Using the Application Integration Design Console

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Using the Application Integration Design Console

The Application Integration Design Console is a graphical user interface (GUI) that offers an easy way to access, organize, and edit all the application views in your enterprise. You can use the Application Integration Design Console to create new folders and to add new application views to them. By storing your application views in folders, you can organize them according to your own navigation scheme, regardless of the adapters to which the individual application views belong.

This section presents the following topics:


Logging On to the Application Integration Design Console

Note: Before performing the following steps, ensure that WebLogic Server is running on your system.
WARNING: You should only have one instance of the Application Integration Design Console running on a single client machine. Running multiple consoles on a single machine may interfere with proper navigation between screens in your web browser.

To log on to the Application Integration Design Console:

  1. Launch a browser window.
  2. Enter the URL for your system's Application Integration Design Console in the following format:
  3. http://your_server:your_port/wlai

    For example: http://wli1:7001/wlai

    Note: You can also invoke the Application Integration Design Console from WebLogic Workshop. Open a WebLogic Workshop application, ensure that WebLogic Server is running, and then choose ToolsArrow symbolWebLogic IntegrationArrow symbolApplication Integration Design Console.

    The logon page is displayed.

  4. Enter your WebLogic Server username and password, then click OK. The Context Definition page is displayed.

  5. The Application Integration Design Console stores information about application views in a file-based repository. Before you create an application view, you must define the context for the design-time session. This determines where application view information is stored.
  6. To choose an existing, deployed application, select an application from the Deployed Applications menu.

    To create a repository for a new application, specify an application name and the root directory for the application.

  7. When you have defined the context for the design session, click OK. The Application Integration Design Console is displayed.


Creating a Folder

The application views in your enterprise are organized in folders that may contain application views and subsidiary folders. Once you create a folder, you cannot move it to another folder. Before removing a folder, you must remove all application views and subfolders.

Once you create an application view in a folder, you can remove the application view, but you cannot move it to another folder.

To create a folder:

  1. While logged on to the Application Integration Design Console, navigate to the folder in which you want to create the new folder.
  2. Click the new folder icon:
  3. The Add Folder page is displayed.

  4. In the New Folder field, enter a name. Any valid Java Identifier is allowed in a name.
  5. Note: The name Root is a reserved word, and cannot be used for a folder name. If you use Root as a name, you cannot import or export the folder using the import-export utility.
  6. Click Save.


Removing an Application View

Remove application views when they become obsolete or when the application to which they belong is retired.

You can remove an application view only if you are logged on to WebLogic Server with a user account with the appropriate write privileges.

To remove an application view:

  1. While logged on to the Application Integration Design Console, navigate to the folder in which the target application view is located.
  2. Choose an application view and click Remove. A confirmation page is displayed. Click Confirm to delete the application view.
Note: When you delete a previously published application view, associated file, and EJB file, the application view ID still appears in the WebLogic Integration Administration Console and is shown in an Undeployed state after you rebuild the application. The deleted application view ID is removed from WebLogic Integration Administration Console when you reboot the system.


Removing a Folder

Remove folders that are no longer needed. To remove a folder:

  1. Remove all application views and subfolders from the target folder.
  2. Log on to the Application Integration Design Console and go to the folder in which the target folder resides.
  3. Click Remove. A confirmation page is displayed.

  4. Click Confirm. The folder is deleted.


Administering an Application View

You can perform administration tasks on application views using the Application View Administration page. To administer an application view:

  1. Log on to the Application View Design Console, select and application, and go to the folder containing the desired application view.
  2. Click the application view name. The Application View Summary page is displayed.
  3. Click Edit. The Application View Administration page is displayed. Change

  4. Choose an administration task to perform:
    • Click Edit at the end of the Description field to edit the application view description.
    • Click Select/Edit to the right of the Connections label to configure connections, assign existing connections for services and events, or create new service or browsing connections.
    • Use the buttons in the services and events rows to add, edit, or remove services or events.

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