WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use NamespaceException
com.bea.adapter.web The com.bea.adapter.web package contains classes that support the development of a design-time Web application for deploying and managing application views. 

Uses of NamespaceException in com.bea.adapter.web

Methods in com.bea.adapter.web that throw NamespaceException
 NamespaceManager AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.getNamespaceManager()
          This is the accessor method for the NamespaceManager, an external interface to the NamespaceManager EJB

Uses of NamespaceException in com.bea.wlai.client

Methods in com.bea.wlai.client that throw NamespaceException
 boolean DeployManager.isConnectionFactoryDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether a Connection Factory with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 boolean DeployManager.isApplicationViewDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether an ApplicationView with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 NamespaceManager NamespaceManagerHome.create()
          Create a new NamespaceManager object or retrieve an existing one.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.addConnectionFactory(INamespace parent, java.lang.String factoryName)
          Creates an ConnectionFactory with the given name, adds it to the given parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.removeConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.getConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 IConnectionFactoryDescriptor ConnectionFactoryManager.undeployConnectionFactory(QualifiedName name)
          Undeploy the ConnectionFactory represented by the given QualifiedName from the WLAI engine.
 boolean ConnectionFactoryManager.isConnectionFactoryDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether an ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.addApplicationView(INamespace parent, java.lang.String appViewName)
          Creates an ApplicationView with the given name, adds it to the given parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.removeApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the ApplicationView with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.getApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the ApplicationView with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 void ApplicationViewManagerRemote.deployApplicationView(IApplicationViewDescriptor appView, boolean allowRebind, boolean persistent)
          Deploy the ApplicationView represented by the given descriptor into the WLAI engine.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.undeployApplicationView(QualifiedName name, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the ApplicationView represented by the given QualifiedName from the WLAI engine.
 boolean ApplicationViewManagerRemote.isApplicationViewDeployed(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
          Indicates whether an ApplicationView with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 AdapterInfo ApplicationViewManagerRemote.getAdapterInfoForApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Returns information about the adapter associated with an ApplicationView with the given name.
 INamespace NamespaceManager.addNamespace(INamespace parent, java.lang.String childName)
          Adds a namespace of the given name to the given parent namespace.
 INamespace NamespaceManager.removeNamespace(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the namespace with the given qualified name from its parent namespace.
 void NamespaceManager.updateNamespace(INamespace namespace)
          Updates the given namespace with any changes that have been made to it since it was retrieved.
 INamespace NamespaceManager.getNamespace(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the namespace with the given qualified name.
 java.util.Iterator NamespaceManager.listObjects(INamespace namespace)
          Returns an iterator over the objects (NamespaceObjectHandle) contained in the given namespace.
 INamespace NamespaceManager.getRootNamespace()
          Get the root namespace, which is the parent of all namespaces in the WLAI system.
 INamespaceObject NamespaceManager.getObject(NamespaceObjectHandle handle)
          Get a namespace object from a namespace object handle.
 NamespaceObjectHandle NamespaceManager.getObjectHandle(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Get a namespace object handle using a qualified name.
 QualifiedName NamespaceManager.getQualifiedNameFromString(java.lang.String qnameStr)
          Get a QualifiedName object from the external string form of a qualified name.
 QualifiedName NamespaceManager.getQualifiedNameFromString(java.lang.String qnameStr, boolean allowNonExistent)
          Get a QualifiedName object from the external string form of a qualified name, optionally allowing the lowest level qualifier to not exist.
 boolean NamespaceManager.hasChildren(INamespace aNamespace)
          Determine whether a given namespace contains any child namespaces.
 boolean NamespaceManager.exists(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Determine whether the namespace represented by a qualified name exists in the repository.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.addApplicationView(INamespace parent, java.lang.String appViewName)
          Creates an application view with the given name, adds it to the given parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.removeApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the application view with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.getApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the application view with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 void ApplicationViewManager.deployApplicationView(IApplicationViewDescriptor appView, boolean allowRebind, boolean persistent)
          Deploy the application view represented by the given descriptor into the WLAI engine.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.undeployApplicationView(QualifiedName name, boolean force, boolean persistent)
          Undeploy the application view represented by the given QualifiedName from the WLAI engine.
 ApplicationView ApplicationViewManager.getApplicationViewInstance(QualifiedName name)
          Create a new instance of the application view with the given qualified name.
 boolean ApplicationViewManager.isApplicationViewDeployed(QualifiedName name)
          Indicates whether an application view with the given qualified name has been deployed within the WLAI engine.
 AdapterInfo ApplicationViewManager.getAdapterInfoForApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Returns information about the adapter associated with an application view with the given name.

Constructors in com.bea.wlai.client that throw NamespaceException
ApplicationView.ApplicationView(javax.naming.Context context, java.lang.String appViewNameStr)

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)