WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use DocumentParseException
com.bea.connector Classes/interfaces that extend the capabilities of the J2EE Connector Architecture. 
com.bea.document Objects/interfaces for BEA Document and Schema support. 

Uses of DocumentParseException in com.bea.connector

Constructors in com.bea.connector that throw DocumentParseException
DocumentRecord.DocumentRecord(java.lang.String xml)
DocumentRecord.DocumentRecord(org.xml.sax.InputSource inputSource)

Uses of DocumentParseException in com.bea.document

Methods in com.bea.document that throw DocumentParseException
static IDocument DocumentFactory.createDocument(java.lang.String xml)
          Create a document using the given XML text.
static IDocument DocumentFactory.createDocument(java.lang.String xml, boolean deferParse)
          Create a document using the given XML text, optionally deferring the parse of that XML until a later time (i.e.
static IDocument DocumentFactory.createDocument(java.io.Reader reader)
          Create a document by reading the XML text for the document from the given Reader.
static IDocument DocumentFactory.createDocument(java.io.File file)
          Create a document by reading XML text previously saved to a file.
static IDocument DocumentFactory.createDocument(java.io.File file, java.lang.String encoding)
          Create a document by reading XML text previously saved to a file.
static IDocument DocumentFactory.createDocument(org.xml.sax.InputSource inputSource)
          Create a document by reading the XML text for the document from the given InputSource.
 void IDocument.forceParsed()
          Force this document into the parsed state by using a DOM parser with the document's internal content.
 void IDocument.fromXML(java.lang.String xmlText)
          Given an XML string, import this representation into this document (thus replacing any previous data elements in this document).
 void IDocument.fromXML(java.io.File file)
          Retrieves an XML document previously saved to a file.
 void IDocument.fromXML(java.io.File file, java.lang.String encoding)
          Retrieves an XML document previously saved to a file.
 void IDocument.fromXML(java.io.Reader reader)
          Given an XML stream read from reader, import this representation into this document (thus replacing any previous data elements in this document).
 void IDocument.fromXML(org.xml.sax.InputSource inputSource)
          Use the given SAX InputSource to import XML into this document (thus replacing any previous data elements in this document).
 void IDocument.fromXML(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler)
          Parse the (unparsed) internal content of this document using a SAX parser and the given ContentHandler.

Uses of DocumentParseException in com.bea.wlai.client

Methods in com.bea.wlai.client that throw DocumentParseException
 IEventDescriptor SchemaManager.getEventDescriptor(java.lang.String appViewName, java.lang.String eventTypeName)
          Get an event descriptor given the ApplicationView name and event type name.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor DeployManager.undeployConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the connection factory with the given name from the WLAI server.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor DeployManager.undeployApplicationView(QualifiedName appViewName, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the application view with the given name from the WLAI server.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor DeployManager.getConnectionFactoryDeploymentDescriptor(QualifiedName name)
          Get the connection factory deployment descriptor for the given connection factory name.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor DeployManager.getApplicationViewDeploymentDescriptor(QualifiedName appViewName)
          Get the application view deployment descriptor for the given application view.

Uses of DocumentParseException in com.bea.wlai.common

Methods in com.bea.wlai.common that throw DocumentParseException
 void AbstractDescriptor.fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Parse the given XML into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.
 void AbstractDescriptor.fromXML(java.io.Reader reader)
          Parse the XML from the given Reader into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.
 void Event.fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Parse an XML string representing an event definition.
 void EventDefinition.fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Parse an XML string representing an event definition.
 void IEventDefinition.fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Parse an XML string representing an event definition.
 void IEvent.fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
 void IDescriptor.fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Parse the given XML into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.
 void IDescriptor.fromXML(java.io.Reader reader)
          Parse the XML from the given Reader into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)