WebLogic Process Integrator Version 2.0

Class ImageFactory


public class ImageFactory
extends java.lang.Object

A static factory class that creates and caches images and icons. This class is provided to enable access to images in JAR files, because the ImageIcon(URL) constructor now requires an absolute URL that references the actual JAR file in which the image is located. Pre JDK 1.1 releases used sun.net.* classes to search all JARs referenced in an applet's ARCHIVE tag, but this is no longer the case.

Method Summary
static javax.swing.ImageIcon getIcon(java.lang.String name)
          An icon constructed from the specified resource.
static java.lang.String getName(javax.swing.ImageIcon icon)
          Get the resource name used to construct the specified icon.
static java.net.URL getResource(java.lang.String name)
          Get a URL for the specified resource.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static javax.swing.ImageIcon getIcon(java.lang.String name)
An icon constructed from the specified resource. The class caches Icons internally, and it is the cached icon that this method returns.
name - Resource name (fully qualified with '/' separators).
The requested icon.


public static java.lang.String getName(javax.swing.ImageIcon icon)
Get the resource name used to construct the specified icon. The icon is assumed to have been created by a prior call to getIcon(java.lang.String).
icon - Existing icon object.
The original resource name (if known).


public static java.net.URL getResource(java.lang.String name)
Get a URL for the specified resource. The method constructs the URL by this using the calling class's own ClassLoader, thus using the same protocol and codebase.
name - Resource name (fully qualified with '/' separators).
A URL for the specified resource name.

WebLogic Process Integrator Version 2.0

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