Interface MessageAttachment

All Superinterfaces:

public interface MessageAttachment
extends Serializable

Represents part of an attachment in an ebXML or RosettaNet business message. Provides methods for retrieving untyped XML or non-XML data from an attachment.

Nested Class Summary
static class MessageAttachment.Factory
          Static factory class for creating new instances of MessageAttachment
Field Summary
static long serialVersionUID
Method Summary
 RawData getRawData()
          Retrieves this portion of the attachment as non-XML (raw) data.
 com.bea.xml.XmlObject getXmlObject()
          Retrieves this portion of the attachment as an XmlObject.
 boolean isRawData()
          Returns true if this portion of the attachment contains non-XML (raw) data.
 boolean isXmlObject()
          Returns true if this portion of the attachment contains untyped XML data.
 String toString()
          Converts this portion of the attachment to a String.

Field Detail


public static final long serialVersionUID
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public com.bea.xml.XmlObject getXmlObject()
Retrieves this portion of the attachment as an XmlObject. Call isXmlObject() first to verify that the data is untyped XML.


public RawData getRawData()
Retrieves this portion of the attachment as non-XML (raw) data. Call isRawData() first to verify that the data is raw data.


public boolean isXmlObject()
Returns true if this portion of the attachment contains untyped XML data.


public boolean isRawData()
Returns true if this portion of the attachment contains non-XML (raw) data.


public String toString()
Converts this portion of the attachment to a String. Overrides: toString in class Object.