WebLogic Integration

Class QualityOfService


public class QualityOfService
extends com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BasicQualityOfService
implements java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable

The QualityOfService class provides information to BEA's messaging system about the Quality of Service required for the delivery of a message.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a QualityOfService object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCorrelationId()
          Gets the message ID of the correlated business message, which is the business message that corresponds to this business message (for example, the message ID of the request to which this business message is a reply).
 java.util.Hashtable getHopTimestamps()
          Gets timestamps recorded at each system component (c-hub and c-enabler) during the propagation of this business message.
 int getRetryAttempts()
          Gets the maximum number of retries to attempt when trying to send this business message over a network link.
 long getTimeout()
          Gets the timeout value for the business message, in milliseconds.
 boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToApplication()
          Determines whether the delivery for this business message is confirmed up to its destination (true) or not (false).
 boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToDestination()
          Determines whether the delivery for this business message is confirmed up to its destination (true) or not (false).
 boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToHub()
          Determines whether the delivery of this business message is confirmed up to the c-hub (true) or not (false).
 boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToRouter()
          Determines whether the delivery of this business message is confirmed up to the router in the c-hub (true) or not (false).
 boolean isPersistent()
 boolean isValidated()
          Check if XML based payload (BusinessDocument(s)) in the message is validated.
 void setConfirmedDeliveryToApplication(boolean confirm)
          Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the target application (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).
 void setConfirmedDeliveryToDestination(boolean confirm)
          Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to its destination (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).
 void setConfirmedDeliveryToHub(boolean confirm)
          Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the c-hub (true) or not (false).
 void setConfirmedDeliveryToRouter(boolean confirm)
          Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the router in the c-hub (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).
 void setCorrelationId(java.lang.String cid)
          Sets the message ID of the correlated business message, which is the business message that corresponds to this business message (for example, the message ID of the request to which this business message is a reply).
 void setDefault(PartyInstance receiveParty, boolean isBusinessMessage)
 void setPersistent(boolean isPersistent)
 void setRetryAttempts(int ra)
          Sets the maximum number retries to attempt when sending this business message over a network link.
 void setTimeout(long t)
          Sets the timeout value for the business message, in milliseconds.
 void validate(boolean validate)
          Sets validation mode for XML based payload (BusinessDocument(s)) in the message.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QualityOfService()
Constructs a QualityOfService object.
Method Detail


public void setDefault(PartyInstance receiveParty,
                       boolean isBusinessMessage)


public boolean isPersistent()
Gets the durability setting (persistent or non-persistent) of this business message.

boolean - true if the business message is persistent, or false if not.
isPersistent in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BasicQualityOfService


public void setPersistent(boolean isPersistent)
Sets the durability (persistent or non-persistent) of this business message. Note that this QoS is more contorlled by the QoS of Collaborate Server. This means, if Collaborate Server is not operating with PERSISTENCE mode, no messages will be persisted.

isPersistent - Specify true to make the business message persistent, or false if not.
setPersistent in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BasicQualityOfService


public int getRetryAttempts()
Gets the maximum number of retries to attempt when trying to send this business message over a network link.

int - Maximum number of retry attempts.


public void setRetryAttempts(int ra)
Sets the maximum number retries to attempt when sending this business message over a network link.

ra - Maximum number of retry attempts.


public long getTimeout()
Gets the timeout value for the business message, in milliseconds.

long Timeout value, in milliseconds.


public void setTimeout(long t)
Sets the timeout value for the business message, in milliseconds. By setting this timeout value, the sender is not expecting any communication in the system for this business message after the specified timeout is exceeded.

t - Timeout, in milliseconds, starting from the time at which the business message was sent.


public java.lang.String getCorrelationId()
Gets the message ID of the correlated business message, which is the business message that corresponds to this business message (for example, the message ID of the request to which this business message is a reply).

String - Correlation ID.


public void setCorrelationId(java.lang.String cid)
Sets the message ID of the correlated business message, which is the business message that corresponds to this business message (for example, the message ID of the request to which this business message is a reply).

cid - Message ID of the correlated business message.


public java.util.Hashtable getHopTimestamps()
Gets timestamps recorded at each system component (c-hub and c-enabler) during the propagation of this business message.

Hashtable Hop timestamps: key=location, value=timestamp in java.util.date.


public void setConfirmedDeliveryToApplication(boolean confirm)
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the target application (true) or only up to the c-hub (false). This means that upon acknowledgement, the application will already have received the message and has already processed it. This level of service is in lieu of confirmed delivery to destination.

Confirmation information includes:

1. Complete delivery status from each destination. This includes receipt timestamp, retry attempts (if any), router selected trading partners, and the final list of recipient trading partners.

2. Complete message tracking information (all potential locations) for the c-hub administrator and the sending c-enabler's administrator.

confirm - If true, message delivery is confirmed up to the target application. If false, message delivery is confirmed up to the c-hub only.


public boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToApplication()
Determines whether the delivery for this business message is confirmed up to its destination (true) or not (false).

boolean - true if message delivery is confirmed up to its destination, or false if it is confirmed up to the c-hub only.


public void setConfirmedDeliveryToDestination(boolean confirm)
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to its destination (true) or only up to the c-hub (false). This means that upon acknowledgement, the message has been successfully received by the target c-enabler but does not imply that the application * has processed the message. This level of service is in lieu of confirmed delivery to application.

Confirmation information includes:

1. Complete delivery status from each destination. This includes receipt timestamp, retry attempts (if any), router selected trading partners, and the final list of recipient trading partners.

2. Complete message tracking information (all potential locations) for the c-hub administrator and the sending c-enabler's administrator.

confirm - If true, message delivery is confirmed up to its destination. If false, message delivery is confirmed up to the c-hub only.


public boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToDestination()
Determines whether the delivery for this business message is confirmed up to its destination (true) or not (false).

boolean - true if message delivery is confirmed up to its destination, or false if it is confirmed up to the c-hub only.


public void setConfirmedDeliveryToRouter(boolean confirm)
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the router in the c-hub (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).

Confirmation information includes:

1. Information about the c-hub router selected trading partners scheduled to receive the business message.

2. Message tracking until the business message reaches the c-hub router.

confirm - Specify true to confirm delivery up to the c-hub router, or false to confirm up to the c-hub.


public boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToRouter()
Determines whether the delivery of this business message is confirmed up to the router in the c-hub (true) or not (false).

boolean true if message delivery is confirmed to the c-hub router, or false if not.


public void setConfirmedDeliveryToHub(boolean confirm)
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the c-hub (true) or not (false).

confirm - Specify true to confirm message delivery to the c-hub, or false if not.


public boolean isConfirmedDeliveryToHub()
Determines whether the delivery of this business message is confirmed up to the c-hub (true) or not (false).

boolean true if message delivery is confirmed to the c-hub, or false if not.


public void validate(boolean validate)
Sets validation mode for XML based payload (BusinessDocument(s)) in the message.

validate in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BasicQualityOfService


public boolean isValidated()
Check if XML based payload (BusinessDocument(s)) in the message is validated.

isValidated in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BasicQualityOfService

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)