WebLogic Integration

Interface EngineManager

public interface EngineManager
extends javax.ejb.EJBObject

Remote interface for the EngineManager EJB, used to interact with the WLAI engine.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
          Indicates a JMS Queue Destination.
          Indicates a JMS Topic Destination.
Method Summary
 void setEventForwardingEnabled(QualifiedName appViewName, boolean enabled, java.lang.String targetJNDIName, int targetType, java.util.Map jmsPropertyMap)
          Enables or disables event forwarding for a given ApplicationView to a given target JMS resource.
 void waitTillReady(long timeout)
          Waits until WLAI is completely depolyed and ready to accept requests.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Field Detail


public static final int JMS_DESTINATION_TOPIC
Indicates a JMS Topic Destination.


public static final int JMS_DESTINATION_QUEUE
Indicates a JMS Queue Destination.
Method Detail


public void setEventForwardingEnabled(QualifiedName appViewName,
                                      boolean enabled,
                                      java.lang.String targetJNDIName,
                                      int targetType,
                                      java.util.Map jmsPropertyMap)
                               throws EngineException,
Enables or disables event forwarding for a given ApplicationView to a given target JMS resource. This method may also be used to enable or disable event forwarding for all deployed ApplicationViews by passing the appViewName parameter as null. Optionally, the caller may provide a map of properties to be set on any outgoing message for the target JMS resource. The map is keyed by a String representing the property name and the values must be objectified primitive types or String. Any other type of object in the map will cause a JMS exception to be thrown at the time the message is forwarded.

appViewName - The qualified name of the ApplicationView to enable event forwarding for, or null to enable event forwarding for all ApplicationViews.
enabled - True if event forwarding is to enabled, or false if event forwarding is to be disabled.
targetJNDIName - The JNDI name of the JMS Destination to which events will be forwarded.
targetType - The type of JMS Destination to which events will be forwarded. Use the JMS_DESTINATION_XXX constants in this interface to designate the type.
jmsPropertyMap - A map of properties to be set on any outgoing message for the target JMS resource. The map is keyed by a String representing the property name and the values must be objectified primitive types or String. Pass this parameter as null if no user-defined JMS properties are required.
EngineException - If event forwarding cannot be enabled or disabled for any reason.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If an RMI communication error occurs.


public void waitTillReady(long timeout)
                   throws EngineException,
Waits until WLAI is completely depolyed and ready to accept requests.

number - of milliseconds to wait
EngineException - If wlai is not ready in specified milliseconds
java.rmi.RemoteException - If an RMI communication error occurs.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)