Interface EBXMLControl

All Superinterfaces:
com.bea.control.Control, Serializable

public interface EBXMLControl
extends com.bea.control.Control

WebLogic Integration Control for ebXML protocol This is a base ebXML control that can be used to send and receive messages in the form of callback. This control can be used to exchange messages for both ebXML 1.0 and ebXML 2.0 Messaging Service. The following methods are available after a JCX instance is created.

  • request()
  • : Sends the specified message. Specified in the Control Send node in the initiator business process. Note: The default return type for the request method is void. However, you can also specify the return type to be XmlObject. If you use XmlObject as the return type, the content the XmlObject is the ebXML envelope data.
  • response()
  • : Invoked when a business message is received. Specified in the Control Receive node in the initiator business process.

    Nested Class Summary
    static interface EBXMLControl.Callback
    Method Summary
     com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.EBXMLControlPropertiesDocument getProperties()
              Displays the current property settings.
     void setProperties(com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.EBXMLControlPropertiesDocument xmlProps)
              Sets dynamic properties at run-time, such as the business ID of the sender or recipient.

    Method Detail


    public void setProperties(com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.EBXMLControlPropertiesDocument xmlProps)
    Sets dynamic properties at run-time, such as the business ID of the sender or recipient.

    xmlProps - the dynamic properties for the EBXML control


    public com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.EBXMLControlPropertiesDocument getProperties()
    Displays the current property settings.

    the dynamic properties for the EBXML control