Annotation Type TaskBaseAnnotations.BusinessTimeAnno

public static @interface TaskBaseAnnotations.BusinessTimeAnno

Represents an abstract business date and time by defining a time duration from an (as yet unknown) reference time. This duration may optionally be calculated using a business calendar thus allowing a discontinuous set of time segments to be calculated whose total duration matches the given duration. The end time of the last such segment is taken as the effective business date/time for this BusinessTimeAnno. The time segments are placed such that they fall within the boundaries of ‘available’ time on the business calendar.

Optional Element Summary
 String calendarName
          The calendar used to compute the absolute time.
 String duration
          The business time duration
 boolean isUserCalendar
          Flag indicating the given calendar name is really meant to be used as the name of the user from which the associated calendar will be retrieved.


public abstract String duration
The business time duration



public abstract boolean isUserCalendar
Flag indicating the given calendar name is really meant to be used as the name of the user from which the associated calendar will be retrieved.



public abstract String calendarName
The calendar used to compute the absolute time. This calendar may actually be given as a user name (if isUserCalendar() returns true) indicating the user from which to derive the associated calendar. This calendar is specified from the user profile for the named user.
