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Messaging Applications



Developing XOCP Applications to Exchange Business Messages


Key Concepts

XOCP Applications

XOCP Application Sessions

Messaging API Class Library

XOCP Business Messages and Message Envelopes

Diagram of an XOCP Business Message

Components of an XOCP Business Message

Information Flow for Message Envelopes

Conversation Initiators and Participants

Conversation Coordinators

Global Conversation Coordinator

Local Conversation Coordinators

Trading Partner States

Secure Messaging

Key Tasks for XOCP Applications

Creating an XOCP Application Session

Registering for a Role in a Conversation

Engaging in Conversations with Trading Partners

Initiating a Conversation and Sending a Business Message

Participating in a Conversation

Leaving a Conversation

Terminating Conversations

Shutting Down an XOCP Application Session

Run-Time Information Flow

Information Flow Diagram

Steps in the Information Flow


Programming Steps for XOCP Applications

Step 1: Import Packages

Step 2: Implement the MessageListener Interface

Step 3: Create an XOCP Application Session

Step 4: Create and Register a Message Listener

Step 5: Initiate or Participate in a Conversation

Step 6: Exchange Business Messages

Step 7: End the Conversation

Participant Leaves a Conversation

Initiator Terminates a Conversation

Step 8: Shut Down the XOCP Application Session


Sending XOCP Business Messages

Step 1: Create the Business Message

Importing the Required Packages

Creating Payload Parts

Creating XML Documents

Creating Attachments

Creating the XOCP Business Message and Adding Payload Parts

Step 2: Specify the Recipients of the Business Message (Optional)

Specifying a Particular Trading Partner

Using XPath Expressions to Specify Message Recipient Criteria

Specifying Standard Trading Partner Attributes

Specifying an XOCP XPath Expression Using Extended Properties

Step 3: Specify the Quality of Service for Message Delivery

Automatic Quality of Service Features

QualityOfService Class

Quality of Service Settings, Options, and Default Values

Code Example

Setting the Message Delivery Confirmation Level

Setting the Message Timeout

Timeout Algorithm

Setting the Number of Delivery Retry Attempts

Setting the Correlation ID for a Business Message

Step 4: Send the XOCP Business Message

Synchronous Message Delivery

Deferred Synchronous Message Delivery

Step 5: Check the Delivery Status of the Business Message

Message Tokens

Delivery Status Tracking

Message Tracking Locations

Diagram of Message Tracking Locations

Description of Message Tracking Locations


Receiving XOCP Business Messages

How XOCP Business Messages Are Received

Receiving an XOCP Business Message


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