WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.schema

Objects/interfaces for BEA Schema support.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
DefaultDocumentOptions Structure for passing options to createDefaultDocument in SOMSchema.
SOMAll <all> The grouping construct for schema components.
SOMAnnotation <annotation> The XML representation for an annotation schema component is an element information item.
SOMAny <any> The XML representation for a wildcard schema component is an any or anyAttribute element information item.
SOMAppInfo <appInfo> content element for the schema element annotation.
SOMAttribute <attribute> The XML representation for an attribute declaration schema component is an <attribute> element information item.
SOMAttributeGroup <attributeGroup> The XML representation for an attribute group definition schema component is an <attributeGroup> element information item.
SOMBasic Abstract base class for SOMElement and SOMAttribute.
SOMChoice <choice> The grouping construct for schema components.
SOMComplexContent <complexContent> Alternative content for complexType's.
SOMComplexExtension <extension> This class acts as a wrapper to extension elements for complexContent.
SOMComplexRestriction <restriction> This class acts as a wrapper to restriction elements for complexContent.
SOMComplexType <complexType> This class acts as a wrapper to complexType elements.
SOMDocumentation <documentation> content element for the schema element annotation.
SOMElement <element> The XML representation for an element declaration schema component is an <element> element information item.
SOMExtension <extension> This class acts as a wrapper to extension elements.
SOMGroup <group> The XML representation for a model group definition schema component is a <group> element information item.
SOMGroupType Abstract base class for all schema group types
SOMList <list> A defining construct for schema components.
SOMObject abstract base class for all SOM classes
SOMRestriction <restriction> A restricting construct for schema components.
SOMSchema <schema> The SOMSchema object is the building block for the Schema Object Model, SOM.
SOMSequence <sequence> The grouping construct for schema components.
SOMSimpleContent <simpleContent> Alternative content for complexType's.
SOMSimpleType <simpleType> defines a simple user defined schema type
SOMUnion <union> A defining construct for schema components.
SOMUnresolvedReference Place holder for element(s) and attribute(s) not yet defined.
SOMUserDefinedType Superclass for complexType and simpleType

Exception Summary
SOMValidationException This class describes an error found during a validation procedure.

Package com.bea.schema Description

Objects/interfaces for BEA Schema support. The SOM, Schema Object Model, provides a high-level programmatic interface to XML Schema constructs. The SOM provides an object model representing schema elements defined by W3C.

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WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)