Annotation Type TaskAnnotations.TaskEventAnno

public static @interface TaskAnnotations.TaskEventAnno

Allows a callback method to describe subscriptions to events of a given type, and to define the method signature of that callback to the Worklist event framework. Event header information can be passed to individual parameters in the callback method based on the configuration provided in this annotation. In addition, a full TaskEvent instance can also be passed.

Required Element Summary
 TaskEvent.Type eventType
          The type of event to listen for on this callback method.
Optional Element Summary
 String actionTypeParamName
          The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the action type value for any delivered events.
 String eventParamName
          The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the TaskEvent object for any delivered events.
 String responseParamName
          Deprecated. Use task properties instead.
 String stepInnerInterfaceParamName
          Internal use only.
 String stepName
          The name of the step that, when it becomes the current step for the task, should cause this callback to be called.
 String timeParamName
          The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the event time value for any delivered events.
 String userParamName
          The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the user name value for any delivered events.

Element Detail


public abstract TaskEvent.Type eventType
The type of event to listen for on this callback method.


public abstract String actionTypeParamName
The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the action type value for any delivered events. The value of this attribute must match the name of a parameter in the method signature of the callback method its attached to. If not specified, no action type will be passed to the callback method.



public abstract String userParamName
The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the user name value for any delivered events. The value of this attribute must match the name of a parameter in the method signature of the callback method its attached to. If not specified, no user name will be passed to the callback method.



public abstract String timeParamName
The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the event time value for any delivered events. The value of this attribute must match the name of a parameter in the method signature of the callback method its attached to. If not specified, no event time will be passed to the callback method.



public abstract String eventParamName
The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the TaskEvent object for any delivered events. The value of this attribute must match the name of a parameter in the method signature of the callback method its attached to. This parameter must be assignment compatible with the specific sub-interface of TaskEvent that is to be delivered, or TaskEvent itself. If not specified, no TaskEvent will be passed to the callback method.



public abstract String stepName
The name of the step that, when it becomes the current step for the task, should cause this callback to be called. This field is only for use when eventType = TaskEvent.Type.STEP_CHANGE.



public abstract String stepInnerInterfaceParamName
Internal use only. The name of the parameter on the callback method that should receive the step inner interface instance when a STEP_CHANGE event occurs and the new step has the name indicated by the stepName field of this annotation.



public abstract String responseParamName
Deprecated. Use task properties instead.

Backward compatibility for 81x use only. The name of the parameter to receive the TaskMessage value from the Response property of an 81x compatibility task. The value of this attribute must match the name of a parameter in the method signature of the callback method its attached to. The value passed to the named parameter depends on the type of the parameter. See the TaskGetRequestResponse81x annotation for information on the supported mappings (where the event method parameter is essentially like the return type of the method attached to the TaskGetRequestResponse81x annotation.
