Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions

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Configuring a Production Database

When preparing a production environment for WebLogic Integration, the production database must be configured to include the tables required by WebLogic Integration. To allow your database administrator to manage the process, the tables required are not created automatically. This section provides information about the scripts available to create the tables.

The SQL scripts that create the database tables used by WebLogic Integration can be found in the following directory:


In this path, BEA_HOME represents the WebLogic Platform home directory, and vendor represents the vendor of the database you will be using in production mode. The following table describes the scripts.

Table 2-1 WebLogic Integration Database Scripts
Script filename
SQL that creates tables involved in WebLogic Integration runtime activity.
SQL that drops tables created by wli_runtime.sql.

Note: All runtime data is destroyed.

SQL that creates tables used to store WebLogic Integration data for reporting and analysis.
SQL that drops tables created by wli_archive.sql.

Note: All runtime data is destroyed.

SQL that
SQL that
SQL that
SQL that drops
SQL that
SQL that drops

Use your preferred SQL tool to run the scripts to create or drop the WebLogic Integration tables in your production database.

In addition to the WebLogic Integration tables, you must also create the database tables that store conversational state information. To learn how to create the required tables, see How Do I: Deploy a WebLogic Workshop Application to a Production Server? in the WebLogic Workshop help, at the following URL:

If you have trading partner management data, you can use the Bulk Loader to import the information. Refer to Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader.

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