Tutorial: Building Your First Data Transformation

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Tutorial: Building Your First Data Transformation

Tutorial Goals

Steps in This Tutorial

Step 1: Getting Started

To Load The Tutorial Process Application

Step 2: Building the Transformation

To Create MyTutorialJoin.java

To Add a Transformation method to MyTutorialJoin

To Select the Source Types

To Select the Target Type

Step 3: Mapping Elements and Attributes

To Map a Node From a Source to a Target

To Map Attributes of an Element to Single Element

To View and Save the Generated Simple Query

To Test a Simple Query

To Edit and Retest the Simple Query

To Add an XQuery Function Call to the Query

Step 4: Mapping Repeating Elements—Creating a Join

Create a User-Defined Java Method to Invoke From the Join Query

To Join Two Sets of Repeating Elements

Add Links to Populate the quoteResponse Element

Call the calculateTotalPrice User Method From the Query

To View the Generated Query

Create an Instance of the MyTutorialJoin Control

Edit the Node That Invokes the Transformation

To Run the Business Process

Understanding the Concepts

Understanding the Transformation

Understanding XML Repeating Nodes

To View the Full listing of the XML Schema, Open the PriceQuote.xsd file

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