Interface ISchemaDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
IDescriptor, INamespaceObject, Serializable

public interface ISchemaDescriptor
extends IDescriptor, INamespaceObject, Serializable

Represents the metadata for an Schema Document

Method Summary
 SOMSchema getSchema()
          Get the schema document associated with this schema descriptor.
 void setSchema(SOMSchema aDocumentSchema)
          Set the schema document for this schema descriptor.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDescriptor
fromXML, fromXML, getDescription, getName, isReadOnly, makeReadOnly, setDescription, setName, toXML, toXML
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.INamespaceObject
equals, getDescription, getLastUpdateTime, getName, getParentNamespace, getQualifiedName, setDescription, setName, setParentNamespace, syncLastUpdateTime, touch

Method Detail


SOMSchema getSchema()
Get the schema document associated with this schema descriptor.

an SOMSchema object containing the schema.


void setSchema(SOMSchema aDocumentSchema)
Set the schema document for this schema descriptor.

aDocumentSchema - an SOMSchema object containing the schema document.