Package com.bea.wli.worklist.api

Interface Summary
TaskInfoCursor A cursor to browse your result set
WorklistManager WorklistManager is the main remote EJB interface for Worklist operations.
WorklistScrollableResultManager This interface allows a specified range of results to be returned from Worklist queries.
WorkSubstituteManager This class manages work substitute rules.

Class Summary
ActionType The action type class describes all the actions possible on the worklist.
Assignee This class provides information about the task assignee.
BusinessTime This class is used to store a business time.
StateType This class describes the different possible states of a task.
TaskCreation This class provides information for creating a task.
TaskInfo This class provides information about the runtime state of a Task.
TaskMessage This class describes a task message composed of:
- a byte array that is the message itself.
TaskSelector TaskSelector is used to select tasks based on specific properties.
WorkSubstituteRule This class defines a work substitution rule.

Exception Summary
AssignmentException Exception thrown when an assignment operation fails.
ManagementException Exception thrown when an operation attempted on the Worklist Manager fails.