Interface AppViewDeploymentMBean

All Superinterfaces:,,,,

public interface AppViewDeploymentMBean

MBean for managing ApplicationView deployment properties

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 void applyServiceConnectionChanges()
          Apply any changes to pending connection attributes.
 void autoSuspend()
          Internal use only.
 Boolean getApplicationViewClientEnabled()
          Does this AppView support remote ApplicationView clients (for remote event delivery).
 String getAppName()
          Name of the J2EE application that contains the AppView this MBean represents.
 String getAppViewID()
          Name of the ApplicationView this MBean represents (derived from appName and descriptor.getQualifiedName().toString().
 Boolean getAutoSuspendEnabled()
          Indicates if the auto-suspend feature is enabled for this AppView.
 Integer getAutoSuspendTimeout()
          The number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last.
 Object getCauseOfCurrentState()
          The throwable/exception or String description that caused the AppView to be in the current state (‘Deploy Failed’ and ‘Suspended’ only) or null if the AppView is in none of these states.
 Boolean getContainerManagedSignOnEnabled()
          Is the container-managed sign-on feature of ApplicationViews enabled.
 Integer getDeployState()
          Logical state of this AppView (‘Deployed’, ‘Undeployed’, ‘Deploying’, ‘Undeploying’, 'Deploy Failed', 'Suspending', ‘Suspended’, 'Resuming').
 String getDescription()
          Description of this AppView or null if none was given.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor getDescriptor()
          This attribute holds all the metadata known about the AppView and can be serialized to/from an XML document (is also Serializable).
 String getEventAdapterInstanceID()
          The ID of adapter instance this AppView is using for the delivery of events.
 String getInheritedPolicy()
          A WLS policy expression inherited from the base EJB resource.
 String[] getPolicy()
          A list of role names (defined in WLI User Management) that are allowed to use this ApplicationView (use is defined as invoking services, and subscribing for and receiving events).
 String[] getServerList()
          The list of servers (managed server names) on which this ApplicationView is present (in some state that may be Deploying, Resuming, Undeploying, etc.).
 String getServiceAdapterInstanceID()
          The ID of the adapter instance this AppView is using for the invocation of services.
 String getServiceFactoryName()
          The name of the connection factory within the adapter instance given by ‘serviceAdapterInstanceID’ being used for service invocations.
 Integer getSuspendedEventRetryInterval()
          The number of seconds a suspended event should wait before being retried.
 Integer getSuspendedRequestRetryInterval()
          The number of seconds a suspended request should wait before being retried.
 String[] getTargets()
          The list of targets (managed server names) on which this ApplicationView has been deployed.
 Long getTimeInCurrentState()
          The number of milliseconds this AppView has been in its current state.
 com.bea.connector.IManageableVariableSet getVariableSet()
          A set of environment variables for use in this ApplicationView.
 boolean isAutoSuspended()
          Was this AppView auto-suspended.
 void redeploy()
          Requests the AppView to reset itself by undeploying if needed, and then deploying.
 void resume()
          Requests the transition of the AppView into the deployed state on all servers in the serverList attribute.
 void setApplicationViewClientEnabled(Boolean newValue)
          Set whether to deliver events to remote ApplicationView clients.
 void setAutoSuspendEnabled(Boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable the auto-suspend feature for this AppView.
 void setAutoSuspendTimeout(Integer timeout)
          Set the number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last.
 void setContainerManagedSignOnEnabled(Boolean newValue)
          Set the whether to have the Connector container manage sign-on for new connections being used by this ApplicationView.
 void setEventAdapterInstanceID(String adapterID)
          Set the ID of the adapter instance this AppView will use for the delivery of events.
 void setPolicy(String[] roles)
          Set the list of role names (defined in WLI User Management) that are allowed to use this ApplicationView.
 void setServiceAdapterInstanceID(String adapterID)
          Set the ID of the adapter instance to use for service invocations.
 void setServiceFactoryName(String factoryName)
          Set the connection factory name (within the adapter instance returned by the getServiceAdapterInstanceID() method) that will be used for service invocations.
 void setSuspendedEventRetryInterval(Integer interval)
          Set the number of seconds a suspended event should wait before being retried.
 void setSuspendedRequestRetryInterval(Integer interval)
          Set the number of seconds a suspended request should wait before being retried.
 void setVariableSet(com.bea.connector.IManageableVariableSet variableSet)
          Return the set of environment variables used by this ApplicationView, or null if none are defined.
 void suspend()
          Requests the transition of the AppView into the suspended state on all servers in the serverList attribute.
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getAttributeStringValue, getComments, getNotes, getSetFields, getXml, getXmlConverter, isDefaultedMBean, isPersistenceEnabled, preDeregister, registerConfigMBean, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, touch, unRegisterConfigMBean
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


public Integer getDeployState()
Logical state of this AppView (‘Deployed’, ‘Undeployed’, ‘Deploying’, ‘Undeploying’, 'Deploy Failed', 'Suspending', ‘Suspended’, 'Resuming').


public Object getCauseOfCurrentState()
The throwable/exception or String description that caused the AppView to be in the current state (‘Deploy Failed’ and ‘Suspended’ only) or null if the AppView is in none of these states.


public String getDescription()
Description of this AppView or null if none was given. Note, available via the descriptor attribute as well, but separated out for efficient summary display.


public String getAppViewID()
Name of the ApplicationView this MBean represents (derived from appName and descriptor.getQualifiedName().toString(). Note, the QualifiedName is available via the descriptor attribute.


public String getAppName()
Name of the J2EE application that contains the AppView this MBean represents.


public IApplicationViewDescriptor getDescriptor()
This attribute holds all the metadata known about the AppView and can be serialized to/from an XML document (is also Serializable).


public String[] getTargets()
The list of targets (managed server names) on which this ApplicationView has been deployed.


public String[] getServerList()
The list of servers (managed server names) on which this ApplicationView is present (in some state that may be Deploying, Resuming, Undeploying, etc.).


public void redeploy()
Requests the AppView to reset itself by undeploying if needed, and then deploying. This might be necessary if the initial deployment of the AppView failed for reasons related to an adapter instance, and the administrator wants to redeploy the AppView after the problem with the adapter instance is solved.


public void suspend()
Requests the transition of the AppView into the suspended state on all servers in the serverList attribute.


public void autoSuspend()
Internal use only. Will cause the AppView to be suspended and will indicate it was auto-suspended.


public void resume()
Requests the transition of the AppView into the deployed state on all servers in the serverList attribute.


public boolean isAutoSuspended()
Was this AppView auto-suspended. If the AppView is not in the suspended state, this returns false. The cause of the auto-suspend is available via the getCauseOfCurrentState method.

See Also:


public Boolean getAutoSuspendEnabled()
Indicates if the auto-suspend feature is enabled for this AppView. If so, this AppView may be auto-suspended if requested by the inbound messaging section of the adapter instance being used for events, or if a connection-related exception is detected during service invocation.


public void setAutoSuspendEnabled(Boolean enabled)
Enable or disable the auto-suspend feature for this AppView.

enabled - If true, auto-suspend will be enabled for this AppView.
See Also:


public Integer getAutoSuspendTimeout()
The number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last. After this number of seconds, the AppView will be resumed. Specify –1 to indicate an infinite suspend timeout.


public void setAutoSuspendTimeout(Integer timeout)
Set the number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last.

See Also:


public String getEventAdapterInstanceID()
The ID of adapter instance this AppView is using for the delivery of events. This can be changed by the administrator at runtime to allow switching EIS instances for system maintenance, etc.


public void setEventAdapterInstanceID(String adapterID)
Set the ID of the adapter instance this AppView will use for the delivery of events.

adapterID - The ID of the adapter instance to use.
See Also:


public String getServiceAdapterInstanceID()
The ID of the adapter instance this AppView is using for the invocation of services. This can be changed by the administrator at runtime to allow switching EIS instances for system maintenance, etc. Changing this value enters a 'pending' attribute change for this MBean. This change will not be persisted or take effect until you call the applyServiceConnectionChanges method.


public void setServiceAdapterInstanceID(String adapterID)
Set the ID of the adapter instance to use for service invocations. Note, this change does not take effect until a call to applyServiceConnectionChanges().

adapterID - The ID of the adapter instance to use.
See Also:
getServiceAdapterInstanceID(), applyServiceConnectionChanges()


public String getServiceFactoryName()
The name of the connection factory within the adapter instance given by ‘serviceAdapterInstanceID’ being used for service invocations. This can be changed by the administrator at runtime to allow switching EIS instances for system maintenance, etc. Changing this value enters a 'pending' attribute change for this MBean. This change will not be persisted or take effect until you call the applyServiceConnectionChanges method.

See Also:


public void setServiceFactoryName(String factoryName)
Set the connection factory name (within the adapter instance returned by the getServiceAdapterInstanceID() method) that will be used for service invocations. Note, this change does not take effect until a call to applyServiceConnectionChanges().

See Also:
getServiceFactoryName(), applyServiceConnectionChanges()


public Boolean getContainerManagedSignOnEnabled()
Is the container-managed sign-on feature of ApplicationViews enabled.

True if this ApplicationView is using container-managed sign-on.


public void setContainerManagedSignOnEnabled(Boolean newValue)
Set the whether to have the Connector container manage sign-on for new connections being used by this ApplicationView. This feature allows an app server principal to be mapped (by the adapter for this ApplicationView) to a corresponding EIS principal. This feature is disabled by default. If this feature is enabled, the principal map (if any) attached to the connection factory being used for service invocations will be used to map app server principal to EIS principal.

This method enters a 'pending' attribute change for this deploy info. This change will not be persisted or take effect until you call the applyServiceConnectionChanges method.

newValue - Pass true to enable container-managed sign-on for this AppView, or false to disable it.


public Boolean getApplicationViewClientEnabled()
Does this AppView support remote ApplicationView clients (for remote event delivery). This support is enabled by default.

True if this ApplicationView supports remove ApplicationView clients.


public void setApplicationViewClientEnabled(Boolean newValue)
Set whether to deliver events to remote ApplicationView clients.

newValue - If false, the event delivery machinery in AI will not attempt to post events to remove ApplicationView clients. This can enhance performance of event delivery to ApplicationView control based clients.


public void applyServiceConnectionChanges()
Apply any changes to pending connection attributes. Any of the following attributes require a call to this method:

These fields require the ApplicationView EJB to be regenerated. This operation is expensive. We provide this method to allow changes to all three attributes to be 'batched' together. IMPORTANT: NONE of the changes to these attributes will take effect until this method is called. Calling this method without intervening changes to these attributes is a no-op.


public com.bea.connector.IManageableVariableSet getVariableSet()
A set of environment variables for use in this ApplicationView.


public void setVariableSet(com.bea.connector.IManageableVariableSet variableSet)
Return the set of environment variables used by this ApplicationView, or null if none are defined.

See Also:


public Long getTimeInCurrentState()
The number of milliseconds this AppView has been in its current state.


public Integer getSuspendedRequestRetryInterval()
The number of seconds a suspended request should wait before being retried. For example, if an AppView or adapter instance for an async request is suspended, the async request is placed back in the async request queue, and will be retried after the given number of seconds has passed.


public void setSuspendedRequestRetryInterval(Integer interval)
Set the number of seconds a suspended request should wait before being retried.

See Also:


public Integer getSuspendedEventRetryInterval()
The number of seconds a suspended event should wait before being retried. For example, if an AppView or adapter instance for an event is suspended, the event is placed back in the event 'parking' queue, and will be retried after the given number of seconds has passed.


public void setSuspendedEventRetryInterval(Integer interval)
Set the number of seconds a suspended event should wait before being retried.

See Also:


public String[] getPolicy()
A list of role names (defined in WLI User Management) that are allowed to use this ApplicationView (use is defined as invoking services, and subscribing for and receiving events).


public void setPolicy(String[] roles)
Set the list of role names (defined in WLI User Management) that are allowed to use this ApplicationView.

See Also:


public String getInheritedPolicy()
A WLS policy expression inherited from the base EJB resource.