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Using the Secure Fingerprint Utility


Certificates are used to authenticate trading partners in WebLogic Integration B2B. When you configure the WebLogic Integration Server, you specify a Certificate Field Name and a Server Certificate Field Name. A Certificate Field name is used for mapping trading partner certificates to WebLogic Server users, and a Server Certificate Field name is used for authenticating a remote SSL server.

Choose one of the following Certificate Field Names: None, Email, or Fingerprint. When you choose Fingerprint, you extract the fingerprint value from the digital certificate and enter it in the Certificate Field Value.

A B2B utility is provided in the <WLI_HOME>/bin directory to simplify the task of extracting the fingerprint value from the digital certificate.

The syntax for the fingerprint utility is platform-dependent.


prompt> cd %WLI_HOME%
prompt> setenv.cmd
prompt> fingerprint.cmd certificate_file


prompt> cd $WLI_HOME
prompt> . ./
prompt> certificate_file

Here certificate_file is the name of the file containing the digital certificate.

The utility returns the MD5 fingerprint value in the form of a hexadecimal ASCII string from the digital certificate.


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