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WebLogic Integration Sample Configuration Files


This section provides developers and system administrators with sample configuration files for BEA WebLogic Integration. During installation, these files are automatically customized, so they will work on any supported computer system and network. They are provided here, along with descriptions of the information required in each.

This section includes the following topics:

Each file includes sample values for parameters that are updated by the installation program. These sample values are highlighted in bold.

Note: Some acronyms used in the config.xml and other files are a legacy from a previous release: the acronym WLC corresponds to B2B; WLPI corresponds to business process management (BPM); WLAI corresponds to application integration; and WLXT corresponds to data integration.



By default, the BEA WebLogic Integration installation sets up the domains described in WebLogic Integration Preconfigured Domains. The configuration for each domain is defined in eXtensible Markup Language (XML). Persistent storage for a domain configuration is provided by the config.xml file located in WLI_HOME/config/domain_name, where WLI_HOME is the directory under which WebLogic Integration is installed (typically BEA_HOME/wlintegration2.1).

This section presents and describes the contents of the WebLogic Integration domain config.xml file (config/wlidomain/config.xml).

You can view and modify the settings captured in config.xml through the WebLogic Server Administration Console. When you start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the server home page is displayed. Items listed in the navigation tree shown in the left pane, correspond to the elements and attributes defined in the config.xml file.

Note: You will need to edit the config.xml file directly when you are configuring a custom JMS queue or adding an EJB to the WLI application. For more information, see Configuring a Custom Java Message Service Queue or Adding an EJB to the WLI Application, respectively.

The root element of the config.xml file is Domain. The first entries in the domain are the domain log file and administrative server configurations, as shown in the following figure.

Figure A-1 config.xml File: Part 1


The Domain and Server elements and attributes define the basic configuration. The settings here are reflected in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For example, if you select myserver from the navigation tree in the console, the server page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

Figure A-2 WebLogic Server Administration Console Server Page


By selecting the appropriate tab on this page, you can update the listen port, log file name, log level and output, and other server configuration parameters. For help with any settings, click the question mark in the upper right corner to view the online help, or see the WebLogic Server documentation set at the following URL:

As shown in the following figure, the server element is followed by the specification of the Java Transaction API (JTA), security related information, the Mbean for the application manager, and the default Web application.

Figure A-3 config.xml File: Part 2


As shown in the following two figures, the next section deploys the EJBs and web applications required for the WebLogic Integration application. The deployment order is controlled by the DeploymentOrder setting. You can use this setting, as required, to control deployment order for your custom applications and EJBs.

Figure A-4 config.xml File: Part 3


Figure A-5 config.xml File: Part 4


As shown in the following figure, the next section of the config.xml file deploys the application integration DBMS sample adapter and the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Peregrine Power.Enterprise!. The arrow indicates the continuation of text that appears on a single line in the file.

Figure A-6 config.xml File: Part 5


You can view and update parameters for the applications, Web applications, and EJBs deployed by selecting Deployments from the WebLogic Server Administration Console navigation tree, then selecting the appropriate deployment type. The EJB deployments are shown in the following figure.

Figure A-7 Deployments


As shown in the following figure, the next section of the config.xml file includes the startup and shutdown classes for the B2B engine, process engine, and application integration. The arrows indicate the continuation of text that appears on a single line in the file.

Figure A-8 config.xml File: Part 6


As shown in the following figure, the next section of the config.xml file includes the JDBC connection pool information, transaction data sources, and the JMS connection factories used by BPM JMS clients to create JMS connections. The bold text indicates settings that are updated based on the information you provide during installation.

For information about updating the JDBC configuration, see Specifying a New Database for a Domain.

Figure A-9 config.xml File: Part 7


To optimize performance, the setting for the JMS JDBC store prefix name should be customized for your database. The syntax for a prefix name is [[catalog.]schema.]prefix].

To update the JMS store prefix name, choose Services—>JMS—>Stores—>JMSWLCStore. The JMSWLCStore page is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure A-10 JMS JDBC Store Page


As shown in the following figure, the next section of the config.xml file defines the JMS server and mail session properties for the BPM framework.

Figure A-11 config.xml File: Part 8


As shown in the following figure, the next section of the config.xml file includes the data sources, data stores, JMS server, and JMS connection factory used by application integration JMS clients to create JMS connections.

Figure A-12 config.xml File: Part 9


The last section of the file configures the mail session properties and sets up the RDBMS and caching security realms. The arrows indicate the continuation of text that appears on a single line in the file.

For information about configuring alternate security realms, see Understanding the BPM Security Model.

Figure A-13 config.xml File: Part 10




This executable file is used to set the environment variables for WebLogic Integration. A version of this file resides in the WebLogic Integration installation directory, and in the bin directory under the WebLogic Integration installation directory. This file is called by the startWeblogic command file and other command files provided with the WebLogic Integration distribution.

The beginning of the setEnv.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) file for the config/wlidomain domain is shown in the following figure. The values in bold are set during installation based on your installation location.

For additional information about this command and the environment variables set, see WebLogic Integration Commands.

Figure A-14 setEnv Command




This executable command file starts WebLogic Server. Using the content of the config.xml file, it deploys the WebLogic Integration applications and resources specified in the config.xmlfile for the domain. It is installed in each preconfigured domain directory.

The startWeblogic.cmd (Windows) or startWeblogic (UNIX) file for the config/wlidomain domain is shown in the following figure. The arrows indicate the continuation of a line that appears as a single line in the file.

Figure A-15 startWeblogic Command


The option in the java command that starts WebLogic Server provides the password. If this option is removed, you are prompted for a password. If you change the password, you must remove or update this option.

This properties file controls the User, Group, and ACL objects that are created when WebLogic Server is started.

The file for the config/wlidomain domain is shown in the following figure.

Figure A-16 File: Part 1


Figure A-17 File: Part 2

The file sets the global properties used by WebLogic Integration for application integration. The following table provides a description of each property.

Application Integration Properties


Specifies the (one or more) persistent application views to be deployed.



Specifies the J2EE CA connection factory deployment repository directory. This property is required.



Specifies the localhost server access information. These properties are required.



Specifies the administration server access information. These properties are required only if the localhost is a managed server.




Specifies the JMS connection factory JNDI name. This property is optional.



Specifies the JMS server name. This property is optional.



Specifies the JMS Asynchronous Service Transactions flag.


Specifies the number of asynchronous service request processors. This property is optional.



Forces garbage collection at the specified interval (in seconds). This property is optional.



Specifies the database repository to be used by application integration.



Specifies the logging level for the Log Manager. This property is optional.



The following figure shows a sample of the file that is included in the wlidomain domain.

Figure A-18 File



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