Class ProcessStatus

  extended by com.bea.wli.bpm.runtime.ProcessStatus
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ProcessStatus
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents the status of a particular process instance.

See Also:
ProcessRuntimeMBean.getStatus(java.lang.String), ProcessInstanceInfo.getStatus(), Serialized Form

Field Summary
static ProcessStatus ABORTED
          Represents a process instance that has been aborted.
static ProcessStatus COMPLETED
          Represents a process instance that has finished normally.
static ProcessStatus DEFUNCT
          Represents a process instance that has been completed or terminated, when tracking level is set to 'none'.
static ProcessStatus FROZEN
          Represents a process instance that has been frozen.
static ProcessStatus PENDING_ABORT
static ProcessStatus RUNNING
          Represents a process instance that is currently running.
static ProcessStatus SUSPENDED
          Represents a process instance that has been suspended, possibly in response to a "Suspend" request from a user.
static ProcessStatus TERMINATED
          Represents a process instance that has been terminated by an external "terminate" request.
static List VALUES
          List of all ProcessStatus enumerated types.
Method Summary
 int intValue()
          Returns an integer representation for the status.
 boolean isAborted()
          Returns whether this object represents an aborted instance, namely, ( this == ABORTED )
 boolean isCompleted()
          Returns whether this object represents a completed instance, namely, (this == COMPLETED )
 boolean isCompOrTerm()
          Returns whether this object represents an instance that has either completed normally or has been terminated, namely, (isCompleted() || isTerminated() )
 boolean isDefunct()
          Returns whether this object represents an instance that is pending delete, namely, (this == DEFUNCT )
 boolean isFrozen()
          Returns whether this object represents a frozen instance, namely, (this == FROZEN )
 boolean isPendingAbort()
          Returns whether this object represents an instance that has an abort pending, namely, (this == PENDING_ABORT )
 boolean isRunning()
          Returns whether this object represents a running instance, namely, (this == RUNNING )
 boolean isSuspended()
          Returns whether this object represents a suspended instance, namely, (this == SUSPENDED )
 boolean isTerminated()
          Returns whether this object represents an instance that has been terminated, namely, (this == TERMINATED )
static ProcessStatus toProcessStatus(int val)
          Returns the ProcessStatus object whose integer representation is the given integer value.
 String toString()
          Returns string representation of this ProcessStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ProcessStatus RUNNING
Represents a process instance that is currently running. A running instance may be actively consuming resources, or it may be blocked waiting for an input.


public static final ProcessStatus ABORTED
Represents a process instance that has been aborted. An aborted instance cannot continue execution. Aborted instances can be terminated.

See Also:
ProcessRuntimeMBean.terminate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static final ProcessStatus SUSPENDED
Represents a process instance that has been suspended, possibly in response to a "Suspend" request from a user. A suspended instance can be resumed. See ProcessRuntimeMBean.suspend(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) for suspending an instance, and ProcessRuntimeMBean.resume(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) for resuming a suspended process.


public static final ProcessStatus FROZEN
Represents a process instance that has been frozen. A Frozen instance can be "unfrozen". See ProcessRuntimeMBean.unfreeze(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) for unfreezing a frozen instance.


public static final ProcessStatus COMPLETED
Represents a process instance that has finished normally.


public static final ProcessStatus TERMINATED
Represents a process instance that has been terminated by an external "terminate" request.

See Also:
ProcessRuntimeMBean.terminate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static final ProcessStatus PENDING_ABORT
Represents a process instance that has a pending abort. A pending abort instance cannot continue execution. Pending aborted instances cannot be terminated.

See Also:
ProcessRuntimeMBean.terminate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static final ProcessStatus DEFUNCT
Represents a process instance that has been completed or terminated, when tracking level is set to 'none'. For consistency in user model of stateful and stateless flows, this state prevents display of associated instances in the OA&M console.


public static final List VALUES
List of all ProcessStatus enumerated types.

Method Detail


public String toString()
Returns string representation of this ProcessStatus

toString in class Object


public int intValue()
Returns an integer representation for the status.

See Also:


public boolean isAborted()
Returns whether this object represents an aborted instance, namely, ( this == ABORTED )


public boolean isRunning()
Returns whether this object represents a running instance, namely, (this == RUNNING )


public boolean isSuspended()
Returns whether this object represents a suspended instance, namely, (this == SUSPENDED )


public boolean isFrozen()
Returns whether this object represents a frozen instance, namely, (this == FROZEN )


public boolean isCompleted()
Returns whether this object represents a completed instance, namely, (this == COMPLETED )


public boolean isTerminated()
Returns whether this object represents an instance that has been terminated, namely, (this == TERMINATED )


public boolean isPendingAbort()
Returns whether this object represents an instance that has an abort pending, namely, (this == PENDING_ABORT )


public boolean isDefunct()
Returns whether this object represents an instance that is pending delete, namely, (this == DEFUNCT )


public boolean isCompOrTerm()
Returns whether this object represents an instance that has either completed normally or has been terminated, namely, (isCompleted() || isTerminated() )


public static ProcessStatus toProcessStatus(int val)
Returns the ProcessStatus object whose integer representation is the given integer value.

IllegalArgumentException - if the integer value does not represent a valid ProcessStatus object.