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XML Toolkit


The XML Toolkit provided with BEA WebLogic Integration's Adapter Development Kit helps you develop valid XML documents to transmit information from an EIS to the application on the other side of the adapter. It incorporates many of the operations required for XML manipulation into a single location, relieving you of these often tedious chores.

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Toolkit Packages

The XML Toolkit is comprised primarily of these two Java packages:

These packages are in the xmltoolkit.jar file, which is installed with the ADK when you install WebLogic Integration. They include complete Javadoc for each class, interface, and method. To see the Javadoc, go to:


Where WLI_HOME is the folder where WebLogic Integration is installed.




An IDocument is a container that combines the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) with an XPath interface to elements in an XML document. This combination makes IDocument objects queryable and updatable simply by using XPath strings. These strings eliminate the need to parse through an entire XML document to find specific information by allowing you to specify just the elements you want to query and return the values of those queries.

For example, The XML document shown in Listing B-1 describes a person named "Bob" and some of the details about "Bob."

Listing B-1 XML Example

<Person name="Bob">
<Home squareFeet="2000"/>
<Child name="Jimmy">
<Stats sex="male" hair="brown" eyes="blue"/>
<Child name="Susie">
<Stats sex="female" hair="blonde" eyes="brown"/>

Now, let's say you want to retrieve Jimmy's hair color from the <child> element. Were you to use DOM, you would need to use the code shown in Listing B-2:

Listing B-2 DOM Data Retrieval Code Sample

String strJimmysHairColor = null;
org.w3c.dom.Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
if (root.getTagName().equals("Person") && root.getAttribute("name").
equals("Bob") {
org.w3c.dom.NodeList list = root.getElementsByTagName("Family"); if
(list.getLength() > 0) {
org.w3c.dom.Element family = (org.w3c.dom.Element)list.item(0);
org.w3c.dom.NodeList childList = family.getElementsByTagName ("Child");
for (int i=0; i < childList.getLength(); i++) {
org.w3c.dom.Element child = childList.item(i);
if (child.getAttribute("name").equals("Jimmy")) {
org.w3c.dom.NodeList statsList = child.
if (statsList.getLength() > 0) {
org.w3c.dom.Element stats = statsList.item(0);
strJimmysHairColor = stats.getAttribute("hair");

However, by using IDocument, you can retrieve Jimmy's hair color by creating the XPath string that seeks exactly that information, as shown in Listing B-3:

Listing B-3 IDocument Data Retrieval Code Sample

System.out.println("Jimmy's hair color: " + person.getStringFrom
("//Person[@name=\"Bob\"] /Family/Child[@name=\"Jimmy\"]/Stats/@hair");

As you can see, by using IDocument, you can simplify the code necessary to query and find information in a document.


Schema Object Model (SOM)

SOM is an interface for programmatically building XML schemas. An adapter calls into an EIS for specific request/response metadata, which then needs to be programatically transformed into an XML schema. SOM is a set of tools that extracts and validates many of the common details—such as syntactical complexities of schema—so that you can focus on its more fundamental aspects.

How SOM Works

An XML schema is like a contract between the EIS and an application on the other side of the adapter. This contract specifies how data coming from the EIS must appear in order for the application to manipulate it. A document (that is, an XML-rendered collection of metadata from the EIS) is considered valid if it meets the rules specified in the schema, regardless of whether or not the document's XML is correct. For example, if a schema required a name to appear in a <name> element and that element required two child elements, <firstname> and <lastname>, to be valid the document from the EIS would have to appear in the form shown in Listing B-4 and the schema would have to appear as it does in Listing B-5.

Listing B-4 Document Example


Listing B-5 Schema Example

<element name="name">
<element name="firstname" />
<element name="lastname" />

No other form of <name></name>, for example:

<name>Joe Smith</name>

would be valid, even though the XML is correct.

Creating the Schema

You can create an XML schema programatically by using the classes and methods provided with SOM. The benefit to this tool is that you only need to populate the variables in the program components to tailor a schema for your needs. For example, the following code examples create a schema that validates a purchase order document. Listing B-6 sets up the schema and adds the necessary elements.

Listing B-6 Purchase Order Schema

import com.bea.schema.*;
import com.bea.schema.type.SOMType;
public class PurchaseOrder
public static void main(String[] args)
    public static SOMSchema getSchema()
SOMSchema po_schema = new SOMSchema();
    po_schema.addDocumentation("Purchase order schema for\nCopyright 2000\nAll rights
        SOMElement purchaseOrder =
        SOMElement comment = po_schema.addElement("comment");
        SOMComplexType usAddress =
        SOMSequence seq2 = usAddress.addSequence();
    // adding an  object to a SOMSchema defaults to type="string"
seq2.addElement("zip", SOMType.DECIMAL);

Attributes can be set in the same way that elements are created. Listing B-7 sets these attributes. To correctly set these attributes, you must maintain their addressibility.

Listing B-7 Setting the Attributes of Parent Attributes

SOMAttribute country_attr = usAddress.addAttribute("country",

Like complexTypes, simpleTypes can be added to the root of the schema. Listing B-8 shows how to do this.

Listing B-8 Adding simpleTypes to the Schema Root

SOMSimpleType skuType = po_schema.addSimpleType("SKU");
SOMRestriction skuRestrict = skuType.addRestriction
SOMComplexType poType =
poType.addAttribute("orderDate", SOMType.DATE);

The addSequence() method of a SOMComplexType object returns a SOMSequence reference, allowing you to modify the element that was added to the element. In this way, as shown in Listing B-9, objects are added to the schema.

Listing B-9 Implementing addSequence() to Modify an Element

SOMSequence poType_seq = poType.addSequence();
poType_seq.addElement("shipTo", usAddress);
poType_seq.addElement("billTo", usAddress);

Attributes of an element within a schema can be set by calling the setter methods of the SOMElement object. For example, Listing B-10 shows the implementation of setMinOccurs() and setMaxOccurs().

Listing B-10 Implementing setMinOccurs() and setMaxOccurs()

SOMElement commentRef = new SOMElement(comment);
SOMElement poType_items = poType_seq.addElement("items");
SOMComplexType itemType = po_schema.addComplexType("Items");
SOMSequence seq3 = itemType.addSequence();
SOMElement item = new SOMElement("item");
SOMComplexType t = new SOMComplexType();
SOMSequence seq4 = t.addSequence();
SOMElement quantity = seq4.addElement("quantity");
SOMSimpleType st = new SOMSimpleType();
SOMRestriction restrict =

In this example, the items element for PurchaseOrderType was created before Items type; therefore, you must create the reference and set the type once the Items type object is available by using the code shown in Listing B-11:

Listing B-11 Setting the Type Once the Items Type Object is Available


Finally, you need to add an element to the schema. Adding an element to a can be done either by implementing the addElement() method of SOMSequence or the add() method from a previously created SOMElement. Listing B-12 shows both of these methods.

Listing B-12 Adding an Element to the Schema

seq4.addElement("USPrice", SOMType.DECIMAL);
    SOMElement commentRef2 = new SOMElement(comment);
    SOMElement shipDate = new SOMElement("shipDate", SOMType.DATE);
t.addAttribute("partNum", skuType);
    return po_schema;  

The Resulting Schema

Execution of this code shown in Listing B-6 through Listing B-12 creates the schema shown in Listing B-13.

Listing B-13 XML Schema Definition Document

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE schema (View Source for full doctype...)>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
        <xsd:documentation>Purchase order schema for
Copyright 2000 All rights
    <xsd:simpleType name="SKU">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:pattern value="\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}" />
    <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrderType">
<xsd:element type="USAddress" name="shipTo" />
<xsd:element type="USAddress" name="billTo" />
<xsd:element ref="comment" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element type="Items" name="items" />
        <xsd:attribute name="orderDate" type="xsd:date" />
    <xsd:complexType name="Items">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="item"
<xsd:element type="xsd:string"
<xsd:element name="quantity">
<xsd:restriction base=
<xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>
<xsd:element type="xsd:decimal" name=
"USPrice" />
<xsd:element ref="comment"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element type="xsd:date"
name="shipDate" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="partNum" type="SKU" />
  <xsd:complexType name="USAddress">
<xsd:element type="xsd:string" name="name" />
<xsd:element type="xsd:string" name="street" />
<xsd:element type="xsd:string" name="city" />
<xsd:element type="xsd:string" name="state" />
<xsd:element type="xsd:number" name="zip" />
    <xsd:attribute name="country" use="fixed" value="US"
type="xsd:NMTOKEN" />
<xsd:element type="PurchaseOrderType" name="purchaseOrder" />
<xsd:element type="xsd:string" name="comment" />

Validating an XML Document

The schema shown in Listing B-13 is then used to validate a document sent from the EIS. For example, the document described in Listing B-14 passes schema validation based upon the schema we just created.

Listing B-14 Validated XML Document

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE PurchaseOrder (View Source for full doctype...)>
<purchaseOrder orderDate="1/14/00">
<shipTo Country="US">
<name>Bob Jones</name>
<street>1000 S. 1st Street</street>
<billTo Country="US">
<name>Bob Jones</name>
<street>1000 S. 1st Street</street>
<item partNum="123-AA">
<comment>Only shipped 10</comment>
<item partNum="123-BB">

How the Document is Validated

SOM can be used to validate XML DOM documents by using the SOMSchema method isValid(). SOMElement has a corresponding isValid() method for validating an element instead of the DOM document. The isValid() method determines if document or element is valid, and if not, compiles a list of the errors. If the document is valid, isValid() returns true and the list of errors is empty.

Implementing isValid()

Listing B-15 shows two ways to implement isValid(). Refer to the Javadoc for isValid() for complete API information. Go to:


Listing B-15 Examples of isValid() Implementation

public boolean isValid(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, 
java.util.List errorList)
public boolean isValid(IDocument doc,
List errorList)

The parameters in Listing B-14 are:

isValid() returns a boolean value of true if the document is valid with respect to this schema. If the document is not valid with respect to the schema, isValid() returns false and the errorList is populated.

errorList is a java.util.List for reporting errors found in the document, doc. The error list is cleared before validating the document. Therefore, the list implementation used must support the clear() method. If isValid() returns false, the error list is populated with a list of errors found during the validation procedure. The items in the list are instances of the class com.bea.schema.SOMValidationException. If isValid() returns true, errorList is empty.

isValid() Sample Implementation

Listing B-16 shows an example of an isValid() implementation.

Listing B-16 Sample Code Implementing isValid()

SOMSchema schema = ...;
IDocument doc = DocumentFactory.createDocument(new FileReader(f));
java.util.LinkedList errorList = new java.util.LinkedList();
boolean valid = schema.isValid(doc, errorList);...
if (! valid){
System.out.println("Document was invalid. Errors were:");
for (Iterator i = errorList.iterator; i.hasNext();)


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