Using Worklist Console

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Worklist Administration

This section provides information you need to use the Worklist module in Worklist Console to:

Overview of the Worklist Module

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Worklist module. The tasks and topics associated with each are provided:

Associated Tasks
Worklist System Instances
Viewing all the Worklist system instances.
Setting global worklist policy
Setting global task plan policy
Manually purging tasks
Managing sessions
Viewing tasks
Worklist System Instance
Changing the Worklist system instance details
Viewing the tasks associated with the Worklist system instance.
Managing event handlers
Setting the policy of the selected Worklist system instance.
Managing sessions
Worklist Tasks Summary
Viewing a list of task instances. Task plan ID, name, description, working and administrative state, name of current step, task completion due date, claimant, owner, and priority are displayed.
Updating the state of the task, or deleting the task.
Constructing a custom query using properties such as task ID, description, due dates, and so on.
Claiming the task for a user
Assigning the task to selected users and / or group.
Worklist Task Details
Viewing and changing task instance properties.
Updating the state of the task, or deleting the task.
Claiming the task for a user.
Assigning the task to selected users and / or group.
Worklist User Summary
Viewing a list of all users.
Associating a business calendar with the selected user.
Setting e-mail address of a user.
Reassigning work of the selected user to any other user either temporarily or permanently.
Work Substitute Routing Table
Viewing the list of work substitute rules. Rule name, effective date, expiration date, source, and target are displayed.
Defining the name, effective date, expiration date, source, and target for a new work substitute rule.
Deleting a subscription rule.
Changing the effective date, expiration date, source, or target for an existing work substitute rule.
Task Plan Details
Setting task plan policy.
You can view and edit the task plan details including the task plan summary details, task plan policies, user-defined properties, and task steps

Security Policies

Worklist uses several types of policies to control access to certain global operations. You can define policies for the administration, creation, update, and retrieval of tasks. These policies can be defined for Worklist system instances and task plans (both global level and individual level).

You can provide authorization against tasks or Worklist system instances in a more granular way to allow access to the resource based on your business needs for security. For example, some types of tasks may require that a user be granted a specific role in order to create a task. Users granted this role may not be candidates for holding more global and powerful roles such as IntegrationAdmin. In such a scenario, you can set the per-task plan policy to grant appropriate privileges to work with a specific task plan without necessarily or inadvertently granting access to a wider range of resources.

In addition to the security policies that are explicitly defined for a role, there are certain implicit policies that are based on the user's task affinity (for example, task owner, claimant, assignee, and so on).

Protected Resources

Worklist security protects access to the following resources:

For the types of operations that are protected for these resources, see Operations and Policies.

Explicit Security Policies

Explicit policies explicitly define which roles a user must be granted in order to perform operations on the resource. The explicit policies are:

In Worklist, security policies can be set for global and individual Worklist system instance; and global and individual task plans.

Note: When a specific resource (Worklist system instance or task plan) does not have a defined security policy it inherits the global policy for the resource. However, if the resource defines an explicit security policy, the global policy for the resource is ignored.

The following table lists the various security policies that can be explicitly set. When used with the default WebLogic Server authorization provider these policies are defined as a list of role names. Users granted any of the roles listed in the policy are authorized to perform the type of operation associated with the policy.

Resource Type
Type of Operations
Task Plan
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to perform any administrative action on tasks of this type.
Task Plan (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to perform any administrative action on any task. This includes tasks for which its associated task plan defines a specific administrative policy.
Worklist System
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to perform any administrative action on the given Worklist system instance. For example, the user can set purge intervals, report data stores, and so on.
Worklist System (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to perform any administrative action on any Worklist system instance. This includes Worklist system instances that do define a specific administrative policy.
Task Plan
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to create and perform any initial assignment for properties of tasks of this type.
Task Plan (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to create instances of any task plan that does not define a specific create policy.
Worklist System
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to create new configuration within this Worklist system instance.
Worklist System (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to create new configuration within any Worklist system instance that does not define a specific create policy.
Task Plan
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to update the business-related, non-administrative information for the task. Examples of business-related information would be the task completion due date or task time estimates. Examples of administrative information would be the owner and task plan for the task.
Task Plan (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to update business-related information for any task for which its task plan does not define a specific update policy.
Worklist System
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to update business-related, non-administrative information for the Worklist System. For example, a user granted update privileges on a task plan could set the comment or properties for any task of that type.
Worklist System (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to update business related information within any Worklist system instance that does not define a specific update policy.
Task Plan
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to query for and view information about any task of this type. By contrast, a user not granted this privilege (or admin/update privileges either) must have a special affinity to a task in order to query information about it (i.e. the user must be the owner, creator, assignee or claimant for the task). Note that this policy does not authorize users to make changes to the information in a task.
Task Plan (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to query any task for which its task plan does not define a specific query policy.
Worklist System
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to query information for this Worklist system instance.
Worklist System (Global)
A user granted any one of these roles is authorized to query information for any Worklist system instance that does not define a specific query policy.

Implicit Security Policies

Tasks represent work items to be carried out by one or more human actors. Human actors may be associated with a task in the following ways. An actor's association with a task is called the actor's affinity to the task. The possible types of task affinity are:

The association between a task and human actors can be very dynamic. This makes it impossible to define an appropriate security policy that can take into account all the users that may eventually be associated with a task. To account for this, Worklist uses task affinity (current user associations with a task, for example Owner, Claimant, or Assignees) to make access control decisions. The following table lists the implicit security policies.

A given task affinity is granted a fixed set of privileges to perform operations on the tasks for which that affinity applies. So, each type of task affinity represents an implicit security policy. They are implicit because administrators do not need to define them explicitly in order for them to take effect.

The following table lists the implicit security policies.

Claimants are granted special privileges allowing them to perform user operations on tasks they claim. These operations include task update and query.
Owners are granted administrative privileges on the tasks they own. These privileges include the ability to perform administrative actions, task update, and query.
Creators are granted query privileges on the tasks they created.
Users on the assignee list for a task are authorized to query and claim tasks for which they are an assignee.

Operations and Policies

The following table lists all the possible operations, as defined in the API, that can be performed on a given type of resource (via the Worklist API), and the policy that is consulted before allowing a user to perform the operation.

Notes: The operations listed for TaskPlan resources may exist on any one of the WorklistTaskAdmin, WorklistTaskUser, and WorklistTaskQuery interfaces.

Table 2-1 Operations and policies on a resource
set<Configuration Property> (via WorklistSystemMBean)
WebLogic Server Admin Role (not Worklist policy based)
get<Configuration Property> (via WorklistSystemMBean)
WebLogic Server Admin Role (not Worklist policy based)
Global Admin, Global Update. See, Out-of-box Security Policies.
getAllWorkSubstituteRules / getWorkSubstitute*
Global Admin, Global Update, Global Query. See, Out-of-box Security Policies.
Global Admin See, Out-of-box Security Policies.
Global Admin, Global Query, Global Update. See, Out-of-box Security Policies.
Admin, Query, Update
registerTaskPlan, deregisterTaskPlan
WorklistSystem Admin, WorklistSystem Create
Task Plan Admin, Task Plan Create, Task Plan Query, Task Plan Update
Task Plan Admin, Task Plan Create, Task Plan Query, Task Plan Update (if no access is permitted for a task plan, it is omitted from the returned list of task plans)
Task Plan Admin, Task Plan Create, Task Plan Query, Task Plan Update (if no access is permitted for a task plan, it is omitted from the returned list of task plans for the folder)
setTaskProperties(<public property set>)
Admin, Update, Owner, Claimant
Admin, Owner, Claimant
Admin, Update, Owner, Claimant
Admin, Owner
getCandidateUsers (with task instance)
Admin, Owner, Claimant
getCandidateUsers (with task plan)
Admin, Create
getUserWorkloadInfo (with task instance)
Admin, Owner, Claimant
getUserWorkloadInfo (with task plan)
Admin, Create
Subject to calendar access control (not task or TaskPlan specific)
Admin, Owner, Assignee
Admin, Owner, Claimant
Admin, Query, Update, Owner, Creator, Claimant, Assignee
Admin, Query, Update, Owner, Creator, Claimant, Assignee
Admin, Query, Update, Owner, Creator, Claimant, Assignee
getTaskProperties(<public property set>)
Admin, Query, Update, Owner, Creator, Claimant, Assignee
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner, Claimant
Admin, Owner
Task Plan (contd.)
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Admin, Owner
Global Admin See, Out-of-box Security Policies.
Global Admin, Global Query, Global Update. See, Out-of-box Security Policies.
Admin, Query, Update
Admin, Owner
Admin, Update, Owner
setTaskCompletionDueDate, setTaskCurrentStepClaimDueDate setTaskCurrentStepCompletionDueDate
Admin, Update, Owner
setTaskTimeEstimate, setTaskStepTimeEstimate
Admin, Update, Owner
Admin, Update, Owner, Claimant
addListener, removeListener, getListeners
Admin, Query
addListener(isCritical=true), removeListener(isCritical=true)
Task Plan (contd.)
getTaskIds, getTasks, getTaskDataCursor
Admin, Query

Note: You must supply one or more task plans to call these

getTaskIdsWithAffinity, getTasksWithAffinity, getTaskDataCursorWithAffinity
Admin, Query, Owner, Creator, Claimant, Assignee, Association
Other Setters
Update, Owner
Other Getters
Query, Owner, Creator, Claimant, Assignee, Association

User-experience for Defining Policies

Security policies are defined in Worklist Console and associated with one of the protected resources described in the Protected Resources. Security policies may also be set using the Worklist API, which is also used by Worklist Console.

Security policies are never stored directly in the metadata for a protected resource. Rather, these policies are stored in the active security provider for the WebLogic Server domain hosting Worklist. The security provider stores the policies and their association with a Worklist resource. At runtime, the Worklist runtime makes calls to the WebLogic Server security framework (specifically isAccessAllowed calls) using the current user identity to ensure that only authorized users gain access to protected resources. The isAccessAllowed call is made passing the key for a protected resource. The WebLogic Server security framework handles establishing the identity of the current user, and then calls into the authorization provider to make the actual decision for or against allowing access.

Note: The authorization provider stores the association of the policy expression with the resource for the policy. This mapping is one-to-one, and thus a given policy cannot apply to more than one resource. Also, the association treats the protected resource as an opaque resource key. Worklist defines resource keys for the protected resources it defines. These keys include the type and name or identifier for the resource, as well as the type of access being requested. For example, an attempt to get a property value from a task will result in the creation of a PropertySet resource describing the task plan ID, and property set name that contain the property, and the Query policy describing the type of access requested.

Different authorization providers use different expression languages for policies, and offer different capabilities in those expressions. The WebLogic Server default authorization provider allows a policy expression that is a list of role names. Worklist helps users work directly with the WebLogic Server default authorization provider and provides enough information to make manual integration with other providers possible.

Defining Policies within WebLogic Server Default Security Provider

Worklist provides API-level support for defining policies within the WebLogic Server default authorization provider. This API-level support defines a policy as a list of role names. No other type of policy expression is supported via the APIs. However, it is possible to define more detailed policies using the WebLogic Server default authorization provider policy expression language. For more information about this policy expression language, see "WebLogic Security Framework" in WebLogic Security Service Architecture in Understanding WebLogic Security. Custom policy expressions can be associated with the appropriate Worklist resource by constructing the appropriate instances of Worklist resource classes (see Defining Policies within WebLogic Server Default Security Provider), and then passing the resource instance and policy expression to methods in the WebLogic Server security framework API. For more information, see Securing WebLogic Server and Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies.

Worklist provides the following methods on the WorklistSystem interface to set the default administrative, creation, and query policies on a WorklistSystem resource:

public interface WorklistSystem {
     * Operations for which a Worklist system policy may be set
    public static enum OPERATION { Admin, Create, Query, Update };
     * Set the global policy for *all* Worklist system instances that don't
     * specify their own explicit policy for the given operation type.
     * Note, this method is provided for convenience only. BEA recommends you
     * use WorklistAdminMBean instead.
     * <p>
     * Note, this method has the same effect regardless of what WorklistSystem
     * instance is used, or what Worklist system instance it comes from.
     * <p>
     * To call this method, you must be granted one of the roles
     * listed for the global Worklist System Admin policy (by default this is
     * the Admin or IntegrationAdmin roles). If an unauthorized user attempts
     * this call, a SecurityException will be thrown.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: This method will only work when you are using the WLS default
     * authorization provider. If you are using a third-party provider, you must 
     * use that provider's tools for assigning the policy to the task plan.
     * @see, String[])
    public void setGlobalWorklistSystemPolicy(OPERATION operation,
                                              String[] roles)
        throws ManagementException, RemoteException;
     * Set a simple policy for this Worklist system instance and the given
     * operation type. The policy is described in terms of the roles which are
     * authorized to perform the given operation on this Worklist system
     * instance.
     * <p>
     * To call this method, you must be granted one of the roles
     * listed for this Worklist system instance's Admin policy, or you must be
     * granted one of the roles listed for the global Worklist System Admin
     * policy if this Worklist system instance has not had an explicit policy
     * set for it. If an
     * unauthorized user attempts this call, a SecurityException will be thrown.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: This method will only work when you are using the WLS default
     * authorization provider. If you are using a third-party provider, you must
     * use that provider's tools for assigning the policy to the Worklist system 
     * instance.
     * @param operation The type of operation for which the policy is being set.
     * @param roles The roles which are authorized to perform the given
     *        operation on tasks of the given type. If roles is empty or null,
     *        the policy will be reset to the default/global policy.
     * @see #setGlobalWorklistSystemPolicy(OPERATION, String[])
    public void setWorklistSystemPolicy(OPERATION operation,
                                        String[] roles)
        throws ManagementException, RemoteException;
Note: The setGlobalWorklistSystemPolicy method sets the policy on the global WorklistSystem resource, regardless of the Worklist system instance that is being used. The setWorklistSystemPolicy method sets the policy on this instance of WorklistSystem.

Worklist provides the following methods on the WorklistTaskAdmin interface for setting policies on the global and specific task plans.

public interface WorklistTaskAdmin {
     * Operations for which a task plan policy may be set
    public static enum OPERATION { Admin, Create, Query, Update };
     * Set the global policy for *all* task plans that don't specify their
     * own explicit policy for the given operation type. Note, this method is
     * provided for convenience only. BEA recommends you use WorklistAdminMBean
     * instead.
     * <p>
     * Note, this method has the same effect regardless of what WorklistTaskAdmin
     * instance is used, or what Worklist system instance it comes from.
     * <p>
     * To call this method, you must be granted one of the roles listed for
     * the global TaskPlan Admin policy (by default this is the Admin and
     * IntegrationAdmin roles).
     * If an unauthorized user attempts this call, a SecurityException
     * will be thrown.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: This method will only work when you are using the WLS default
     * authorization provider. If you are using a third-party provider, you must
     * use that provider's tools for assigning the policy to the task plan.
     * @see, String[])
    public void setGlobalTaskPlanPolicy(OPERATION operation, String[] roles)
        throws ManagementException, RemoteException;
     * Set a simple policy for the given task plan and operation type. The
     * policy is described in terms of the roles which are authorized to
     * perform the given operation on tasks of the given task plan.
     * <p> To call this method, you must be granted one of the roles listed for
     * the Admin policy for this task plan, or be granted one of the roles
     * listed for the global TaskPlan Admin policy if this task plan has no
     * explicit policy set for it.
     * If an unauthorized user attempts this call, a ManagementException
     * will be thrown.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: This method will only work when you are using the WLS default
     * authorization provider. If you are using a third-party provider, you must
     * use that provider's tools for assigning the policy to the task plan.
     * @param taskPlanId The ID of the TaskPlan for the tasks for which this
     *        policy is being set.
     * @param operation The type of operation for which the policy is being set.
     * @param roles The roles which are authorized to perform the given operation
     *        on tasks of the given type. If roles is empty or null, the policy
     *        will be reset to the default/global policy.
     * @see #setGlobalTaskPlanPolicy(OPERATION operation, String[] roles)
    public void setTaskPlanPolicy(TaskPlanId taskPlanId,
                                  OPERATION operation,
                                  String[] roles)
        throws ManagementException, RemoteException;

Defining Policies within Third-Party Security Providers

Worklist does not provide any direct support for defining policies within third-party authorization providers. However, a third-party provider that can plug into the WebLogic Server security framework should be able to make authorization decisions given the proper resource information.

This section describes the resources Worklist uses to enable authorization checks. It is these resources that are used to associate a policy in a third-party provider with the task plans you wish to control access to.

Worklist defines the following resources:

To define and store a policy for either of these resources in a third-party authorization provider, you must instantiate an instance of the appropriate resource implementation class and use it to obtain the proper resource identification information.

Given the proper identification for the resource, you can then use the tools of the third-party provider to associate a policy with the resource.

Documents related to security for WebLogic Server at located at the following URL:

The implementation classes for these resources are in the package. This package is not strictly public, but access to the resource implementation classes is supported for the purpose of obtaining resource identification for use with third-party providers.

Out-of-box Security Policies

The Worklist configuration extension template adds the following policies to the configuration of the WebLogic Server default authorizer. These policies are also the policies Worklist recommends when you are setting up a domain to host Worklist application modules. The following descriptions give detailed information about the resources Worklist considers protected resources, and the default policies recommended for those resources.

Each resource definition describes the resource in the following format:

resource type = "<type of resource to protect>"
              <key1 name> = "<key1 value>", ... , <keyN name> = "<keyN value>"
               Roles = { <Role 1>, ..., <Role N> }

where, the keys define parameters controlling the scope of the resource, and the Roles list defines the list of roles that are granted access to that resource. For Worklist, the Worklist system resource has type WorklistSystem, and task plan resources have type TaskPlan.

For WorklistSystem resources, the WebLogic Server security framework knows them by a type of <wli-worklist-system>. For TaskPlan resources the WebLogic Server security framework knows them by a type of <wli-task-type>. This type information along with the provided key/value pairs is enough to construct a low-level resource identifier for use with authorization providers other than the WebLogic Server default provider.

The policies described below are for the global WorklistSystem and TaskPlan resources. In other words, they do not apply to specific Worklist system instances or task plans. Rather, they exist as default policies for resources that do not define their own specific policies.

To set polices specific to a Worklist system instance or task plan you may either:

Default Security Policies

Worklist defines default policy expressions for the global Admin, Create, Query and Update policies for both Worklist system instances and task plans. These policies are automatically set when the BEA supplied authorization providers (for example, LDAP and SQL) are used. If you use a third-party authentication provider, these default policies should serve as a suggestion for BEA-recommended policies you should set within your provider (using their policy expression client tools).

The following table summarizes the actions the IntegrationMonitor, IntegrationOpertator, and IntegrationAdmin, and IntegrationUser roles can execute by virtue of these default global policies.

Note: Administrators are free to modify the global policies. In that case, the values given in the table below may not necessarily apply.

Task Plans Configuration


This can be done via the TaskPlanRegistry only and not the WorklistSystem MBean.

Configure Security


Worklist System Configuration


Global Worklist System Policy


Global Task Plan Policy


Users, Groups, and Roles


Business Calendars

Manage user and group mappings


Work Substitutes


Listing and Locating Worklist System Instances

A Worklist system instance is an instance of the Worklist API and its implementation. A user application can contain only one Worklist system instance, and that instance has the same name as the application that hosts it. A Worklist system instance provides access to the task plans deployed in an application, as well as the tasks that have been created based on that task plan. In addition, a Worklist system instance can be configured with its own security policies, runtime configuration, and so on.

The Worklist System Instances page displays the following information for each Worklist system instance.

Worklist System Instance
Name assigned to the Worklist system instance. This value is the same as the name of the application hosting the Worklist system instance. Click this name to go to the Worklist System Instance page.
Click View Tasks to view the Task Summary page. This page shows all tasks based on any task plan available to the Worklist System instance.
Description of the Worklist System instance.
The status of the current session is displayed. The status can be Started or Closed.

You can do the following actions from the Worklist System Instances page:

Global Worklist Policy
Set the policy for all Worklist system instances that do not define their own explicit policy. For more information, see Setting the Global Worklist System Instance Policies.
Purge Tasks
Manually purge all tasks that are eligible for purging. For more information, see Purging Tasks.
Global Task Plan Policy
Set the global task plan policy. For more information, see Setting the Global Task Plan Policies.
View Tasks
View the Tasks Summary page. For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
next to the Worklist system instance
View and edit the task plan configuration. For more information, see Viewing Task Plan Details and Changing Task Plan Details.
Start, Discard, or End
Manage the sessions. For more information, see Managing Sessions.

To list and locate the Worklist system instances:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) in the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.

All the existing Worklist system instances are displayed in this page.

Managing Sessions

Edit sessions allows you to edit Worklist system instance configuration and task plan configuration. Before you edit these configurations, you must start an edit session. You can view resources and configurations in the console without being in a session, but to edit these configurations, you must be in an active session. The Session Management section manages sessions in the console.

The following table provides a list of actions you can take in the Session Management section.

Create a new session for the selected Worklist System instances. You must create a session to make changes to the task details. After you click Start, the status of the session is Started.
Save the configuration changes and close the session for the selected Worklist System instances. After you click End, the status of the session is Closed.
End the current session for the selected Worklist System instances without saving the changes. After you click Discard, the status of the session is Closed.

About Worklist Event Handlers and Event Types

An event handler defines what Worklist-defined event listeners should do in response to events generated by changes in tasks that are managed by Worklist. Event handlers can define the behavior of event notification in response to task events. Event handlers can specify a response to various events that includes any or all of the following:

Any number of event handlers can be associated with a Worklist system instance. Each event handler specifies a number of task types for which it applies or it can indicate that it is a "global" event handler that applies to all task types.

For more information, see Changing the Event Handler Details.

Event Handlers contain event subscriptions that define which events are of interest to the event handler, and what to do with those events. You can define event subscriptions to send notifications for various event types. An event subscription is associated with one or more event types and for each event subscription, the desired response to the event notification is also defined.

Each Worklist system instance contains three pre-defined event handlers. These are:

Users can modify the configuration of any Worklist defined handler or subscription. In addition, users are free to enable or disable handlers and the subscriptions they contain at any time. However, handler and the subscriptions on the base Worklist handlers cannot be removed.

The various event types in Worklist are:

Event Type
A task is aborted.
Task is assigned, either directly or as a result of moving to a new step, or taking an assign action on the step.
Task is claimed, either directly or as a result of moving to a new step, or taking an assign action on the step.
A task is reset from error set.
A task is completed.
Task is created. This event is followed by a STEP_CHANGE event and an ASSIGN or CLAIM event that arrives after the CREATE event.
A task is deleted.
A completed or aborted task is reactivated.
A suspended task is resumed.
A claimed task is returned. The task status now changes to Assigned
The current step of a task is forcibly set. This event is followed by a STEP_CHANGE event indicating the arrival of the task into the new step. This may be followed by ASSIGN, CLAIM, COMPLETE, or ABORT events, which depends on the new current step.
A task is set to error state.
Custom properties defined while creating the task plan are set. If the property is updated as part of taking an action, the old and new property values are represented by the TAKE_ACTION event.
The current step of the task changes. This can happen via a work action or set by an Administrator.
A step of a task was not completed before its scheduled completion date.
A task is suspended.
An action is taken. May be followed by a STEP_CHANGE event after a work action that targets a different step. May be followed by ASSIGN or CLAIM events if the task was assigned or claimed (after arriving at the new step after a work action, or after an assign action). May be followed by a RETURN event after a return action. May be followed by COMPLETE, or ABORT events after a work action if the new current step is a Complete or Abort step.
A task was not completed before its scheduled completion date.

Changing the Worklist System Instance Configuration

The Worklist System Instance page displays the Worklist system instance configuration details.

You can start a session and change the Worklist system instance configuration. In addition, you can do the following actions from the Worklist System Instance page:

View Task List
Locate and list Worklist tasks in the Task Summary page. For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
Start Session
Start the session. For more information, see Managing Sessions.
View Event Handlers
View a list of existing event handlers. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Handlers.
Set System Policy
Set the policy for the current Worklist system instance. For more information, see Setting the Worklist System Instance Policies.

To change the Worklist System Instance configuration:
  1. Locate the Worklist system instance. For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist System Instances.
  2. Click the name of the Worklist system instance. The Worklist System Instance page appears.
  3. If you did not click Start in Worklist System Instances page, click Start Session. For more information, see Managing Sessions.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • In the Purge Interval field, enter the duration, in seconds, after which this Worklist system instance should be purged. If you enter 0 as the purge interval, it implies that no automatic purging is done and you need to manually purge this Worklist system instance. For more information, see Purging Tasks.
    • In the Default Reporting Datasource JNDI Name field, enter the JNDI name of the default reporting datasource. For more information, see Create JDBC data sources in The WebLogic Server Administration Console help.
    • In the Mail Session Information field, enter the name of the mail session created on WebLogic Server. For more information, see Create a Mail Session in The WebLogic Server Administration Console help.
  5. Click Submit. You are returned to the Worklist System Instances page.
  6. Click End to exit from the session.

The configuration of the Worklist system instance is updated.

Setting the Global Worklist System Instance Policies

The Set System Policy page allows you to set the security policy for all Worklist system instances. When the policy is not set for a Worklist system instance, the global Worklist system instances policy is applied.

You can assign roles to any of the Worklist policy in the Set Global Worklist Policy page. Users belonging to the role can then do the operations associated with that role. For more information, see Security Policies and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.

Note: For Admin, Create, and Query actions, any individual Worklist system instance policy takes precedence over the global Worklist policy. For more information, see Setting the Worklist System Instance Policies.
To set the global Worklist policy:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) in the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Click Global Worklist Policy. The Set System Policy page appears.
  4. Click Edit. The Set Global Worklist Policy page appears.

  5. For each action, select one or more roles in the Available Roles list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional option). Make sure that at least one role is selected for each action. For more information, seeSecurity Policies and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.
  6. Note: Take care not to remove all roles from an admin policy for which you have access. Doing so will effectively lock you from making any further edits to that policy.
  7. Click Submit.

The global Worklist system policy is updated. You are returned to the Set System Policy page. Click Cancel to return to the Worklist System Instances page.

Setting the Worklist System Instance Policies

In addition to setting the global policy for all Worklist system instances, you can set the policy of an individual Worklist system instance. For more information, see Setting the Global Worklist System Instance Policies, Security Policies, and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.

To set the Worklist system instance policy:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) in the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Click the Worklist system instance name. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  4. Click Set System Policy. The Set System Policy page appears.
  5. Click Edit. The Set System Policy page appears.
  6. For each action, select one or more roles in the Available Roles list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional option). For more information, see Security Policies and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.
  7. Note: Take care not to remove all roles from an admin policy for which you have access. Doing so will effectively lock you from making any further edits to that policy.
  8. Click Submit.

The policy for the selected Worklist system instance is updated. You are returned to the Set System Policy page. Click Cancel to return to the Worklist System Instances page.

Setting the Global Task Plan Policies

The View Global Task Plan Policies page allows you to view and edit the global task plan policies. The global task plan policy takes precedence over the individual task plan policy.

You can assign roles to any of the Worklist policy in the Set Global Worklist Policy page. Users belonging to the role can then do the operations associated with that role. For more information, see Security Policies and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.

Note: For Admin, Create, and Query actions, any individual task plan policy takes precedence over the global task plan policy. For more information, see Viewing and Changing Task Details.
To set the global task plan policy:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) from the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Click Global Task Plan Policy. The View Global Task Plan Policies page appears.
  4. Click Edit. The Edit Global Task Plan Policy page appears.

  5. For each action, select one or more roles in the Available Roles list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional option). For more information, see Security Policies, and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.
  6. Note: Take care not to remove all roles from an admin policy for which you have access. Doing so will effectively lock you from making any further edits to that policy.
  7. Click Submit.

The global task plan policy is updated. You are returned to the View Global Task Plan Policies page. Click Cancel to return to the Worklist System Instances page.

Setting the Task Plan Policies

You can set the individual task plan policy in the Task Plan Details page. The individual task plan policy takes precedence over the global task plan policy. For more information, see Setting the Global Task Plan Policies.

You can assign roles to any of the Worklist policies in the Task Plan Details page. Users belonging to the role can then do the operations associated with that role. For more information, see Security Policies and Security Provider Requirements for User Management. For information about setting individual task plan policies, see the "To edit the task plan policies" procedure in Changing Task Plan Details.

Purging Tasks

The runtime repository supports automatic purging of completed or aborted tasks (referred to as terminal tasks) based on a purge interval specified by you. The length of time to retain terminal task instances can be configured at both the system and task plan level.

When you change the Worklist system instance details, you can set the purge interval. For more information, see Changing the Worklist System Instance Configuration. You can set the terminal tasks retention time when you set the task plan details. For more information, see Changing Task Plan Details.

The purge process automatically runs at the purge interval and tasks that are terminal and are older than the configured system or task plan limits are permanently removed from the runtime repository.

If the purge interval is set to zero, you need to manually purge the tasks. You can manually purge tasks from the Worklist System Instances page.

To manually purge tasks:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) from the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Select the check box next to the Worklist system instance that contains the tasks that you want to purge.
  4. Click Purge Tasks.

All the tasks in the selected Worklist system instance are purged.

Listing and Locating Event Handlers

The Event Handlers page displays a list of all existing event handlers. You can view the event handler name and the scope of the event handler. The scope of the event handler can be global and applicable to all tasks plans or specific to selected tasks plans associated with the event handler. For more information, see About Worklist Event Handlers and Event Types.

To locate an event handler:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) in the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Start a session. For more information, see Changing the Worklist System Instance Configuration.
  4. Click the Worklist system instance name. The Worklist System Instance page appears.
  5. Click View Event Handlers. The Event Handlers page appears.
  6. Note: The View Event Handlers button is enabled only when you are in a session.
  7. To locate an event handler, do one of the following
    • Sort the list. Ascending and descending arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the button to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next , previous , first , or last page.

Related Topics

Changing the Event Handler Details

The Event Handler Details page displays the event handler details and a list of event subscriptions associated with the event. You can change the task plan details and the event subscriptions associated with the event handler. For more information, see About Worklist Event Handlers and Event Types.

Note: Any changes to Event Handlers can be only be done in a session. Start a session before making any change. For more information, see Managing Sessions.

To edit the event handler details:
  1. Locate the event handler that you want to change. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Handlers.
  2. Click the event handler name. The Event Handler Details page appears.

  3. Click Edit in the Task Plans section. The Event Handler Details page opens in the edit mode.
  4. Do any of the following:
    • Select the Global Handler check box to indicate that the current event handler is global and can be handled by all task plans.
    • If you clear this check box, you need to select the task plans that will be handled by this event handler.

    • Select the Disabled check box to disable this event handler.
    • When you disable an event handler, all event subscriptions associated with the event handler are disabled. This implies that there will be no event notification sent from the event handler to the notification consumers.

    • Select the task plans that will be associated with this event handler from the Available Task Plans list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional task plan)
    • This option is available only when the Global Handler check box is not selected.

  5. Click Submit.

The event handler details are updated. You are returned to the Event Handler Details page.

You can also add, change or delete event subscriptions associated with the event handler. For more information, see Adding Event Subscriptions, Changing Event Subscriptions, and Deleting Event Subscriptions. These changes to the event subscriptions associated with the event handler are reflected only after you end the current session.

Listing and Locating Event Subscriptions

The Event Handler Details page displays the event handler details and a list of event subscriptions associated with the event. You can change the task plan details and the event subscriptions associated with the event handler.You can also add, change, and delete event subscriptions from this page. For more information, see About Worklist Event Handlers and Event Types.

For each event subscription, you can view the name of the subscription, the event type and if this event subscription can be removed or not. When true is displayed in the Is Removable field, it implies that the event subscription can be deleted.

To locate the event subscription:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) in the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Start a session. For more information, see Managing Sessions.
  4. Click the Worklist system instance name. The Worklist System Instance page appears.
  5. Click View Event Handlers. The Event Handlers page appears.
  6. Note: The View Event Handlers button is enabled only when you are in a session.
  7. Click the event handler name. The Event Handler Details page appears.
  8. A list of event subscriptions associated with the event handler are displayed on the page.

  9. To locate an event subscription, do one of the following
    • Sort the list. Ascending and descending arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the button to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next , previous , first , or last page.

The actions that you can do from the Event Subscription section of the Event Handler Details page are listed in the following table.

Add Subscription
Add a event subscription. For more information, see Adding Event Subscriptions.
Subscription Name
Edit an existing event subscription. For more information, see Changing Event Subscriptions.
Delete Subscription
Delete the selected event subscriptions. For more information, see Deleting Event Subscriptions.

Adding Event Subscriptions

You can use the Event Subscription Details page to add event subscriptions that will be associated with event handlers. For more information, see About Worklist Event Handlers and Event Types.

To add a event subscription:
  1. Locate the event handler to which you want to add the event subscription. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Handlers.
  2. Click the event handler name. The Event Handler Details page appears.
  3. Click Add Subscription. The Event Subscription Details page appears.
  4. Do the following:
    • In the Subscription Name field, enter the name of the event subscription.
    • Select the For All Event Types check box to apply this event subscription to all event types.
    • Select one or more event types in the Event Types list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional event type). For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist System Instances.
    • You need to select the event types only when the For All Event Types check box is not selected.

    • Select the Subscription Disabled for Email check box to disable e-mail notification for this event subscription. Clear this check box if you want to enable e-mail notification.
    • In the Locale field, select the locale to be used for sending e-mail notification.
    • In the Encoding Character Set field, enter the name of the character set to be used for e-mail notification.
    • In the Java Mail Session JNDI Name field, enter the name of the mail session created on WebLogic Server. For more information, see Create a Mail Session in The WebLogic Server Administration Console help.
    • In the From Name field, enter the Internet Address from which the e-mail notification should sent to the user. Internet Address could be any valid e-mail address or valid name (without any space in the name).
    • Select one or more users from the Users list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional user name). The selected users will be associated with this event subscription.
    • Select one or more groups from the Groups list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional group name). The selected groups will be associated with this event subscription.
    • Select one or more options from the Task Actors list and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional option).
    • Task actors are specified in terms of their affinity to a task. Creator, Owner, Claimant, and Assignees are task actors who have a specify meaning and relation with respect to a task.

    • Select the Subscription Disabled for MessageBroker check box to disable event notification using the Message Broker. When this check box is cleared, event notification using the Message Broker is enabled.
    • Select the Subscription Disabled for Reporting check box to disable event notification to the default Reporting Store. When this check box is cleared, the default reporting store will receive event notification.
  5. Click Submit.

The event subscription is added. The subscription details are displayed in the Event Subscription Details page in the view mode. If required, click Edit to modify the details or click Back to return to the Event Handler Details page.

Related Topics

Changing Event Subscriptions

The Event Subscription Details page displays a summary of the event subscription, the event notification details, and the human actors associated with the event. You can change the event subscription details associated with the event handler. For more information, see About Worklist Event Handlers and Event Types.

To change the event subscription details:
  1. Locate the event handler to which you want to add the event subscription. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Handlers.
  2. Click the event handler name. The Event Handler Details page appears.
  3. Click the name of the event subscription. The Event Subscription Details page appears.
  4. Click Edit in the Event Subscription Summary section. The Worklist system instance and the event handler name are displayed. You cannot modify these values.
  5. Do any of the following:
    • Select the For All Event Types check box to apply this event subscription to all event types.
    • Select one or more event types in the Event Types list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional event type). For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist System Instances.
    • You need to select the event types only when the For All Event Types check box is not selected.

  6. Click Submit or click Edit in the Email Notification section. If you click Submit now, only the event subscription summary details are modified and you return to the Event Subscription Details page.
  7. After you click Edit in the previous step, do any of the following:
    • Select the Subscription Disabled for Email check box to disable e-mail notification for this subscription. Clear this check box if you want to enable e-mail notification.
    • In the Locale field, select the locale to be used for sending e-mail notification.
    • In the Encoding Character Set field, enter the name of the character set to be used for e-mail notification.
    • In the Java Mail Session JNDI Name field, enter the name of the mail session created on WebLogic Server. For more information, see Create a Mail Session in The WebLogic Server Administration Console help.
    • In the From Name field, enter the Internet Address from which the e-mail notification should sent to the user. Internet Address could be any valid e-mail address or valid name (without any space in the name).
    • Select one or more users from the Users list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional user name). The selected users will be associated with this event subscription.
    • Select one or more groups from the Groups list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional group name). The selected groups will be associated with this event subscription.
    • Select one or more options from the Task Actors list and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional option).
    • Task actors are specified in terms of their affinity to a task. Creator, Owner, Claimant, and Assignees are task actors who have a specify meaning and relation with respect to a task.

    • Select the Subscription Disabled for MessageBroker check box to disable event notification using the Message Broker. When this check box is cleared, event notification using the Message Broker is enabled.
    • Select the Subscription Disabled for Reporting check box to disable event notification to the Reporting Store. When this check box is cleared, the default reporting store will receive event notification.
  8. Do any one of the following:
    • Click Submit to save the changes.
    • Click Cancel to discard the changes.
    • Click Back to discard the changes and return to the Event Handler Details page.

The event subscription is updated after you click Submit. The subscription details are displayed in the Event Subscription Details page in the view mode. If required, click Edit to modify the details or click Back to return to the Event Handler Details page.

Related Topics

Deleting Event Subscriptions

You can delete an event subscription from the Event Handler Details page.

Note: You can delete an event subscription only when the Is Removable flag is set to true for that subscription. For event subscriptions that are deployed as part of the Worklist application (that is, not added after deployment in Worklist Console), this flag is set to false.
To delete an event subscription:
  1. Locate the event handler from which you want to delete the event subscription. For more information, see Listing and Locating Event Handlers.
  2. Click the event handler name. The Event Handler Details page appears.
  3. Select the check box next to the event subscriptions that you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete Subscription. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.

The event subscription is deleted.

Viewing Task Plan Details

A task plan is a description of the steps, properties, task assignment rules, and so on that are common to a class of tasks defined for a given purpose. For more information about tasks and task plans, see Creating and Managing Worklist Tasks in Using the Worklist.

In the Task Plan Details page, you can view and edit the task plan details including the task plan summary details, task plan policies, user-defined properties, and task steps. For more information, see Changing Task Plan Details.

To view the task plan details:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select Worklist System Instance(s) from the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Click the icon next to the Worklist system instance. All the task plans associated with the Worklist system instance are displayed.
  4. Click the task plan that you want to view. The Task Plan Details page appears.

Changing Task Plan Details

In the Task Plan Details page, you can view and edit the task plan details including the task plan summary details, task plan policies, user-defined properties, and task steps.

To edit the task plan summary details:
  1. Start the session. For more information, see Managing Sessions.
  2. View the task plan details of the task plan that you want to change. For more information, see Viewing Task Plan Details.
  3. Click Edit next to the Task Plan Summary section.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • In the Time Estimate field, enter the estimated time (specified as a business calendar interval, for example, 3min2hour1day or 10 years 5 hours 3 seconds) required to complete the task. This information is used by the default Worklist assignment handler for load balancing. If specified, this value is used as a default value for the time estimate setting on all the steps this task contains.
    • In the Completion Due Date field, specify the interval and specify the user or business calendar.
    • The interval may define a number of days, hours and/or minutes in the D days H hours M minutes format, where D is number of days, H is number of hours, and M is number of minutes.

      The completion due date of the task is generated based on the interval, and the user or business calendar. For example, if the interval is specified as 10 days and the business calendar is selected. If current date is 1, and the next 5 days are busy based on selected business calendar, then the completed due date for the task would be 15.

    • In the Task Owner field, enter the default owner of the task instance associated with the task plan.
    • In the Terminal Task Retention Time, enter the duration (specified as a business calendar interval, for example, 3min2hour1day or 10 years 5 hours 3 seconds) for which Completed or Aborted tasks should be retained in the runtime store before becoming eligible for purging. For more information, see Purging Tasks.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. End the session.

The task parameters have been updated. You are returned to the Task Plan Details page.

To edit the task plan policies:

Policies can be set at the individual task plan level or at the global task plan level. When set, individual task plan policy takes precedence over the global task plan. For more information, see Setting the Global Task Plan Policies.

You can set the individual task plan policy in the Task Plan Details page. You can assign roles to any of the Worklist policies in the Task Plan Details page. Users belonging to the role can then do the operations associated with that role. For more information, see Security Policies and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.

  1. Start the session. For more information, see Managing Sessions.
  2. View the task plan details. For more information, see Viewing Task Plan Details.
  3. Click Edit next to the Task Plan Policies section.
  4. For each action, select one or more roles in the Available Roles list and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional role). For more information, see Security Policies, and Security Provider Requirements for User Management.
  5. Note: Take care not to remove all roles from an admin policy for which you have access. Doing so will effectively lock you from making any further edits to that policy.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. End the session.

The policy for the selected task plan has been updated. You are returned to the Task Plan Details page.

To view and edit detailed information about the steps in a task:
  1. Start the session. For more information, see Managing Sessions.
  2. View the task plan details. For more information, see Viewing Task Plan Details.
  3. Click Edit next to the Steps section. The Complete Step Information page appears.
  4. Note: You can also click View detailed information about the steps. The Complete Step Information page appears. Click Edit.

    You can configure the parameters for each step in the task and each action in a step.

  5. For each step in the task, do the following:
    • In the Time Estimate field, enter the estimated time (specified as a business calendar interval, for example, 3min2hour1day or 10 years 5 hours 3 seconds) required to complete the step. This information is used by the default Worklist assignment handler for load balancing.
    • In the Completion Due Date field, specify the interval and specify the user or business calendar.
    • The interval may define a number of days, hours and/or minutes in the D days H hours M minutes format, where D is number of days, H is number of hours, and M is number of minutes.

      The completion due date of the step is generated based on the interval, and the user or business calendar. For example, if the interval is specified as 10 days and the business calendar is selected. If current date is 1, and the next 5 days are busy based on selected business calendar, then the completed due date for the step would be 15.

    • Select the one or more user names in the Users list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional user name).
    • Select the one or more column group names in the Groups list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional group).
    • In the Candidate List Handling field, select the type of handling to be applied while assigning the selected users or groups.
    • If load balancing is applied while assigning the selected users or groups (you selected Load_Balancing in the Candidate List Handling list box in the previous step), in the Load Balancing Check field, select Yes or No to indicate if load balancing check is required or not.
    • Repeat the above steps for each of the steps in the task.
  6. For each action in a step, do the following:
    • Select the one or more user names in the Users list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional user name).
    • Select the one or more column group names in the Groups list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional group).
    • In the Candidate List Handling field, select the type of handling to be applied while assigning the selected users or groups.
    • If load balancing is applied while assigning the selected users or groups (you selected Load_Balancing in the Candidate List Handling list box in the previous step), in the Load Balancing Check field, select Yes or No to indicate if load balancing check is required or not.
    • Repeat the above steps for each of the actions in the step.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. End the session.

The parameters associated with steps in a task and the actions in a step are updated. You are returned to the Task Plan Details page.

Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks

A task represents an activity that is assigned to a human user. The human user oversees the progress of the task and ensures that it is completed in a correct and timely fashion. For more information about tasks and task plans, see Creating and Managing Worklist Tasks in Using the Worklist.

The Tasks Summary page displays the following information for each task instance. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Viewing and Changing Task Details.

Task Name
Name assigned to the task. Click on the task name to view the Worklist Task Details page. For more information, see Viewing and Changing Task Details.
Description of the task.
Task Plan ID
The ID associated with the task plan.
Working State
Current Working State of the task. The Working State can be Assigned, Claimed, or Unassigned.
Admin State
Current Administrative State of the task. This state can be Aborted, Active, Completed, Error, or Suspended.
Current Step Name
Name of the current step in the task.
Completion Due Date
Due date and time by which the task should be completed.
One or more users or groups to which the task is assigned.
If the task is claimed, the user who claimed the task.
The owner of the task. A user or group.
The priority assigned to the task.

You can do the following actions from the Tasks Summary page:

Create custom query
Construct a custom query to locate specific task instances. For more information, see Constructing a Custom Query for Task Instances.
Edit task details
Change the task instance details by clicking on the task name. For more information, see Viewing and Changing Task Details.
Update task state
Depending on the current state of a task, you can suspend, resume, complete, abort, set error, clear error, claim, return, delete, or reactive the task. For more information, see Updating Task State.
Claim task
Claim the selected tasks on behalf of another user. For more information, see Claiming a Task for a User.
Assign task to user or group
Assign the selected tasks to the appropriate user or group. For more information, see Assigning a Task to User or Group.

To list and locate tasks:
  1. Do any one of the following:
    • In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module. The Worklist System Instances page appears. Click View Tasks against the required Worklist system instance.
    • In the Worklist System Instances page, click on the Worklist system instance name. The Worklist System Instance page appears. Click View Task List.
    • In the Worklist System Instances page, click next to the Worklist system instance. The task plan associated with the Worklist system instance is displayed. Click View Tasks.
    • The Task Summary page appears.

  2. To locate a specific task, do one of the following:
    • Sort the list. Ascending and descending arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the button to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next , previous , first , or last page.
    • Select Customize Table Header and construct a custom query. All tasks that match the specified criteria are listed. For more information, see Constructing a Custom Query for Task Instances.

Constructing a Custom Query for Task Instances

The Custom Query page allows you to construct a complex task instance search.

The following table summarizes the available search criteria:

Search Criteria
Task Name
Specify the task name. Use * to match zero or more characters.
The search returns tasks that match the target name and also matches any other criteria specified by you.
Task IDs
Specify one or more task IDs (comma separated list). Do not use wildcards.
The search returns task instances matching any of the specified task IDs.
Task Working State
Select the check box next to the working state of the task. The working state of the task could be:
  • Unassigned
  • Assigned
  • Claimed
The search returns tasks in the specified states that also match any other criteria specified by you.
Task Admin State
Select the check box next to the administrative state of the task. The administrative state of the task could be:
  • Active
  • Suspended
  • Completed
  • Aborted
  • Error
The search returns tasks in the specified states that also match any other criteria specified by you.
Specify a regular expression to match the target comment.
The search returns tasks with matching comments that also match the other criteria specified by you.
From and To Priority
Specify the low and high ends of the priority range.
The search returns tasks with an assigned priority that falls within the range (inclusive) that also match any other criteria specified.
Assignee Contains
Specify one or more users or groups (comma separated list). Do not use wildcards.
The search returns tasks with an assignee that matches any of the users or groups and also matches any other criteria specified by you.
Claimant Contains
Specify one or more users (comma separated list).
The search returns tasks with a claimant that matches any of the users and also matches any other criteria specified by you.
Owner Contains
Specify one or more users or groups (comma separated list). Do not use wildcards.
The search returns tasks with an owner that matches any of the users or groups and also matches any other criteria specified by you.
Column Display
Specify the columns that you want to view in the Task Summary page. Select the one or more column options in the Available list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional option).
The results of the query are displayed in the Task Summary page with the selected columns.
Preserve Search Criteria
Select this check box and click Apply to save the specified search criteria during the current session. When you clear this option and click Apply, the specified search criteria is valid only for the current search.
Maximum Results Returned
Select the maximum number of search results that should be returned. To improve query performance when a large number of tasks are available, choose maximum number. The maximum number could be 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50.
Number of rows displayed per page
Select the number of rows that you want to view in the search results page. The number of rows could be 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50.

To execute a custom query:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Click Worklist System Instance(s) in the left panel. The Worklist System Instances page appears.
  3. Click View Tasks against the required worklist application. The Task Summary page appears.
  4. Click Customize Table Header. The Construct a Custom Query form appears in the page.
  5. Enter the search criteria. See the preceding table for the meaning of each search criteria.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Click Apply to view the tasks that match the specified search criteria in the Task Summary page.
    • Click Reset to view the last saved search criteria.
    • Click Cancel to hide the Construct a Custom Query form.

Viewing and Changing Task Details

The Worklist Task Details page allows you to view task properties. If the Administrative state of the task is Active (that is the task is not in Suspended, Aborted, Competed, or Error Administrative state), you can click Edit to update the task. For more information about Administrative state of tasks, see Creating and Managing Worklist Tasks in Using the Worklist.

Note: If an authenticator that implements the required MBeans is not configured, the options for updating the owner, or assigning or claiming the task are disabled. To learn more about the authenticator requirements, see Security Provider Requirements for User Management.

The following table summarizes the properties displayed:

Administrator Can Set (Yes/No)
Task Name
Name assigned to the task. You cannot edit this value.
Task ID
Unique task instance ID. You cannot edit this value.
Task Plan
The task plan associated with the current task. You cannot edit this value.
Description of the task. You cannot edit this value.
Comment associated with the task.
Priority assigned to the task. This valid can be changed and must be a positive integer.
Created date and Create by
The date on which the task was created and the name of the user who created this task instance.
Last updated Date and User
The date on which the task was last updated and the name of the user who updated it.
User or group that owns the task. This is typically the stakeholder interested in getting the task completed. Use of the owner is application specific, but notification of task status (for example, task complete or overdue) is often sent to the owner.
If the task has been claimed, the user that claimed the task. Claiming a task indicates a user's intent to complete the task. If the task has not yet been claimed, this field is empty.
The name of the current step in the task.
Admin State
Administrative state of the task. The task state represents the manner in which Worklist is currently treating the task instance.
The task has been cancelled. An aborted task can be assigned, deleted, or reactivated.
The task is currently active and you can take any action on the task.
The claimant has completed the task.
There was an error in the execution of the task. The task can return to previous state only after you fix the error.
The task is "on hold." An assigned, claimed, or started task can be placed in the suspended state.
Working State
Working state of the task. The working state is the affinity of the task instance to the users who can work on the task.
The assignees have be designated, but the task has not yet been claimed.
A user has claimed the task, thus indicating an intent to complete the task.
The task assignees have not been designated.
Step Completion Due Date
The date by which the current step in the task should be completed.
Task completion Due Date
The date by which the task should be completed.
Custom Task Properties
A list of all the custom properties that have been defined for the task is displayed.

To view task properties:
  1. Locate the task in the Task Summary page. See Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
  2. Click the task name. The Worklist Task Details page appears.

Actions that you can do in the Worklist Task Details page are listed in the following table:

Change the task properties
If the task is not Suspended, Aborted, or Completed, you can click Edit Task to change task properties as described in the following procedure.
You can change task properties like comments, priority, owner, step, task completion due date, and step completion due date. In addition, you can also change any custom properties that were defined while creating the task plan.
Update the task status
Apply actions on the selected tasks and update the status of the task. For more information, see Updating Task State.
Claim tasks
Claim the selected tasks for the selected user. For more information, see Claiming a Task for a User.
Assign the task to a user or group
Assign the selected tasks to the selected users and / or groups. For more information, see Assigning a Task to User or Group.
Delete tasks
Delete the selected tasks. For more information, see Deleting Tasks.

To change task properties:
  1. On the Worklist Task Details page, click Edit Task.
  2. Note: The Edit Tasks option is available only when the Administrative state of the task is Active.

    The Worklist System Instance - <Task Plan name> : <Task Name> page is displayed.

  3. Do one or more of the following as required:
    • In the Comment field, enter a new comment, or revise the existing comment.
    • In the Priority field, enter a new priority, or update an existing priority.
    • In the Owner field, specify the owner (user or group) for the task.
    • In the Step field, select the current step associated with the task.
    • In the Task Completion Due Date field, specify the month, date, year, hour, minute, and second (using the format indicated to the right of the field because this format is locale specific) when the task should be completed.
    • In the Step Completion Due Date field, specify the month, date, year, hour, minute, and second (using the format indicated to the right of the field because this format is locale specific) when the current step should be completed.
    • In the Custom Task Properties section, specify the appropriate values for the task property fields defined by you.
  4. Click Submit.

The changes to the task are updated and you return to the Worklist Task Details page.

Updating Task State

Depending on the current state of a task instance, you can assign, claim, return, complete, suspend, abort, or delete the task. The following tables describes each available action. To learn more about task states and operations, see Creating and Managing Worklist Tasks in Using the Worklist.

Note: If an authenticator that implements the required MBeans is not configured, the options for updating tasks assigmees or claimant are disabled. To learn more about the authenticator requirements, see Security Provider Requirements for User Management.

Updates the task to the aborted state. If required, you can reactivate the task.
Designates who should perform the task and updates the task to the Assigned state. Tasks can be assigned to one or more users or groups. Once assigned, the task can be claimed by:
  • Any user to which it is assigned.
  • A member of any group to which it is assigned.
For more information, see Assigning a Task to User or Group.
Claims the task on behalf of the specified user and updates the task to the claimed state. Claiming a task indicates intent to complete the current step in the task. For more information, see Claiming a Task for a User.
Clear Error
Clears the error state of the task. The Administrative state of the task becomes Active.
Updates a started task to the completed state. If required, you can reactivate the task.
Deletes the task from the system. For more information, see Deleting Tasks.
Reactivates an aborted or completed task. The Administrative state of the task becomes Active.
Resumes a suspended task. The Administrative state of the task becomes Active.
Reassigns a claimed task to the original assignees. The task returns to the Assigned state.
Set Error
Sets an error flag on the task. The Administrative state of the task becomes Error. You need to explicitly apply the Clear Error state to the task to make it Active again.
Updates the task to the suspended state, indicating that the task is "on hold." The Administrative state of the task becomes Suspended.

The following table summarizes the actions available for the Administrative task state:

Administrative State
Available Actions
Assign or Delete
Complete, Suspend, Return, Abort, or Delete
Reactivate or Delete
Clear error
Resume or Delete

The actions available in the Working state are:

Working State
Available Actions
Assign, Claim, Suspend, Abort, or Delete
Return, Suspend, Abort, or Delete
Assign, Suspend, Abort, or Delete

You can update the state of a task in the following contexts:

To update the state from the Worklist Task Details page:
  1. Locate the task. See Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
  2. Click the name of the task you want to update. The Worklist Task Details page appears.
  3. Select the required action in the Apply this action on selected tasks list box.
  4. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.
  5. Click Submit.

The task state is updated to reflect the action. You can view the updated Administrative state of the task in the Task Summary page.

To update the state from the Task Summary page:
  1. Locate the task or tasks to be updated. See Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
  2. Select the check box next to the tasks that you want to update.
  3. Select the required action in the Apply this action on selected tasks list box.
  4. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.
  5. Click Submit.

The task state is updated to reflect the action. You can view the updated Administrative state of the task in the Task Summary page.

Related Topics

Claiming a Task for a User

You can claim a task for a user from the Tasks Summary page. For information about claiming a task from the Worklist User Portal, see Using the Worklist.

To claim selected tasks for a user:
  1. Locate the task. For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
  2. Select the check box next to all the tasks that you want to claim for the user.
  3. In the Claim the tasks for User field, select the user name.
  4. Click Claim for User.

All selected tasks are claimed by the selected user.

Related Topics

Assigning a Task to User or Group

In the Task Summary page, you can assign selected tasks to selected users and / or groups. For information about assigning a task from the Worklist User Portal, see Using the Worklist.

To assign selected tasks to users and / or groups:
  1. Locate the task. For more information, see Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
  2. Select the check box next to all the tasks that you want to assign to the users or group.
  3. Click Assign. The Tasks Summary page appears.
  4. Select the one or more user names in the Users list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional user name).
  5. Select the one or more column group names in the Groups list box and click (to select multiple options, press and hold the Ctrl key as you click each additional group).
  6. In the Candidate List Handling field, select the type of handling to be applied while assigning the selected users or groups.
  7. If load balancing is applied while assigning the selected users or groups (you selected Load_Balancing in the Candidate List Handling list box in the previous step), in the Load Balancing Check field, select Yes or No to indicate if load balancing check is required or not.
  8. Click Assign.

All selected tasks are assigned to the selected users and / or groups.

Related Topics

Deleting Tasks

To delete the selected tasks:
  1. Locate the task or tasks to be deleted. See Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks.
  2. Select the check box next to the tasks that you want to delete.
  3. Select the Delete action in the Apply this action on selected tasks list box.
  4. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.
  5. Click Submit.

The selected tasks are deleted.

Related Topics

Managing User Profiles

The Worklist User Summary page lists all users and their associated group and business calendar names.

To locate a user:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. Select User Profiles in the left panel. The Worklist User Summary appears.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Filter by name. Enter the search target, then click Search. The rules matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Sort the list. Ascending and descending arrow buttons indicate sortable columns. Click the button to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next , previous , first , or last page.

Click on any user in this page and you can reassign work to another user or associate a business calendar to the user. For more information, see Reassigning Work to a User and Associating Business Calendars with Users.

Setting the E-mail Address of a User

You can set the e-mail address of a user from the User Profiles link in the Worklist module. This e-mail address for any e-mail notification.

To set the e-mail address of a user:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. From the left panel, select User Profiles. The Worklist Users Summary Page appears.
  3. Click the name of the user for whom you want to set the e-mail address. The Associate User with Calendar page appears.

  4. Specify the e-mail address of the user.
  5. If required, from the Shared Calendar drop-down list, select a named calendar, or select System Calendar.
  6. Click Submit to set the e-mail address of the user and assign any selected calendar to the user.

Reassigning Work to a User

You can reassign existing tasks and task planks to users on a temporary basis or permanently reassign work (as in the case of employee leaving the company) to another user.

To reassign work:
  1. Locate the user. For more information, see Managing User Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the user. The Associate User with Calendar page appears.
  3. If user has left the company, select the check box next to the Is Employee Leaving Permanently field in the Reassign Work section. If this check box is not selected, only existing task plans and tasks are reassigned to the selected user.
  4. In the Target User field, select the user to whom the work should be reassigned.
  5. Click Reassign Work.

All deployed Worklist system instances are reassigned to the selected user.

Listing and Locating Work Substitute Rules

When users are not available (due to vacation or work assignment or other reasons) for handling tasks or when users leave the organization, tasks assigned to those users need to be assigned to other users or groups.

Non-availability of the user can be handled using any of the following methods:

The Work Substitute Routing Table page displays the following properties for each work substitute rule.

Unique identifier for the substitution rule.
Effective date
The date the rule takes effect. If no date is specified, the rule takes effect immediately.
Expiration date
The date the rule expires. If no date is specified, the rule remains in effect indefinitely.
The user or group that will be unavailable.
The substitute user or group. (Only a group can substitute for a group; only a user can substitute for a user.)

To list and locate work substitute rules:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. From the left panel, select Work Substitutes.
  3. To locate a specific work substitute rule, do one of the following:
    • Filter by name. Enter the search target (use ? to match any single character or * to match zero or more characters.), then click Search. The rules matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower left corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next , previous , first , or last page.

Related Topics

Adding a Work Substitute Rule

The Add Substitute page allows you to create a work substitute rule. These rules dynamically re-route tasks or task status notifications to a substitute user or group.

To add a work substitute rule:
  1. In Worklist Console, select the Worklist module.
  2. From the left panel, select Work Substitutes. The Work Substitute Routing Table page appears.
  3. Click Add Substitute. The Add Substitute page appears.
  4. Enter a unique name for the substitute rule.
  5. Select the Effective Date check box and specify the Month, Date, Year (using YYYY format), Hour, and Minute.
  6. This is the date and time the rule takes effect. If you do not check the Effective Date check box, the rule takes effect immediately

  7. Select the Expiration Date check box and specify the Month, Date, Year (using YYYY format), Hour, and Minute.
  8. This is the date and time the rule expires. If you do not check the Expiration Date check box, the rule remains in effect indefinitely.

  9. In the Source User of Group field, enter the user or group that will be unavailable.
  10. In the Target User of Group field, enter the substitute user or group.
  11. Note: In the target field, only a group can substitute for a group and only a user can substitute for a user.
  12. Click Submit.

The Work Substitute Routing Table page is displayed. The new rule is included in the list. The tasks and task status notification of the source are now dynamically routed to the specified target during the effective and expiration dates (inclusive).

Related Topics

Changing a Work Substitute Rule

The Edit Substitute Rule page allows you to change the properties of a work substitute rule.

To change a work substitute rule:
  1. Locate the rule to be updated. See Listing and Locating Work Substitute Rules.
  2. Click the work substitute rule name. The Edit Substitute Rule page appears.
  3. Do one or more of the following as required:
    • Select the Effective Date check box and specify the Month, Date, Year (using YYYY format), Hour, and Minute.
    • This is the date and time the rule takes effect. If you do not check the Effective Date check box, the rule takes effect immediately.

    • Select the Expiration Date check box and specify the Month, Date, Year (using YYYY format), Hour, and Minute.
    • This is the date and time the rule expires. If you do not check the Expiration Date check box, the rule remains in effect indefinitely.

    • In the Source User of Group field, specify a new user or group.
    • In the Target User of Group field, specify a new user or group.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To update the rule, click Submit.
    • The Work Substitute Routing Table page is displayed. The updated rule is included in the list.

      Note: If there is an error, the Edit Substitute Rule page is redisplayed. A message indicating the problem is displayed above the input requiring correction.
    • To disregard changes and return to the Work Substitute Routing Table page, click Cancel.
    • To reset to the last saved values, click Reset.

Related Topics

Deleting a Work Substitute Rule

You can delete work substitute rules from the Work Substitute Routing Table page.

To delete work substitute rules:
  1. Locate the rules to be deleted. See Listing and Locating Work Substitute Rules.
  2. Click the check box next to each of the substitute rules that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Substitute. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.

The selected substitute rules are deleted.

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