Interface IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface IApplicationViewDescriptor.IAdapterInstance
extends Serializable

This interface defines an internal reference to an adapter instance from within an ApplicationView (acts something like an 'import').

Method Summary
 String getAdapterLogicalName()
          Get the logical name associated with this adapter instance.
 String getAliasName()
          Get the name by which this adapter instance is known within this ApplicationView.
 String getID()
          Get the server-wide ID for the adapter instance that will be used at runtime for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
 String getName()
          Get the qualified name for the adapter instance descriptor.
 boolean isOwned()

Method Detail


public String getAliasName()
Get the name by which this adapter instance is known within this ApplicationView. This is like the local alias for this adapter instance.


public String getName()
Get the qualified name for the adapter instance descriptor.

The qualified name (as a String) of the adapter instance, or null if none has been set.


public String getID()
Get the server-wide ID for the adapter instance that will be used at runtime for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.

The server-wide ID of the adapter instance, or null if none has been set.


public String getAdapterLogicalName()
Get the logical name associated with this adapter instance.

The logical name for the associated adapter or null if one has not been associated


public boolean isOwned()
true if the adapter instance referenced by this application view is owned solely by this application view, false not solely referenced by this application view.