, an association between a WebLogic resource and a user, group, or security role that protects the WebLogic resource against unauthorized access. A WebLogic resource has no protection until you assign it a security policy. You can assign security policies to an individual WebLogic resource or to components of the WebLogic resource.

security provider

Software modules that can be "plugged into" a WebLogic Server security realm to provide security services (such as authentication, authorization, auditing, and credential mapping) to applications. A security provider consists of runtime classes and MBeans, which are created from SSPIs and MBean types, respectively. Security providers are WebLogic security providers (provided with WebLogic Server) or custom security providers developed by customer developers or third-party vendors.

security realm

In a WebLogic Integration environment, a domain for a set of security features that provide access to ACLs, names of principals, and related security services. A realm provides a context in which the range of security operations and other security-related information governing WebLogic Integration users is defined. It determines how users are authenticated. The security features available for WebLogic Integration are built on the security functionality provided by WebLogic Server.

See Domain Configuration Wizard, group, security provider, user, and WebLogic resource.

selector table

If the process includes a Client Response node for which a lookup property has been specified, this table lists the selector values configured by the administrator. If no values are listed, none have yet been added.

selector value

The value used to select and dynamically set control attributes at runtime.

server certificate

Required for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) for the WebLogic Server instance on the local machine.

See certificate and digital certificate.

server migration

Occurs when a server fails for an extended duration, and it becomes necessary to migrate to another, operational managed server.

server protocol

The server type for an email account. The default is POP3.


A service represents a business process that is either offered by a local trading partner, or a business process that is being called via a control on a remote trading partner. In the case of a service offered by a local trading partner, this element directly corresponds to a Web service or process type deployed in the local domain. In the case of a service called by a local trading partner, the service corresponds to a control in the local domain that is used to invoke the remote service. Service profiles specify the protocol binding and URL endpoints for the local and remote trading partners that offer and call the service.

Service Broker control

Allows a business process to send requests to and receive callbacks from another business process, a web service, or a web service or business process defined in a WSDL file.

service broker control selector

See dynamic selector.

Service Level Agreements

A service level agreement (SLA) specifies a performance target for a process. It is typically an internal or external commitment that a process will be executed within a specified period of time.

service management

In the Trading Partner Management module, this allows administrators to manage the services and service profiles that constitute the business processes offered or called by trading partners.

service name

The service URI or control name.

service URI

The process URI. If there are multiple versions of the process, a version number is appended.

signature certificate

A signature certificate is used for digitally signing messages.

signature required

Indicator of whether or not the message is digitally signed using the signature certificate of the trading partner sending the message (true or false).

signature receipt required

Indicator of whether or not the message is acknowledged by a digitally signed receipt acknowledgement message using the signature certificate of the trading partner sending the acknowledgement (true or false).

SLA Status

A field that displays the current status of service level agreements, if they are set.

SLA threshold

Represents the commitment applicable to the process type (number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days). The ability to set SLA thresholds allows you to easily identify processes that do not execute within the target time frame. You can then make the changes necessary to meet agreements between suppliers and customers, or to achieve your own performance goals.

SLA warning threshold

A percent of the total SLA (service level agreement).

SSL protocol

Secure Sockets Layer Protocol. The SSL protocol provides secure connections by supporting two functions:

Start node

The first node in a business process; it represents the starting point of the process. A business process can be started as a result of receiving a request from a client, as the result of receiving a message from a Message Broker channel to which the business process is subscribed, or by a choice of one of several events.

See business process.


  1. The process type (Stateful or Stateless).

  2. In worklist administration, the current state of a task (assigned, claimed, started, completed, suspended, or aborted).

stateful business process

A business process that is compiled into an entity bean and runs within the scope of one or more JTA transactions. Stateful processes are intended to support business scenarios that involve complex, long-running logic and therefore have specific reliability and recovery requirements. A process is made stateful by the addition of stateful nodes or logic that forces transaction boundaries.

See Java Transaction API (JTA), business process and stateless business process.

stateful session bean

Java bean that maintains a conversational state on behalf of a specific client. When a conversational state is maintained in a bean, multiple clients can access the bean on separate occasions, and use the information accumulated during the previous occasions, including the last.

Just as you pick up where you left off when continuing a conversation with a coworker from one day to the next, a client and a bean can continue a conversation from one session to the next, when the bean being used is a stateful session bean (that is, when the bean is one that can maintain conversational state). Therefore a stateful session bean is useful for managing a process through multiple interactions.

stateless business process

A business process that is compiled into a stateless session bean and runs within one JTA transaction. Stateless processes are intended to support business scenarios that involve short-running logic and have high-performance requirements. Because it does not persist its state to a database, it is optimized for lower-latency, higher-performance execution.

See Java Transaction API (JTA), business process and stateful business process.

stateless session bean

  1. In a WebLogic Server environment--Java bean that does not maintain a client-specific state between calls. It can be used by any client. It can be used to provide access to services that do not depend on the context of a session.

  2. In a WebLogic Portal environment--Session bean with no conversational state. All instances of stateless session beans are identical.


In the Trading Partner Management module, this allows administrators to view summary statistics that reflect the level of trading partner activity.


The current status of a process. A process can be running, completed, suspended, terminated, aborted, or frozen.

structured parallel business process

A business process where all parallel paths coming out of a node merge at the same join node. See unstructured parallel business process.


Any process that is called to from a business process through a process control or a service broker control. Subprocesses can be called synchronously or asynchronously.

See business process.

subscribe roles

The roles authorized to dynamically subscribe to this channel. If no roles are defined, everyone is authorized.

Subscription node

A node that starts a business process as a result of receiving a message from a Message Broker channel. You create a static subscription to a Message Broker channel on this node. This node also allows you to start your business process via an event through File, JMS, Email, or Timer controls, which facilitate publishing events to Message Broker channels. This node is only available as the starting event of a business process.

See business process.

Switch node

A business process node group that is used to select one path of execution based on the evaluation of an expression specified on a condition node. A Switch node contains one condition node, one or more case paths, and one default path. At run time, the expression on the condition node is executed, and the resulting value is compared to the values associated with each case path. Execution continues with activities inside the first case path that contains a matching value (case paths are evaluated left-to-right in the Switch node). When no conditions are met, activities defined on the default path are executed.


Attribute of a method that returns a value. The term is derived from the fact that a caller to a synchronous method must wait for the called method to return: the caller is synchronized with the method.

See asynchronous.

synchronous business process

A business process which is invoked by a Client Request with Return node as the Starting Event. A synchronous business process may contain asynchronous operations, but they must be added later on in the flow, after the synchronous operation has completed. You cannot put stateful logic inside a synchronous operation.

See business process.

synchronous method

A method that returns a value. A caller to a synchronous method must wait for the called method to return so that it is blocked from performing other work while it waits for the server to respond. The caller is synchronized with the method.

See synchronous web service.

synchronous web service

An architecture in which the client is synchronized with the server. A synchronous web service must wait for each operation to complete before beginning the next.

See synchronous method, asynchronous web service.

system calendar

Of the calendars defined within WebLogic Integration, one must be designated the system calendar. Initially, the system calendar is a default calendar named System Calendar, but you can switch the system calendar designation to a custom calendar at any time.

System Configuration module

This module enables you to: view or set the purge schedule; start or stop the purge process; enable or disable the transmission of data to an offline datastore; view or set the JNDI name for the datastore used to store data offline; view or set the default tracking level and reporting data policy for processes; view or set the default tracking level for worklist tasks; create, view, or change password aliases; configure the JMS connection factory, repository root, and debug level for application integration; and configure the role authorized to create worklist tasks.

system health

General indicators of system health and performance trends by process type, including the process types that are taking the longest to execute, those that have not completed within SLA thresholds, and those that are failing to complete.


— T —

target URI

The URI for the target process associated with a look up key.

task control

A WebLogic Integration control that creates a single task instance, manages its state and data, and provides callback methods to report status when the task status changes or the task is overdue. Each task control operates on a single active task instance.

See task instance.

task ID

In worklist administration, the unique task instance ID.

task instance

A piece of work that requires completion within a certain time, represented by a unique task ID and other properties and behaviors, within WebLogic Integration.

See task control.

task name

In worklist administration, the name assigned to a task.

task tracking level

There are 3 types of tracking level for worklist tasks:

task worker control

A WebLogic Integration control that assumes ownership of task instances, works on them, completes them, and provides administrative privileges; starting, stopping, deleting, and assigning, among other functions. Task worker controls allow operations on several task instances; the relationship between a task worker control and task instance can be one to many.

See task instance.

test browser

WebLogic Workshop provides a browser-based interface with which you can test the functionality of your business process. Using the Test Browser, you play the role of the client, invoking the business process's methods and viewing the responses.


Part of a program that can execute independently of other parts of the program.

tightly coupled

A Business Process Start node property that describes how to invoke subprocesses when different versions of the parent process exists. For tightly-coupled processes, the subprocess version is set at the time that the parent process is invoked. In other words, if an instance of your business process is currently running but has not yet reached the state of invoking the subprocess for which you have created a new version, the old version of the subprocess is used when invoking the subprocess. The next time the main process is invoked, it will use the new version when invoking the subprocess.

See loosely coupled.

timer event generator

Creates events at user designated times and publishes the events to Message Broker channels. When the Timer event generator detects that a designated time has passed, it publishes a message to a Message Broker channel. The message content can be specified in the channel rules defined for the event generator.

timeout path

Defines of how timeouts are handled within a business process or a portion of a business process. A timeout path is used to interrupt an executing process after a certain amount of time has lapsed. Timeout paths can be associated with individual nodes, a group of nodes, or with the entire process (global). If you add a Timeout path to a start node, the timer starts when the process begins. If you add a Timeout path to any other node, or group of nodes, the timer starts when the process reaches that point of execution.

See business process.

TPM schema

The TPM schema allows you to configure WebLogic Integration to share information among trading partners by defining the following:

A trading partner can have one or more service bindings that use different transport protocols for the exchange of documents. Each transport can use a variety of security authentication options, for client, server, signing, and messaging roles. The TPM schema allows you define the complete set of communication and configuration options for all trading partners.

tracking level

A process property that helps you to control the management of tracking data. It sets or verifies the tracking level for each process. You can set the level for a process to: Default (the system default tracking level); or Full, Node, Minimum, or None (setting overrides the system default tracking level).


An atomic unit of work that modifies data. The code for a transaction encloses one or more program statements, all of which either complete or roll back. Transactions enable multiple users to access the same data concurrently.

See active version.

transaction boundaries

Business processes in WebLogic Integration are transactional in nature. Every step of a process is executed within the context of a JTA transaction. A transaction ensures that one or more operations execute as an atomic unit of work. If one of the operations within a transaction fails, then all of them are rolled-back so that the application is returned to its prior state.

See implicit transaction boundaries and explicit transaction boundaries.

transaction level

The transaction level can either be set to: All or Default. All imports the data in a single transaction. If invalid data is detected the entire transaction is rolled back. Default imports data using multiple transactions. The import initiates a transaction for each trading partner or service. If invalid data is detected during a transaction for any entity, the import is rolled back for the current transaction only; importing stops with the rolled back transaction.


See data transformation.

transformation file

A file which stores transformation methods, which in turn are used to invoke queries. Transformation files are sometimes called DTF files because of their.dtf extension.

transformation method

A method which invokes queries.


A self-contained section of XQuery code that can run in an XQuery engine to process XML data.

See XQuery.

transport protocol

The transport protocol for sending and receiving messages. The default is HTTP.

transport protocol version

The version of the transport protocol, which is used for sending and receiving messages.

trust keystore

A type of keystore that WebLogic Server uses to locate trusted CAs for SSL. WebLogic Integration uses it to locate the trusted CAs while verifying signature and encryption.


— U —

uniform resource locator (URL)

Character string used to identify and locate resources over the Internet. The current URL guidelines are available from the W3C.

unstructured parallel business process

A business process where cross paths exist between potential threads and join. Node.

See structured parallel business process.


See uniform resource locator (URL).


An entity that can be authenticated. A user can be a person or a software entity, such as a Java client. Each user is given a unique identity within a security realm. For more efficient security management, BEA recommends adding users to groups. A group is a collection of users who usually have something in common, such as working in the same department in a company. Users can be placed into groups that are associated with security roles, or be directly associated with security roles.

User Management module

This module allows you to manage the users, groups, and roles defined in the default security realm.


Users are entities that can be authenticated. Each user is assigned a unique identity within the realm. To make it easier to administer a large number of users, users can be organized into named groups.

user groups

To make it easier to administer a large number of users, users can be organized into named groups. Groups can in turn be assigned membership in other groups.


— V —

version group

Version groups allow you to enable, disable, or set the activation time for the versions in a process group.

version URI

The name of the versioned file and also the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) by which this version of the business process can be accessed in the WebLogic Workshop.

See business process, versioning, and public URI.


The process of creating multiple versions of a business process, allowing you to make changes to a business process without interrupting any currently running instances of the process. When you version a business process, you create a child version of a business process that shares the same public URI (interface) as its parent. At run time, the version of the process that is marked as active is the process that will be accessed by external clients through the public URI.

See business process.


— W —

WAR file

See web archive (WAR) file.

web archive (WAR) file

A file used for deploying J2EE applications that packages web-related files such as HTML, Java server pages (JSPs), and Servlets. WAR files require an XML deployment descriptor (WEB-INF/web.xml) file to deploy.

Web service

A language-independent, platform-independent, self-describing code module that applications can access via a network or the Internet. The application can have the service's location hard-coded or can locate it using UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration). Because the service is self-describing, the application can determine which functions are available and how to call them.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

An XML-based specification markup language used to describe a Web service so that the service can be called by diverse clients. A WSDL is necessary if two different online systems need to communicate without human intervention.

WebLogic component

WebLogic Server implements J2EE component technologies, which include servlets, JSP Pages, and Enterprise JavaBeans. To build a WebLogic Server application, you must create and assemble components, using the service APIs when necessary. Components are executed in the WebLogic Server Web container or EJB container. Web components provide the presentation logic for browser-based J2EE applications. EJB components encapsulate business objects and processes.

WebLogic Configuration Wizard

An application that assists you in creating and configuring domains to support the development and deployment of WebLogic Integration solutions.

WebLogic Integration

A collection of applications and resources—EJBs, Web applications, JDBC connection pools, and so on—that are deployed in a domain to provide a unified platform for developing and deploying comprehensive business integration solutions.

WebLogic Integration 8.1 SNMP Agent

This utility allows you to update key WebLogic Integration information using a standard SNMP Manager.

WebLogic Integration Administration Console

  1. An HTML-based graphical user interface used by an administrator to configure, manage, and monitor the entities and resources required for your WebLogic Integration applications. These entities and resources include processes, Message Broker channels, event generators, worklists, application views, adapters, trading partner profiles and services, users, and business calendars.

  2. Like the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the WebLogic Integration Administration Console is a Web application hosted on the administration server. Once you have created a domain that supports WebLogic Integration, it is used to perform tasks that are specific to managing WebLogic Integration solutions.

WebLogic resource

Entities that are accessible from WebLogic Server, such as events, servlets, JDBC connection pools, JMS destinations, JNDI contexts, connections, sockets, files, and enterprise applications and resources, such as databases.

See entity.

WebLogic security provider

Any of the security providers that are supplied by BEA as part of the WebLogic Server product. These providers were developed using the Security Service Provider Interfaces (SSPIs) for WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Server

BEA's Web application server that provides services for building and running e-commerce applications using the Java language and the J2EE platform (from Sun Microsystems, Inc.). Standards-based and written in pure Java, WebLogic Server enables you to assemble, deploy, and manage distributed Java applications. It manages application components and DBMS connections to ensure security, scalability, performance, and transaction integrity. It also provides support for distributed component services and enterprise database access, including Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), RMI, distributed JavaBeans, and JDBC. All the components of BEA WebLogic Platform - WebLogic Integration, WebLogic Portal, and WebLogic Workshop - run on WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Server Administration Console

  1. HTML-based graphical user interface used by an administrator to configure and monitor WebLogic Server from a browser.

  2. A Web application hosted by the administration server in a domain. You access the console from any machine on the local network that can communicate with the administration server through a Web browser. The console allows administrators to perform WebLogic Server configuration and monitoring tasks without having to learn the JMX API or the underlying management architecture.

WebLogic Server administrators

WebLogic Server administrators provide in-depth technical and operational knowledge about WebLogic Server deployments in an organization. They have knowledge of the hardware and platform, and experience managing all aspects of a WebLogic Server deployment, including installation, configuration, monitoring, security, performance tuning, troubleshooting, and other administrative tasks.

WebLogic Server cluster

See cluster.

WebLogic Server domain

A logically related group of WebLogic Server resources that you manage as a unit. A domain always includes at least one WebLogic Server instance called the Administration Server. The Administration Server serves as a central point of contact for server instances and system administration tools. A domain may also include additional WebLogic Server instances called Managed Servers.

See WebLogic resource.

While Do node

A business process node that provides While Do loop capabilities in a process. At run time, the condition on a While Do group is evaluated before the activities in the loop are performed. Therefore, the activities inside While Do groups are performed zero or many times, depending on the results of the evaluation of the condition.

See business process.

WLI JMS Control

The WLI JMS control enables WebLogic Workshop business processes to easily interact with messaging systems that provide a JMS implementation. A specific WLI JMS control is associated with particular facilities of the messaging system.

The WLI JMS control is an extension of the JMS control, providing additional features such as RawData message type support, dynamic property configuration, and the ability to control whether to start a new transaction or remain within the calling transaction.


This utility provides simplified access to MBeans in WebLogic Server through a scripting language. It provides a shell-like interface to MBeans in the active WebLogic domain and a GUI explorer for inspecting MBeans. Using WLShell, you can easily navigate the MBean hierarchy, view configuration and runtime properties, and execute operations such as get, set, invoke, mkdir, and rmdir. The script support includes loops and conditionals.


A way of managing the units of work someone or something must complete. Electronic versions of worklist systems can include customer relationship management (CRM) or supply chain management (SCM) implementations.

Worklist Administration module

You use the Worklist Administration module to: view summary or detailed task status in order to monitor the progress of task completion against due dates; perform queries to show individual workload; reassign tasks in order to speed progress; change task properties, such as state or due date; control task routing by creating or changing substitute routing rules.

worklist tracking data

Each worklist task instance generates events that can be logged in worklist history tables in the runtime repository. The following types of events can be tracked: changes in task state and associated values; expiration of task claim or complete due date,; changes in task owner or assignees; and task requests and task responses. The tracking levels are:

worklist user interface

The Worklist user interface enables end users—task creators, task workers, task administrators—to interact with running business processes, including handling process exceptions, approvals, and status tracking. WebLogic Integration provides a sample Worklist user interface that you can use to help you develop your user interfaces.

workstation client

See remote client.

worst SLA performance

A system health statistic that displays the process name and rate for processes with the worst SLA performance. Both the percentage of instances that exceeded the SLA, and a ratio of the instances that exceeded SLA to the total number of instances, are displayed in the rate column. The data displayed is divided into the following categories: Since Last Purge, Last 24 Hours, and Active.


See Web Services Description Language (WSDL).


— X —


See eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

XML Schema

File that specifies the structure, content, and semantics of XML documents. Replaces the XML DTD. A XML Schema definition is more specific than a DTD, and provides much finer-grained control over content. (The XSD files that contain XML Schemas end in the .xsd extension.)

See schema.


A language defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that provides a vendor independent language for the query and retrieval of XML data.

See data transformation.


XSD files, or XML Schema Definition files, contain a schema that describes XML data. Importing an XSD file into a WebLogic Workshop application allows you to use imported XML data types in transformations.

See XML Schema.


See eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL).

XSL Transformations (XSLT)

Specification, from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), for transforming XML documents from one document definition format to another. Available at


See eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).


— Y —

(No terms begin with the letter "Y.")


— Z —

(No terms begin with the letter "Z.")


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