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developing applications

Creating Applications

See the following documents for information about writing and deploying applications:

Programming BEA WebLogic Collaborate Management Applications—WebLogic Collaborate management applications monitor run-time activities, such as message traffic and conversation statistics.

Programming BEA WebLogic Collaborate Messaging Applications—WebLogic Collaborate messaging applications handle the exchange of business messages among trading partners. A conversation usually has multiple, interoperating messaging applications, each tailored to a particular role in that conversation. For example, the trading partner that initiates the conversation uses an initiating messaging application, and trading partners who participate in the conversation use a different participating messaging application that interacts with the initiating messaging application.

Programming BEA WebLogic Collaborate Logic Plug-Ins—Logic plug-ins are Java classes that perform special processing for business messages. The routers and filters in a WebLogic Collaborate system consist of logic plug-ins. WebLogic Collaborate provides the initial set of logic plug-ins for each business protocol. You can create logic plug-ins and add them to your system routers and filters.

Writing to the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Log—WebLogic Collaborate applications can write messages (errors, warnings, and information) to a log file for subsequent examination.

API Reference

WebLogic Collaborate applications require the com.bea.b2b package, which is documented in the Javadoc.

Web Sites

XML Web site:

XPath information: