Interface IEventDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
IDescriptor, IPropertiedDescriptor, Serializable

public interface IEventDescriptor
extends IPropertiedDescriptor, Serializable

Describes the metadata for a class of events, including the schema that describes the content of the event payload at runtime, and root element name within that schema. This descriptor can also contain adapter-specific property values. These values are opaque to WLAI, and are only for use by the adapter itself. Because this interface extends Serializable, all implementations of this class should be Serializable.

Method Summary
 String getRootElementName()
          Get the name of the root element for the event payload (XML) for events of this type that are received at runtime.
 String getSchemaNameString()
          Get the name of the schema for the event type represented by this descriptor.
 boolean ownsSchema()
 void setOwnsSchemaFlag(boolean bOwns)
          Sets a flag that indicates if this event owns the schema it references; this flag is true by default.
 void setRootElementName(String name)
          Set the name of the root element for the event payload (XML) for events of this type that are received at runtime.
 void setSchemaNameString(String name)
          Set the name of the schema for the event type represented by this descriptor.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.IPropertiedDescriptor
addProperty, getProperty, listPropertyNames, removeProperty
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDescriptor
fromXML, fromXML, getDescription, getName, isReadOnly, makeReadOnly, setDescription, setName, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


void setOwnsSchemaFlag(boolean bOwns)
Sets a flag that indicates if this event owns the schema it references; this flag is true by default. Setting the flag to false indicates that the schema is referenced by other components and not solely owned by this event


boolean ownsSchema()
true if this event owns the schema it references, false otherwise.


String getSchemaNameString()
Get the name of the schema for the event type represented by this descriptor. The schema defines the structure and content of the event payload for events of this type that are received at runtime.

The name of the schema for the event type for this descriptor.


void setSchemaNameString(String name)
Set the name of the schema for the event type represented by this descriptor. The schema defines the structure and content of the event payload for events of this type that are received at runtime.

name - The name of the schema for the event type for this descriptor.


String getRootElementName()
Get the name of the root element for the event payload (XML) for events of this type that are received at runtime.

The name of the root element present in the event payload (XML) for events of this type.


void setRootElementName(String name)
Set the name of the root element for the event payload (XML) for events of this type that are received at runtime.

name - The name of the root element present in the event payload (XML) for events of this type.